Just lost another RBD. 2 MSLs. 2 FRMs.
Confirmed RBD Chris C did cuss Mike S out and another KAM. From what I have been told its very common knowledge at FK about Chris cussing Mike S and the other KAM out, Chris C has a short fuse and just goes off. This is what you have to do to get promoted just cuss people out, works when you curse the VP out and your fellow KAM.
Lots of talk about how clueless Mike S and Jason K are, but being new here Chris C does not bring a lot of good insights to the table. Seems like Mike S likes the "yes" employees like Jason K and Chris C. Jason K is the biggest micro-manager I have ever seen in oncology and KAM roles (he filled in for my RBD while he was on vacation) and he is useless. Micro-manager, never been in or called on Oncology and has never been a KAM before. Shows by his comments, conversations, multiple useless emails, and lack of knowledge in oncology, key account management, contracting and how this division works. Jason is very primary care. So far in over his head I hope his region lets him dig himself into a hole. Chris C from being on calls with him is useless. Does not bring any good information to the table. All he does is agree with what Mike S says. Clueless. Clueless. Clueless. Mike S, Chris C, Jason K... Blind leading the blind.
Ali.. Ali.. are you concerned?