Galderma is toxic

As any qualified professional would tell you Fleming has a personality disorder which includes narcissism, sadism, paranoia and histrionic features. This is the root cause of Galderma’s toxic culture.
Only the weakest people remain there - and they’re akin to those suffering from Stockholm Syndrome:eek:

The Rx business is pulling down the entire company and the issue is not with the folks leaving it is that there are no new products in the pipeline that are any better than what we are selling now. I would expect the departures to continue at a rapid pace in the weeks ahead.

Nothing new in the Ax business either. We have been selling the same old Restylane for years. Dysport is no even ours... Cetaphil suffers from chronic underinvestment and is under attack from CeraVe.
All 3 businesses have massive challenges, the biggest one being NO innovation.

Nothing new in the Ax business either. We have been selling the same old Restylane for years. Dysport is no even ours... Cetaphil suffers from chronic underinvestment and is under attack from CeraVe.
All 3 businesses have massive challenges, the biggest one being NO innovation.
Plenty of innovation on derm. Just not here :(

Folks feel like global did not keep their end of the deal as we delivered the sales but they did not deliver the innovation. Acne and Rosacea is old news and we missed the boat. That is the reason why folks are jumping overboard.

Folks feel like global did not keep their end of the deal as we delivered the sales but they did not deliver the innovation. Acne and Rosacea is old news and we missed the boat. That is the reason why folks are jumping overboard.
What did you expect? Nothing new has come our way in years and the pipeline is desperately empty. Folks are leaving because there is no future here.

Hard to believe new ownership has not done more to right the ship - why purchase something to watch it sink?
We are all wondering what the plan is and why the current situation is tolerated. Galderma is sinking. There seems to be no interest from our owners to save the business. Our “leaders” are driving the company into the ground.

Most of my coworkers are mentally depressed or have anxiety. This place has become unbearable. Our mental and physical health depend on getting out of this toxic environment.

DanC call with sales force should have him wondering about the disconnect. Area Directors do not pass information up chain of command. Employees are reprimanded and accused of “being negative” upon hearing of any concern from sales. Area directors egos are toxic. They’re looking out for themselves. No rocking the boat.

I have never worked with more dishonest, mediocre, insecure people in my life than at Galderma. When dishonesty goes all the way to the top, it is an ingrained problem. Can’t get out of this company fast enough. I knew one month in that I had made a huge mistake.

From what I can see, the longterm future of Galderma is bleak. Doesn't matter which division you are in. Rx has a ton of competition with better players right around the corner. Consumer stands no chance against J&J or L’Oreal. Ax is a complete mess. The duopole running this business are real no-talents. No way is this company going to survive.