Well of course, you're in sales. The untouchables. Contact some of your non-sales peers (you know, the positions that require an education and skills) and see how they feel. Vast majority are with me.
Enjoy your financial benefits until that next big, highly leveraged, acquisition that they're already talking about. And if it's in eye health, start looking over your shoulder all over again. Think about it, Valeant has one true skill, one true product and that's synergy.
One thing I agree with you is that it's a new company and a new environment and like hundreds of others who've developed and built the products you sell, I'm out. I only wish I could get your opinions again in 6 months.
Whoa...hold on there. No need to sling mud and get personal with attacks on sales people. I, as all of my peers, am required to have at least a college education. Most pharma companies look for science majors who finish in the top half of the class. I have a masters. Chemistry is my forte.
I have been laid off several times and most recently was unemployed for a good while before being hired at B & L. I am a producer. But I am also aware that this is a TEAM, meaning none of us exists without the other. We all have skills that make the wheels turn.
At my previous company I got special permission to put the product developers-scientists on the road to speak. When I came up for training, I was the only new hire to cross the hall to find an old research guy--that I knew.
Because we sales reps have short lives with pharma companies, we see the same things from company to company. These issues are not new or unique to Valeant. We are used to the lay off games that pharma corporations have been making for years. A d we deal with other dynamics too. I'm over 40-rarely do you see pharma companies hiring us-cause we my be experienced and great at what we do, but we're not young & perky/flirty anymore.
Ok, enough of that dribble...
I'm sorry you lost your job. I know you are hurt, angry, and more. I was
laid off recently and was out of work for a year. Look across the country. This is what has happened to our country, not just Valeant.
I agree, I may get laid off again. I may see others laid off. Same thing I've seen everywhere-with almost every pharma company. Why would you expect Valeant to be different?
I am not naive to the company or what might happen down the road. But please understand it can happen anywhere-with any company. I will continue to work hard and make my mark so if/when it happens I can take my experience and move to another job. That's what I did last time and it brought me here.
I encourage everyone to prepare themselves financially for lay offs. This economy is not generous nor kind...and its not over.
Coming from someone who was laid off-I know how you feel and what you are going through. It's easy to be angry, but don't! Seriously, it will keep you back-keep you from moving on. I promise you (from experience) staying on this board and posting negative comments is only hurting you and your emotional healing. Although you may think you are helping the rest of us by warning us-we already know. If you will find something positive to fill your time, it will help-I volunteered with needy children. Start healing.