Maybe some of that but that is anecdotal. That didn't make B+L a non-viable company. Look at the data, the financial reports, S1 filing. You may be bitter over hirings that you perceived to be unnecessary but start doing the math. Do you know how many people it takes to come up with $900M in savings.
B+L was structured to be an independent company relying primarily on organic growth. Remember the strategy? Instead it was rolled into Valeant who does not believe in organic growth and doesn't need the independent company structure. So who is better of now? You, other employees, customers, our communities, the IRS? None of the above. Only WP, Valeant shareholders, and most of all Valeant's top execs.
You can blame bloated ranks if you'd like but that was a small part of the synergies.
Ok, ok, enough already! You got cut. We're sorry. We have all read your posts and articles about Valeant. So what? What do you want us to do? What is your point?
*We have some options- we can all jump ship today and run for the hills (sounds like what you want us to do) job or no job to go to.
*We can sit around and be afraid and negative about everything (your other preference)
*We can be aware and prepared. Maybe even interview and actively look for other employment.
*We can be aware and prepared for lay offs should they or when they come our way
*We can go forward and not worry about it
*We can ignore it all-the whole industry's current environment
*We can close it all off-close down the "smarts factory"
Sounds like all of us but you are choosing to go with option 3 or 4...we are aware. Some are proactively looking to leave, others are taking a wait & see attitude. Nothing wrong with either, and in fact, in my opinion, the most REASONABLE.
So, I'd really like to know what you are trying to accomplish with all these posts about the down side of Valeant?
None of it is affecting us in our current day to day work environment, unless you are taking #2 and fretting your days away.
I, for one, am going with option #4 until I see signs that I need to move it up to option #3. I am choosing this option fully aware of the situation. I am also choosing to be very positive in my outlook and daily living because the negativity is very unhealthy. When living with such unreasonable fear and stress there are many not-so-good things that can happen to your body, including, but not limited to: decrease in volume of hair (hair loss), wrinkles and other skin issues such as acne, weight loss or weight gain(I'm a stress eater and don't need another extra 20lbs!), constitution issues-yep constipation and/or diahrea, and depression-this world is depressing enough without adding more!
Okay, I'll stop now and wait for you to explain yor point and what we are all supposed to do. I figure you are just releasing your anger by attacking Valeant...keeping yourself in a knot and creating stress and negativity that none of us needs or wants.
Go take a brisk walk, kick in your endorphins and be positive. Work on getting a new job. I see Allergan is hiring! Maybe some new scenery would do you good!