Geoff needs to go

None of the Geoff supporters (likely his PR or HR team) can point to an accomplishment that has actually resulted in creating greater value for the company. Reorg, be mind sets, DI, are all things he did —but the fact is none of them are working. We are getting our asses kicked and it’s going to get worse.

We needed a seasoned CEO for this company. Not Omar’s Boy Wonder.

Don't work there but I'm an unfortunate stockholder. Not even sure what this company sells, all the press releases are about infertility treatments for employees, product recalls and clinical results that are pretty mixed.

And now the company is shilling the debunked legend of Canadian First Nation hMass Graves ---

Medtronic Employee Finds New Take on Volunteering

Ooh indigenous Canada course discussion sign me up!!!

Does anyone see this getting any better? Are you happy where we are?