Galderma is toxic

Hire an attorney and file a class action lawsuit. These f-Kees need to be reminded of the Nuremberg trials and that shit ain’t working anymore. Americans are waking up with pitchforks ready. Corporate ASs-oles and politicians take note. Your killer jabs belong up your ass

Hire an attorney and file a class action lawsuit. These f-Kees need to be reminded of the Nuremberg trials and that shit ain’t working anymore. Americans are waking up with pitchforks ready. Corporate ASs-oles and politicians take note. Your killer jabs belong up your ass
You get a fake degree or something. You sound home schooled. Resign loser.

I’ve been wondering about this topic. Can Galderma force us to get it? Will accounts require you to “show your papers” before you start in person visits again. We are in uncharted water. I can say that MRNA poison will never enter my body.

I think the point is that working for a pharmaceutical company and earning a six figure salary implies that intellectually speaking, one should be smarter than a grocery store clerk,, not a better person, just smarter in science related matters which is what the vaccine is all about, science. And yes it is your right not to get vaccinated but please don't say the vaccine is poison as it has saved lots of folks heartbreak and misery.

That is the stupidest thing to believe. Trust your doctor, they are the expert. Maybe for a fool with a communications degree. The smart people know much better than that. Culling the herd is probably needed to help with low IQ Sheep.

Let’s get the lawsuits going to teach these bad Corp players a lesson. They are starting all over. Keep emails and not all dates times and specific conversations when/if your company or manager tries to intimidate. Lawyers are coming and will take full action and show us how way off these bad people running companies are. Make em pay. Get rich.

If you have had COVID it is not recommended to run out and get the vax quickly. Natural antibodies put you in a much better and stronger position to fight off COVID or another strain the next time around.

Keep every email. Note date and time and specific statements by your manager. Your lawyer will apppreciate it and it will make it much easier to win a large settlement. All corporate leaders and managers who falsely believe they have the right or leverage to intimidate or threaten your employment with this Experimental injection will lose their earnings, crater their stocks, and forfeit their 401ks. Take copious notes.

As a privately held company, Galderma can require its employees to be vaccinated before returning. They can also require a vaccine passport if they choose. More to come.

As a privately held company, there is no greater satisfaction than a class action lawsuit to suck profits off on a giant settlement and legal s fees for Forco g American fucking citizens to get an Experimental MRNA gene decoding jab that messes you up in your remain few years on this planet.

As a privately held company, there is no greater satisfaction than a class action lawsuit to suck profits off on a giant settlement and legal s fees for Forco g American fucking citizens to get an Experimental MRNA gene decoding jab that messes you up in your remain few years on this planet.
Someone as ignorant as you has no right to be interacting with medical professionals. Resign.

I’m however not sure it would be legal to force people to get a vaccine.
I would think, that in the future, offices may start requiring registration through credentialing companies and you will have sign in to visit facility. That way everyone has been vetted and has met requirements.