Future Bleak

The point I (and maybe the other poster) am trying to make is very clear: you don't like it. You are unhappy. Why keep putting all the negativity out here? You should resign. In fact, do it today! You are so terribly in hate with this company and so against how they do business, how could you prostitute yourself one more day?

Move on. Stop spreading the hate and stirring it up- dragging everyone else down. Resign and go find something you love!

In the meantime, chill with all the negativity! We like it here!

Because we care very much about B+L, its people, customers and products. We don't give a damn about Valeant's market cap.

Easy solution for you, don't read it.



'I love watching the dead wood and moaners leave'
That would be the people who created a growth for B+L in the last few years by knowing how to make B+L grow whilst also looking after customers and staff as well as shareholders.
The real talent has gone and you start to see the growth slowing or stopping altogether, and you can see that in the slowing organic growth of all valeant acquisitions as per yesterdays article.
They take the head off companies they acquire and expect them to keep growing...!!
You stay in your shell of a company and be so happy that all the talent left...maybe you might even get a promotion...

'I love watching the dead wood and moaners leave'
That would be the people who created a growth for B+L in the last few years by knowing how to make B+L grow whilst also looking after customers and staff as well as shareholders.
The real talent has gone and you start to see the growth slowing or stopping altogether, and you can see that in the slowing organic growth of all valeant acquisitions as per yesterdays article.
They take the head off companies they acquire and expect them to keep growing...!!
You stay in your shell of a company and be so happy that all the talent left...maybe you might even get a promotion...


“Nothing kills creativity so well as a big dose of negativity.”
― Stella Payton

Please stop whining ! Stay and be positive, or leave to try something new that you are excited about and we'll be happy for you.

The Jerry Maguire moral epiphanies are getting old.

“Nothing kills creativity so well as a big dose of negativity.”
― Stella Payton

Please stop whining ! Stay and be positive, or leave to try something new that you are excited about and we'll be happy for you.

The Jerry Maguire moral epiphanies are getting old.

First of all the quote is idiotic since there is no context. Were pre-revolutionary war leaders "complaining" when they voiced their opinions and discontent with the British? What's killing creativity is stripping the organization of every penny and creating an environment of fear. What's killing creativity is the fact that employees are thinking a week or a month at a time because any longer than that is uncertainty. What's killing creativity is the absolute absence of communication or direction setting by the "leaders" of this company.

Your Pollyanna outlook is based on denial, not reality. You are as expendable and as unimportant to them as the thousands of others who've been tossed on the street. You are not an asset worthy of investment, you are a synergy opportunity. Your job brings the almighty shareholder value only through its elimination.

If you don't like what your reading, then stop reading! This is a bulletin board where we can express our concerns without worrying about the dark hand of Valeant.

"Sometimes complaining is warranted" --- anonymous.

First of all the quote is idiotic since there is no context. Were pre-revolutionary war leaders "complaining" when they voiced their opinions and discontent with the British? What's killing creativity is stripping the organization of every penny and creating an environment of fear. What's killing creativity is the fact that employees are thinking a week or a month at a time because any longer than that is uncertainty. What's killing creativity is the absolute absence of communication or direction setting by the "leaders" of this company.

Your Pollyanna outlook is based on denial, not reality. You are as expendable and as unimportant to them as the thousands of others who've been tossed on the street. You are not an asset worthy of investment, you are a synergy opportunity. Your job brings the almighty shareholder value only through its elimination.

If you don't like what your reading, then stop reading! This is a bulletin board where we can express our concerns without worrying about the dark hand of Valeant.

"Sometimes complaining is warranted" --- anonymous.

You really need to find something to do with your time...and your life. There is no environment of fear- you are trying so desperatly to create one. What a shame that you can not move on.


We are all sick of you and GLAD you are gone!

One negative trouble stirring angry person who can not get over losing their job. Sad. Get some professional help. You need it-badly. Everyone else has dealt with it but you. Valeant is not the problem. Its you. Look around. You are the only one. Seriously, you may really need professional assistance with your issues. This is not normal.

Your company bailed. You lost your job. Life goes on. No one wants to hear it. There are a lot of people posting here for you to get over it. Realize you have a problem.

Call a hotline. Talk to your preacher. Make a visit to a psychologist. But stop tying to take everyone else down with you.

'I love watching the dead wood and moaners leave'
That would be the people who created a growth for B+L in the last few years by knowing how to make B+L grow whilst also looking after customers and staff as well as shareholders.
The real talent has gone and you start to see the growth slowing or stopping altogether, and you can see that in the slowing organic growth of all valeant acquisitions as per yesterdays article.
They take the head off companies they acquire and expect them to keep growing...!!
You stay in your shell of a company and be so happy that all the talent left...maybe you might even get a promotion...

Time to put the bottle up, dude


LOL Correct. Because B+L has been losing market share since the 1990s with numerous crises. Warburg could buy and sell it . Now Valeant.

Be honest, Bausch had a LOT of problems BEFORE these guys rolled in. We may not like how they do things, but something needed to change to make this business shape up.

What are peoples views about B+L as a company BEFORE Warburg or Valeant ??? I'd love to hear it. This site did not have so much traffic in those days. Where was the righteous anger during MoistureLoc recall / underwhelming Purevision relaunch / Restating accounts to SEC ???

A discussion about the Valeant "model" is valid. "Bleak future" for the company is a matter of opinion. For sure unless YOU are in a role delivering value your future is bleak.

One negative trouble stirring angry person who can not get over losing their job. Sad. Get some professional help. You need it-badly. Everyone else has dealt with it but you. Valeant is not the problem. Its you. Look around. You are the only one. Seriously, you may really need professional assistance with your issues. This is not normal.

Your company bailed. You lost your job. Life goes on. No one wants to hear it. There are a lot of people posting here for you to get over it. Realize you have a problem.

Call a hotline. Talk to your preacher. Make a visit to a psychologist. But stop tying to take everyone else down with you.

Ok, the poster is angry. But the responses are only bashing his/her opinion. They do nothing to explain why Valeant is a good company with a bright future. We're all listening....

Ok, the poster is angry. But the responses are only bashing his/her opinion. They do nothing to explain why Valeant is a good company with a bright future. We're all listening....

I think the responses are becoming more bashing because the OP is doing nothing but badhing Valeant.

None of us know anything about working here yet. So far i have seen nothing to complain about. The benefits look just as good or better. Our pay has not changed.
For those who got laid off, I am sorry, but it looks to me that B & L was to blame for a lot of that. A company with how many "home offices". Maybe the reason they couldn't make it was because they were too "fat". Companies cannot run on too much pork these days. It's just the facts.

If Valeant doesn't survive, we move on. Its not like B & L was going anywhere-they bought up ISTA then laid people off and sold out. Just what this person is complaining Valeant "MIGHT" do.

When all you do is find negative there is a problem-i believe the negativity is coming from someone who lost their job in the transaction and is angry and blaming Valeant. A bit ridiculous, in my view. I think what we are seeing is people getting sick of the constant complaining, whining and fault finding by a very small few ( maybe one or two people). Its not really their OPINION as you suggest, because we haven't been here long enough to see any of the things this person is forecasting. In fact, anyone can dig around and find negative articles...or positive.

I say, that if this person is so horribly unhappy they should do something about it.
If they are still employed here (I doubt it), then leave for a better & brighter future, without dragging all of us down, if they are no longer employed here, I suggest they give this board and all this a rest. It is certainly not helping life to be so negative and angry. And as one person suggested, maybe a little chat with a professional would be in line, as well-to help work through this "hard time".

The environment we are in now-in this country and this industry has changed. Its not just this company. I am " of age", soon to retire (I hope) and have seen lots of change. Companies are no longer geared to the workers. People are no longer loyal to companies. Our grandparents worked at one place their whole lives. Now, if you don't diversify and change things up every five years, you are like an old computer-outdated and un necessary! Change is inevitable. It is sometimes hard/difficult to face. But, it is also good.

If Valeant lets us all go or sells us to someone else, who's to say that's bad?

For now pay off your bills. Get out of debt. Build up your emergency fund to at least a year's salary. Keep your resume current. Accomplish something that is of value to others-so you can find other employment when needed. Also, adjust the attitude! Noone is going to hire a negative nelly! And you will feel better in the meantime.


Everyone has a different situation and maybe sales groups have a different mindset, but you don't know me or my situation. And many people are in a similar place. Valeant is not for me, and frankly I don't think they deserve me. So I am leaving. Not whining, it is reality. I don't want to work in an environment where you're constantly looking over your shoulder and ALL top management cares about is accumulating obscene amounts of wealth at the expense of innovation, customers, and most of all employees. Sorry, but that doesn't motivate me. I'd rather work for less money and do something worthwhile for mankind while MP and company count their stacks and try to ignore the value to society they destroyed.

If I wanted a career in a financial industry I would have pursued one. Most of us are in this industry for patients, customers, product, employees and shareholders in that order. Must we only make shareholders wealthy at the expense of all others? Not for me. Good luck with your sales when there's nothing left to sell. They are financial architects, arbitragers who add nothing and bleed those who created the value that they now enjoy. Imagine if all companies followed their model, it would set healthcare back 100 years. I'm out.

How long have you worked for Valeant? If you have been there a long time, why are you posting on the B & L page? Trying to create drama for us? If you are a B & L transplant, your claims are bogus. You have not been under Valeant long enough to have these experiences.

Most people are NOT in this for the patients...or the customers...or the products... We don't know the patients. We are in this for ourselves, to make a living, pay our mortgage, put food on the table. Accumulate wealth so we can retire. Whats wrong with that? Hopefully we can enjoy ourselves in the process.
You don't seem to be enjoying yourself at all. Have you considered mission work? Its really great and will fulfill your quest for doing something for mankind and will get you away from the corporate world that you feel is full of nothing but greed.

I'm not sure how you can blame Valeant for "destroying a value to society" or "setting healthcare back 100 years". More than a little silly, isn't it? What "value to society" was provided prior to them buying us? I think you are being quite a drama queen with your accusations.

I would have to agree with the others, it is past time for you to find something happy-maybe meds will help! I'm over the poor me attitude.

I think the responses are becoming more bashing because the OP is doing nothing but badhing Valeant.

None of us know anything about working here yet. So far i have seen nothing to complain about. The benefits look just as good or better. Our pay has not changed.
For those who got laid off, I am sorry, but it looks to me that B & L was to blame for a lot of that. A company with how many "home offices". Maybe the reason they couldn't make it was because they were too "fat". Companies cannot run on too much pork these days. It's just the facts.

If Valeant doesn't survive, we move on. Its not like B & L was going anywhere-they bought up ISTA then laid people off and sold out. Just what this person is complaining Valeant "MIGHT" do.

When all you do is find negative there is a problem-i believe the negativity is coming from someone who lost their job in the transaction and is angry and blaming Valeant. A bit ridiculous, in my view. I think what we are seeing is people getting sick of the constant complaining, whining and fault finding by a very small few ( maybe one or two people). Its not really their OPINION as you suggest, because we haven't been here long enough to see any of the things this person is forecasting. In fact, anyone can dig around and find negative articles...or positive.

I say, that if this person is so horribly unhappy they should do something about it.
If they are still employed here (I doubt it), then leave for a better & brighter future, without dragging all of us down, if they are no longer employed here, I suggest they give this board and all this a rest. It is certainly not helping life to be so negative and angry. And as one person suggested, maybe a little chat with a professional would be in line, as well-to help work through this "hard time".

The environment we are in now-in this country and this industry has changed. Its not just this company. I am " of age", soon to retire (I hope) and have seen lots of change. Companies are no longer geared to the workers. People are no longer loyal to companies. Our grandparents worked at one place their whole lives. Now, if you don't diversify and change things up every five years, you are like an old computer-outdated and un necessary! Change is inevitable. It is sometimes hard/difficult to face. But, it is also good.

If Valeant lets us all go or sells us to someone else, who's to say that's bad?

For now pay off your bills. Get out of debt. Build up your emergency fund to at least a year's salary. Keep your resume current. Accomplish something that is of value to others-so you can find other employment when needed. Also, adjust the attitude! Noone is going to hire a negative nelly! And you will feel better in the meantime.


This thread has certainly hit a nerve with Valeant management or else they would not have their HR department post these responses. How many people at Valeant are really going to go to bat for Valeant on this website when the rolling layoffs continue and they may be next on the list.

"Stop being negative" face it rolling layoffs make people negative.
"Pay your bills and be happy" If I don not know if I will be laid off in a month or two and will not be able to pay my bills how can I be happy?
"Don't post negative comments on Pharma Cafe about Valeant" I do not see a lot of people posting happy threads about Valeant. Maybe this is because the real employees that post on this site know there is not a happy future.
"If you don not like it leave and get another job" It is a current place of work. I would prefer that someone would buy the company that cares about its employees so I do not have to move and the kids do not have to go to new schools etc.

How long have you worked for Valeant? If you have been there a long time, why are you posting on the B & L page? Trying to create drama for us? If you are a B & L transplant, your claims are bogus. You have not been under Valeant long enough to have these experiences.

Most people are NOT in this for the patients...or the customers...or the products... We don't know the patients. We are in this for ourselves, to make a living, pay our mortgage, put food on the table. Accumulate wealth so we can retire. Whats wrong with that? Hopefully we can enjoy ourselves in the process.
You don't seem to be enjoying yourself at all. Have you considered mission work? Its really great and will fulfill your quest for doing something for mankind and will get you away from the corporate world that you feel is full of nothing but greed.

I'm not sure how you can blame Valeant for "destroying a value to society" or "setting healthcare back 100 years". More than a little silly, isn't it? What "value to society" was provided prior to them buying us? I think you are being quite a drama queen with your accusations.

I would have to agree with the others, it is past time for you to find something happy-maybe meds will help! I'm over the poor me attitude.

The values to society destroyed are multiple: destruction of jobs, no R&D means no new benefits to customers, tax avoidance, no contributions to our communities

Setting healthcare back because they don't invest in developing new products other than their late stage acquisition. If all healthcare companies adopt that model , they'll be no new products to improve healthcare.

Sorry, but I really don't think many of you are informed on the company you now work for.

Ignorance is bliss.

I think the responses are becoming more bashing because the OP is doing nothing but badhing Valeant.

None of us know anything about working here yet. So far i have seen nothing to complain about. The benefits look just as good or better. Our pay has not changed.
For those who got laid off, I am sorry, but it looks to me that B & L was to blame for a lot of that. A company with how many "home offices". Maybe the reason they couldn't make it was because they were too "fat". Companies cannot run on too much pork these days. It's just the facts.

If Valeant doesn't survive, we move on. Its not like B & L was going anywhere-they bought up ISTA then laid people off and sold out. Just what this person is complaining Valeant "MIGHT" do.

When all you do is find negative there is a problem-i believe the negativity is coming from someone who lost their job in the transaction and is angry and blaming Valeant. A bit ridiculous, in my view. I think what we are seeing is people getting sick of the constant complaining, whining and fault finding by a very small few ( maybe one or two people). Its not really their OPINION as you suggest, because we haven't been here long enough to see any of the things this person is forecasting. In fact, anyone can dig around and find negative articles...or positive.

I say, that if this person is so horribly unhappy they should do something about it.
If they are still employed here (I doubt it), then leave for a better & brighter future, without dragging all of us down, if they are no longer employed here, I suggest they give this board and all this a rest. It is certainly not helping life to be so negative and angry. And as one person suggested, maybe a little chat with a professional would be in line, as well-to help work through this "hard time".

The environment we are in now-in this country and this industry has changed. Its not just this company. I am " of age", soon to retire (I hope) and have seen lots of change. Companies are no longer geared to the workers. People are no longer loyal to companies. Our grandparents worked at one place their whole lives. Now, if you don't diversify and change things up every five years, you are like an old computer-outdated and un necessary! Change is inevitable. It is sometimes hard/difficult to face. But, it is also good.

If Valeant lets us all go or sells us to someone else, who's to say that's bad?

For now pay off your bills. Get out of debt. Build up your emergency fund to at least a year's salary. Keep your resume current. Accomplish something that is of value to others-so you can find other employment when needed. Also, adjust the attitude! Noone is going to hire a negative nelly! And you will feel better in the meantime.


Fitting. All benefits provided are financial.

This thread has certainly hit a nerve with Valeant management or else they would not have their HR department post these responses. How many people at Valeant are really going to go to bat for Valeant on this website when the rolling layoffs continue and they may be next on the list.

"Stop being negative" face it rolling layoffs make people negative.
"Pay your bills and be happy" If I don not know if I will be laid off in a month or two and will not be able to pay my bills how can I be happy?
"Don't post negative comments on Pharma Cafe about Valeant" I do not see a lot of people posting happy threads about Valeant. Maybe this is because the real employees that post on this site know there is not a happy future.
"If you don not like it leave and get another job" It is a current place of work. I would prefer that someone would buy the company that cares about its employees so I do not have to move and the kids do not have to go to new schools etc.

I am a field sales rep. I do not agree with you nor the nagative posts on this thread. Just because people are happy with the situation ( maybe because we choose to be happy instead of angry or pissy like some of you) does not mean that we are management, HR, or other persons hired to respond.

Again, if you dont like this company or your situation leave! It does noone any good for you to continuously give us your bad attitude and negative posts about the company we now work for.

Leave! Go somewhere else! There are other places to work. Or better yet, if it disgusts you so much to work here, do not take the check that's sent to you twice monthly! You are supporting everything you are against by doing so!

The values to society destroyed are multiple: destruction of jobs, no R&D means no new benefits to customers, tax avoidance, no contributions to our communities

Setting healthcare back because they don't invest in developing new products other than their late stage acquisition. If all healthcare companies adopt that model , they'll be no new products to improve healthcare.

Sorry, but I really don't think many of you are informed on the company you now work for.

Ignorance is bliss.

I am informed. It does noone any good to whine and moan every day like you are doing. So, like it or leave it!
I'll stay here and enjoy the benefits of my job and all that I earn. If I am let go I will go somewhere else. Try it! You may like it more than being a misery monger.

Check around. Noone else is crying. I agree with others on this thread that you have some deep seeded personal problems that you need to be getting help with. I'm sure your family and friends are sick of hearing you too. If you would spend as much time working on cover letters, resumes & job searches as you do posting here you might be gainfully employed somewhere that you could tolerate.

Maybe you are one of those people that dont work, rely on everyone else to support you and pull your weight. Sounds like it. Cry me a river.