Geoff needs to go

Medtronic has lost its vision - Geoff Martha is trying to become the most “WOKE” CEO in the country. When you tell the employees that it’s his goal to have 75% of management consist of women and people of color, you’ve lost the vision of the Medtronic Mission! It’s a shame he’s driven this company so far down it’s going to be hard to recover .

It won’t recover.. it’ll just be different and after an awhile no one will know the difference.. only the ones who remember and eventually they’ll move on.

Medtronic stock price has underperformed JNJ, ABT and BSX by 40% over the last 2 years since Geoff took over, but hey, at least we are DivERSe! Who needs results as long as we win hearts!!!!!!!!

Best in class to mediocre in under 3 years. Welcome to Walmart!

Laying off 1000's can help meet their Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi): Is the lead partner of the Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign - an urgent call to action from a global coalition of UN agencies and business and industry leaders, mobilizing companies to set net-zero science-based targets consistent with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C

Shareholders, patients and employees --- <yawn>

How Geoff is not out by now borders on illegal. Don’t the board of directors have a fiduciary responsibility to the shareholders? I mean good grief, how much more do you have to screw up to get fired?

It’s really sad how Geoff always blames “old timers” for any problems we face today and trumpets the “new leaders” he’s hiring as the answer. In reality the wheels really started coming off after he bought Covidien and his new leadership team mostly can’t spell “mission”. We’re left to watch colleagues go off to success at other companies while we go through what’s becoming permanent austerity mode.

Geoff is the least self- aware Leader I’ve ever seen in action. Wonder how he’ll spin the stock drop at the town hall to boost himself and denigrate us. Maybe “the street likes MY strategy but there not sure YOU can deliver”….

It’s really sad how Geoff always blames “old timers” for any problems we face today and trumpets the “new leaders” he’s hiring as the answer. In reality the wheels really started coming off after he bought Covidien and his new leadership team mostly can’t spell “mission”. We’re left to watch colleagues go off to success at other companies while we go through what’s becoming permanent austerity mode.

Geoff is the least self- aware Leader I’ve ever seen in action. Wonder how he’ll spin the stock drop at the town hall to boost himself and denigrate us. Maybe “the street likes MY strategy but there not sure YOU can deliver”….

Sometimes the stock will be oversold on bad news and then other investors seeing an opportunity jump in and buy and the price begins to rebound.

Other times the sell off is followed by even more drop as people price in the bad news and adjust their models. We’ve seen such a big drop here in day 2 after earnings it’s clear the street doesn’t believe Geoff because if they did we’d have a reasonable multiple and our stock would be $20 higher on the same financial outlook….. what a disaster. At this point, news of his departure would be worth $10 bump easily.