Geoff needs to go

Big Medical is the worst thing to happen to Americans and healthcare. Unaffordable and doesn’t work despite claiming to have the best outcomes. Americans die at the youngest age compared to any other developed nation yet spend the most on expensive technologies and treatments. But a very politicians and investors get very wealthy off it all.

how many times is he going to trot out the op model as the answer to all our problems all the while waving his hands over diabetes and supply chain and ardian,,,, the street is done hearing about the org chart,

Aren't you paying attention? This time he Eliminated Group and Region structures. You probably can't count how many times a doc has told you "the problem with Medtronic is the Group and Region structures."

And he hired a bunch of outsiders with experience from Keurig and Walmart and Iron Mountain (paper document storage). Don't you shop at Walmart and buy K-cups?

Why are people so stupid and can't see the brilliance of Geoff's organization?

Aren't you paying attention? This time he Eliminated Group and Region structures. You probably can't count how many times a doc has told you "the problem with Medtronic is the Group and Region structures."

And he hired a bunch of outsiders with experience from Keurig and Walmart and Iron Mountain (paper document storage). Don't you shop at Walmart and buy K-cups?

Why are people so stupid and can't see the brilliance of Geoff's organization?

You think your sarcasm is so witty. Didnt you see the stock is UP to almost above 80 today

You people are nuts. The stock is about to take off based on the bottom line savings of not reimbursing the internet expense of employees! Fiscal genius!

So very true. This is where the rank and file are obviously not seeing the inherent genius of Geoff. By having employees pay for their own internet, he drives both motivation & desire to work harder, faster, and most efficiently by feverishly hustling within the confines of their paltry dial-up data plan.

Ladies and gentlemen, behold....I. AM. GEOFF.

There are no rationale arguments in these boards to support that Geoff is doing a great job leading us other the than the arguments that he was the recipient of some award we paid to get.

he is promoting people who are not deserving of it and they love him for that —who wouldn’t?

We are getting crushed in the market by investors who any results not just a pat on the back.

time to get rid of this loser

if you disagree —please state facts that are helping us achieve our growth goals