Gilenya Cuts in Fall 2014

Nope, go back to Biogen board. No cuts coming. You guys have what? 3 reps in a territory on average the fifth size of ours? Look at what happened to Genzyme. Get back to your POD loser! By the way watch for new Gilenya indications this Fall.


Gilenya market share is HORRIBLE for the 1st oral MS drug

Biogen has 3 MS products that are successful

Novartis lacks respect with the KOLs

The Gilenya launch was a disaster

The Primary care management style has not worked

Possible new indications do not lead to success to a product that is a hassle to prescribe


Gilenya market share is HORRIBLE for the 1st oral MS drug

Biogen has 3 MS products that are successful

Novartis lacks respect with the KOLs

The Gilenya launch was a disaster

The Primary care management style has not worked

Possible new indications do not lead to success to a product that is a hassle to prescribe

All true and all perfect examples of why cuts are looming in the fall of 2014. I'm in Nj at HQ and this is hot rumor.

Shouldn't Dagmar and Sandy be first ones to go?

Of course but anyone who has worked here knows there is never accountability At the top here. Ball always rolls down hill here and the people in charge who planned poorly always land a new job within Novartis. Blue print has been set for MS. Work on plan B now.

At NVS it's not a matter of if but when. Recent trends here don't look foot do field force retention. NVS has an extremely poor history in recent years of poorly launching products. A product life cycle is short enough today and can't recover from this trend. Field force always pays the price for mgmt mistakes. Gilenya fits right into this pattern and will alwAys be second fiddle on the market. First step will be not filling vacancies. Then the cuts will come. Plan B is always wise at NVS. Never let your guard down.

At NVS it's not a matter of if but when. Recent trends here don't look foot do field force retention. NVS has an extremely poor history in recent years of poorly launching products. A product life cycle is short enough today and can't recover from this trend. Field force always pays the price for mgmt mistakes. Gilenya fits right into this pattern and will alwAys be second fiddle on the market. First step will be not filling vacancies. Then the cuts will come. Plan B is always wise at NVS. Never let your guard down.

Well said. Looking at Novartis past history ant how they have failed to turn good products into gold is only thing that matters here. Incompetent mgmt and poor leadership is the root of all failures here which rolls the ball down hill and there you have lay offs. MS is no different. Trust me watch and see.

Ok either you nimrods are all independently wealthy or just plain suicidal. Why are you wishing for MS to cuts it's already small salesforce in half? And for those with a brain why the f$&@ would NVS do that in the eve of 2 new indications with over 2 billion in potential?

Simple answer as to why NVS would cut reps...because to Novartis 2.1 billion is way better than 2 billion and that is what it is all about.

It's a novel idea that some here seem to struggle with. Remove the rock that you live under and pay attention to reality of the company that you work for. The ole my division is safe thought process is the kiss of death here.

Been in industry a long time with multiple global corps, launched multiple products. Gilenya launch one of the worst ever considering the product potential. no fault of the reps. Gross lack of understanding of physician / patient priorities; waited way too long to appeal to MS patients to drive demand; all patient education materials have been and continue to be horrible and so unbalanced that potential patients are scared away needlessly; etc. etc. But the scapegoat will be field sales. You can see it coming if you are paying attention. Sorry so gloomy but trying to keep it real.

Been in industry a long time with multiple global corps, launched multiple products. Gilenya launch one of the worst ever considering the product potential. no fault of the reps. Gross lack of understanding of physician / patient priorities; waited way too long to appeal to MS patients to drive demand; all patient education materials have been and continue to be horrible and so unbalanced that potential patients are scared away needlessly; etc. etc. But the scapegoat will be field sales. You can see it coming if you are paying attention. Sorry so gloomy but trying to keep it real.

I love the Biogen story how they laughed and laughed at one of their meeting because we launched our pill on the tongue patient campaign when they were launching Tecfidera. They received free advertising on Novartis dollar. KHS must have been so embarrassed at this story.

If Biogen had launched Gilenya it would have over 20% market share by now. It's a good product, just completely mishandled. First oral agent for a patient population that was begging for a pill, yet launched with direction from product team not to mention that it's a pill!? Most convenient dosing regimen but don't mention convenience. Rare office that can do FDO themselves but wait months before supplying any outside FDO site, instead expect that each office will create a solution because of their strong conviction in Gilenya efficacy, regardless of whether they have the room or staff to handle it. Wow...Saying more would just be piling on.

If Biogen had launched Gilenya it would have over 20% market share by now. It's a good product, just completely mishandled. First oral agent for a patient population that was begging for a pill, yet launched with direction from product team not to mention that it's a pill!? Most convenient dosing regimen but don't mention convenience. Rare office that can do FDO themselves but wait months before supplying any outside FDO site, instead expect that each office will create a solution because of their strong conviction in Gilenya efficacy, regardless of whether they have the room or staff to handle it. Wow...Saying more would just be piling on.

I Forgot about some of those mistakes. Don't call it a pill. Isn't that it's top selling point?The FDO fiasco proved management was outmatched and came from primary care background. My favorite was just get SRFs don't worry about pull through. How many physicians still talk about those patients where it took 4 -6 months to get on drug if they were started at all. 3 1/2 years later and 10% market share. Embarrassing