Geoff needs to go

Time to replace this loser with someone actually qualified to be CEO of a premier medical decor company.
Could not agree more. I like Geoff but he was, and is, no where near ready to be a CEO of a company as big and prestigious as Medtronic. He was a loyal soldier to Omar, but that doesn’t make him the right person. We need a big time medtech CEO.

Could not agree more. I like Geoff but he was, and is, no where near ready to be a CEO of a company as big and prestigious as Medtronic. He was a loyal soldier to Omar, but that doesn’t make him the right person. We need a big time medtech CEO.

You need a big time brain check. You don’t know Geoff.

How is MedSurg stil even a portfolio. Whats going to be left. ASI and Hugo? When do we admit Geoff's big Covidien deal has turned into a bust? Well more than half has been sold off once PM and RI are gone. What a joke.
Very true, MDT is so panicked, they rolling back to the core product lines. bye bye LCOV

Hey! How can med device be sold to any hospital right now?
Hospitals are full of sick kids and old people with covid- usa, canada, europe, japan, china shut down…
Until the healthcare worker shortage is addressed in the USA- don’t expect MDT stock to go up.
And- no one is working on the 2,000,000 healthcare worker shortage in the usa- let alone shortages in other countries.
Diabetes pumps and pacemakers will be in demand due to sarscov2- but that’s it. Keeping people alive is the goal- forget quality of life.

Hey! How can med device be sold to any hospital right now?
Hospitals are full of sick kids and old people with covid- usa, canada, europe, japan, china shut down…
Until the healthcare worker shortage is addressed in the USA- don’t expect MDT stock to go up.
And- no one is working on the 2,000,000 healthcare worker shortage in the usa- let alone shortages in other countries.
Diabetes pumps and pacemakers will be in demand due to sarscov2- but that’s it. Keeping people alive is the goal- forget quality of life.

WTF are you even talking about and how many quaaludes did you take today? Are you watching CNN reruns from Apr 2020??

Hey! How can med device be sold to any hospital right now?
Hospitals are full of sick kids and old people with covid- usa, canada, europe, japan, china shut down…
Until the healthcare worker shortage is addressed in the USA- don’t expect MDT stock to go up.
And- no one is working on the 2,000,000 healthcare worker shortage in the usa- let alone shortages in other countries.
Diabetes pumps and pacemakers will be in demand due to sarscov2- but that’s it. Keeping people alive is the goal- forget quality of life.

Hey! How can med device be sold to any hospital right now?
Hospitals are full of sick kids and old people with covid- usa, canada, europe, japan, china shut down…
Until the healthcare worker shortage is addressed in the USA- don’t expect MDT stock to go up.
And- no one is working on the 2,000,000 healthcare worker shortage in the usa- let alone shortages in other countries.
Diabetes pumps and pacemakers will be in demand due to sarscov2- but that’s it. Keeping people alive is the goal- forget quality of life.

Yes, what is this peraon talking about. The PR team is now saying its all the fault of everyrhing but the company performance. The outside world is why Hugo doesnt work, we have warning letters, RDN is being marketed as the best thing. Lipstick on a

Yes, what is this peraon talking about. The PR team is now saying its all the fault of everyrhing but the company performance. The outside world is why Hugo doesnt work, we have warning letters, RDN is being marketed as the best thing. Lipstick on a

I used to be a Geoff supporter because early on he seemed to make some tough but good decisions. Now I wonder how many of those were carry over from Omar. its clear he is struggling and I think hes going to burn down a lot of people to protect himself until things get better. he will eventually run out of other people to blame.

I used to be a Geoff supporter because early on he seemed to make some tough but good decisions. Now I wonder how many of those were carry over from Omar. its clear he is struggling and I think hes going to burn down a lot of people to protect himself until things get better. he will eventually run out of other people to blame.

Geoff was always all polish with no substance. Hockey metaphors are his go to. I think that the board will boot him out next year, bring Omar back as interim while they search for or prep a new internal ceo. But no one internal is that great…

Geoff was always all polish with no substance. Hockey metaphors are his go to. I think that the board will boot him out next year, bring Omar back as interim while they search for or prep a new internal ceo. But no one internal is that great…

Everyone agrees that Mr. Plastic Fantastic needs to take a hike.. should we wait until the stock hits 50 before hitting the eject button? Just go already..

I think most of wanted to like him. Young and energetic and normal. I think it is clear that he is not capable enough to run this company and that he is all fluff and no substance. Things here are getting nastier and I think we will see a lot of people leaving soon. Tired of the BS. I am committed and want to see us turn this thing around but I believe it will take new leadership.