Ok, the poster is angry. But the responses are only bashing his/her opinion. They do nothing to explain why Valeant is a good company with a bright future. We're all listening....
I think the responses are becoming more bashing because the OP is doing nothing but badhing Valeant.
None of us know anything about working here yet. So far i have seen nothing to complain about. The benefits look just as good or better. Our pay has not changed.
For those who got laid off, I am sorry, but it looks to me that B & L was to blame for a lot of that. A company with how many "home offices". Maybe the reason they couldn't make it was because they were too "fat". Companies cannot run on too much pork these days. It's just the facts.
If Valeant doesn't survive, we move on. Its not like B & L was going anywhere-they bought up ISTA then laid people off and sold out. Just what this person is complaining Valeant "MIGHT" do.
When all you do is find negative there is a problem-i believe the negativity is coming from someone who lost their job in the transaction and is angry and blaming Valeant. A bit ridiculous, in my view. I think what we are seeing is people getting sick of the constant complaining, whining and fault finding by a very small few ( maybe one or two people). Its not really their OPINION as you suggest, because we haven't been here long enough to see any of the things this person is forecasting. In fact, anyone can dig around and find negative articles...or positive.
I say, that if this person is so horribly unhappy they should do something about it.
If they are still employed here (I doubt it), then leave for a better & brighter future, without dragging all of us down, if they are no longer employed here, I suggest they give this board and all this a rest. It is certainly not helping life to be so negative and angry. And as one person suggested, maybe a little chat with a professional would be in line, as well-to help work through this "hard time".
The environment we are in now-in this country and this industry has changed. Its not just this company. I am " of age", soon to retire (I hope) and have seen lots of change. Companies are no longer geared to the workers. People are no longer loyal to companies. Our grandparents worked at one place their whole lives. Now, if you don't diversify and change things up every five years, you are like an old computer-outdated and un necessary! Change is inevitable. It is sometimes hard/difficult to face. But, it is also good.
If Valeant lets us all go or sells us to someone else, who's to say that's bad?
For now pay off your bills. Get out of debt. Build up your emergency fund to at least a year's salary. Keep your resume current. Accomplish something that is of value to others-so you can find other employment when needed. Also, adjust the attitude! Noone is going to hire a negative nelly! And you will feel better in the meantime.