Fresenius Kabi

Crazy Management! I just heard the craziest thing working a recent conference about management here. The person that told me this info interviewed for a KAM role and knows a few of the ones that left. I found out that one of the managers Chris cussed out Mike big time on a call some months back. Not only did he cuss out Mike, but a few months after he cussed Mike out he cusses another KAM out. Not just a little cuss out to Mike and the KAM but a lot of (F-bombs) at both Mike and the KAM. Not only did he cuss out Mike and the KAM, Mike then promotes Chris to management.
Then I was told that Mike was only hiring managers with current management experience but looking at profiles of the managers he hired Chris was not a current manager he was a KAM for the team, and Jason the other manager hired has not been a manager in over 2 years, comes to the company without any oncology or KAM experience and then relies on the current KAM to explain everything to him and then micromanages them. Mark the other manager has been with the company and I was not told anything about him. This sounds just like Mike as I know someone that interviewed with him for a role on the Immuno-biosimilars and left the company after Mike lied to them.
Other crazy facts I was told about: at least 3 MSLs have left, 3 managers have left, 2 KAMs have left, and 2 sales operations managers have left. This is all within the last 2 years.
I am not asking myself what have I gotten myself into taking this job.
I am going to ask around to follow up on this info and see if this is all true. Something tells me now that I have been here a few months and seeing things for myself that this is all true. Says a lot about the management that we are working for. Very underqualified! All "yes" men to what Mike says and if what Chris did I know he will not have your back.
As a fellow KAM.... Consider yourselves warned about the "culture" that Mike always talks about if cussing out people gets you promoted we are all in a lot of hot water.

Just lost another RBD. 2 MSLs. 2 FRMs.
Confirmed RBD Chris C did cuss Mike S out and another KAM. From what I have been told its very common knowledge at FK about Chris cussing Mike S and the other KAM out, Chris C has a short fuse and just goes off. This is what you have to do to get promoted just cuss people out, works when you curse the VP out and your fellow KAM.
Lots of talk about how clueless Mike S and Jason K are, but being new here Chris C does not bring a lot of good insights to the table. Seems like Mike S likes the "yes" employees like Jason K and Chris C. Jason K is the biggest micro-manager I have ever seen in oncology and KAM roles (he filled in for my RBD while he was on vacation) and he is useless. Micro-manager, never been in or called on Oncology and has never been a KAM before. Shows by his comments, conversations, multiple useless emails, and lack of knowledge in oncology, key account management, contracting and how this division works. Jason is very primary care. So far in over his head I hope his region lets him dig himself into a hole. Chris C from being on calls with him is useless. Does not bring any good information to the table. All he does is agree with what Mike S says. Clueless. Clueless. Clueless. Mike S, Chris C, Jason K... Blind leading the blind.
Ali.. Ali.. are you concerned?

Just lost another RBD. 2 MSLs. 2 FRMs.
Confirmed RBD Chris C did cuss Mike S out and another KAM. From what I have been told its very common knowledge at FK about Chris cussing Mike S and the other KAM out, Chris C has a short fuse and just goes off. This is what you have to do to get promoted just cuss people out, works when you curse the VP out and your fellow KAM.
Lots of talk about how clueless Mike S and Jason K are, but being new here Chris C does not bring a lot of good insights to the table. Seems like Mike S likes the "yes" employees like Jason K and Chris C. Jason K is the biggest micro-manager I have ever seen in oncology and KAM roles (he filled in for my RBD while he was on vacation) and he is useless. Micro-manager, never been in or called on Oncology and has never been a KAM before. Shows by his comments, conversations, multiple useless emails, and lack of knowledge in oncology, key account management, contracting and how this division works. Jason is very primary care. So far in over his head I hope his region lets him dig himself into a hole. Chris C from being on calls with him is useless. Does not bring any good information to the table. All he does is agree with what Mike S says. Clueless. Clueless. Clueless. Mike S, Chris C, Jason K... Blind leading the blind.
Ali.. Ali.. are you concerned?

HELP! I am interviewing for a role within Fresenius-Kabi Immunology biosimilars. I have been reading the posts and speaking with a few friends that currently work in this division. I need a job as my company no longer has a sales force.
Question I am seeking information on is when reading the posts it talks about Mike S. Is Mike S the Mike Serban that I might have to interview with? I have interviewed with Mix Talent, I have also interviewed with two managers within Fresenius-Kabi, and I am told I might need to speak with Mike Serban. Doing my research on LinkedIn Mike Serban works for Sandoz. Is this the same Mike Serban who the managers I interviewed told me he has been with Fresenius-Kabi for 3 years? Any help would be great.
I am a single parent and must take a job.

HELP! I am interviewing for a role within Fresenius-Kabi Immunology biosimilars. I have been reading the posts and speaking with a few friends that currently work in this division. I need a job as my company no longer has a sales force.
Question I am seeking information on is when reading the posts it talks about Mike S. Is Mike S the Mike Serban that I might have to interview with? I have interviewed with Mix Talent, I have also interviewed with two managers within Fresenius-Kabi, and I am told I might need to speak with Mike Serban. Doing my research on LinkedIn Mike Serban works for Sandoz. Is this the same Mike Serban who the managers I interviewed told me he has been with Fresenius-Kabi for 3 years? Any help would be great.
I am a single parent and must take a job.

HELP! I am interviewing for a role within Fresenius-Kabi Immunology biosimilars. I have been reading the posts and speaking with a few friends that currently work in this division. I need a job as my company no longer has a sales force.
Question I am seeking information on is when reading the posts it talks about Mike S. Is Mike S the Mike Serban that I might have to interview with? I have interviewed with Mix Talent, I have also interviewed with two managers within Fresenius-Kabi, and I am told I might need to speak with Mike Serban. Doing my research on LinkedIn Mike Serban works for Sandoz. Is this the same Mike Serban who the managers I interviewed told me he has been with Fresenius-Kabi for 3 years? Any help would be great.
I am a single parent and must take a job.

Yes that is the Mike Serban. Good luck with the interview. Mike is a useless leader. Micromanager. If you just say "Yes Mike I will do what you say" you will get the job. Take the job if you need it, and keep looking. Both biosimilar divisions are loosing people left and right. They are leaving the company because of management. Mike Serban is not a leader. Most of the mangers he has hired he has known from the past and will follow him with a "Yes Mike you are correct" we will do what you say Mike. There are a few good managers and a few great ISS that know there information, but most of the mangers do not know the market. Some have never been in these types of manager roles. I know the oncology biosimilar managers roles keep turning over and if you read the message above you will have an idea for example Jason who Mike brought over has never been in oncology or key account manager role and speaking with the oncology team Jason is clueless and a micromanager trying to mold the oncology team to his way and his thinking. That is a prime example of the types of people and managers Mike is hiring.
Answering your question Mike Serban on LinkedIn does still have Sandoz as his job title. Believe your gut in this process.

Hey Miles, when you have new employer call to verify employment, don’t start calling in sick and quick working. I’m sure you still expect a paycheck…class act.

Hey fuck wagon, looks like "miles" was smarter than you and got off this biosimilar shit stain. How are you feeling sitting in your dollar general strip club?

The reality and truth of Fresenius Kabi is that you have some people who are great leaders and some people that shouldn’t even have a job being a cart attendant at Walmart. Yet somehow those same people managed to get into a leadership position. And this isn’t just unique to Fresenius Kabi, it’s at every company. There are tons of people here that pretend to be nice people but they’re just asshole* and over time you see their true colors. At the end of the day if the crappy people remain in leadership the company will fail. It’s only a matter of time. This is what so many company’s don’t realize or ignore. They fail to hire good people. Then what happens is the few good people the company had leave and they are left with a bunch of a holes. Then the company crashes.

The reality and truth of Fresenius Kabi is that you have some people who are great leaders and some people that shouldn’t even have a job being a cart attendant at Walmart. Yet somehow those same people managed to get into a leadership position. And this isn’t just unique to Fresenius Kabi, it’s at every company. There are tons of people here that pretend to be nice people but they’re just asshole* and over time you see their true colors. At the end of the day if the crappy people remain in leadership the company will fail. It’s only a matter of time. This is what so many company’s don’t realize or ignore. They fail to hire good people. Then what happens is the few good people the company had leave and they are left with a bunch of a holes. Then the company crashes.

0 great leaders in biospecialized. A group of old Claritin guys, who don’t understand the product, the market or the sales process. That’s what happens when you hire old friends and prioritize that over the correct leaders. These guys and gals are dinosaurs over indexing on conference calls, busy work, trackers and so on. They are relics of the past put out to pasture for a last hoorah at a third rate company with shit benefits and low expectations. They are just along for a ride.

Biosimilar division is a train wreck on both sides. Very poor management. I have only been with the company a few months and I have seen this 1st hand. My manager is not Jason, but seems to be a lot like him from what I am reading. I have Chris as my manager and he is a big micromanager. We have a weekly team call. Weekly individual calls. Along with that those two calls we have call check-ins. I have never worked for such a group of micromanagers.
I have friends working the other division and they seem to have issues with reps not leaving. Lots of openings in that division.
I did some research for those asking other questions.
Mike Serban is on LinkedIn under Sandoz. I have even reached out to connect with him and he has not accepted my request.
Chris Colihan my manager did curse out Mike Serban and another long standing KAM and Mike still promoted him after being called the “F” word many times. (This is the type of leadership Mike hires).
Jason Kirk who is new has zero oncology or KAM experience (he has never been a KAM or called on oncologists before, yet Mike hired him). This is the leadership that Mike hires.
I know first hand that Chris Colihan my manager is very much like the other posts read about micromanagement.
Asking around some other’s colleagues here are some numbers that we have come up with for the oncology biosimilar side of the business.
4 RBDS - left the company
5 MSLS - left the company
2 KAMS - left the company
2 FRMS - left the company
Biosimilars are on their 3rd Sales Ops Manager
This is just the information that asking around the company I have received, who knows what we do not know about. I am not sure of the numbers for the Immunology side of the business other then I keep seeing openings.
I feel like I made a mistake taking this job. Nothing is stable here.

As I sit here having coffee on a Wednesday morning I am reflecting on Ali’s “Prioritizing Diversity and Inclusion to Foster Successful Teams” article on LinkedIn.
He talks about “building teams with diversity of thought, where colleagues feel like they belong and their opinions, experiences and insights are advancing our work in patients”.
He states “In my experience, the best launch teams are led by those that proactively seek out their blind spots, collect diverse perspectives, and model various outcomes to modify a go-to-market strategy.

Question: Ali have you looked at your leaders this way?

I like a lot of people here are new. We did not interview or plan to work for the management that is in place. With the growing list of RBDS, MSLS, KAM, FRMS, Sales Ops Managers, all leaving the company what are your thoughts on leadership, diversity, over coming blind spots, feeling of belonging?

I have read the messages on here and personally do not feel that the leadership is good. Honestly it is horrible. I think I know who wrote the message on Chris Colihan team and glad that you feel the same way.

I am not on Chris Colihan team, but I am on Jason Kirks team. If I knew Jason was going to be my manager I would have never accepted this job. I have worked for some great oncology companies and this is the worst. Mike Serban has hired someone with out oncology experience, without key account experience. Jason does not understand or embrace the learning process. He is the biggest micro-manger in every aspect of the meaning. He should be embracing learning from the diversity lien Ali talks about but instead he is alienating his team from him. I am speaking first hand experience that I personally do not go to Jason for advice and I know others that do not go to him or Chris for advice. We all call one person who has been in the business and knows oncology, key accounts and contracting for feedback and guidance.

I can only speak on my experience with Fresenius and from what my colleagues are saying about leadership across the board with the lack of diversity, lack of feeling like my opinions matter, or that my opinions are welcome, or that I belong.

If you are looking at joining Fresenius take a long look before you join. Mike Serban is only looking for “yes” people. He does not like to be questioned. He is in way over his head.
Chis Colihan does not speak up. Is a “yes” boss. Chris also from hearing first line cursed Mike out and another key account manager out, and Mike still promoted him.
Jason Kirk is a micromanager with no experience in oncology or key account management and says “yes” to anything Mike asks.
Sad that we are losing Mark as he is the only one in management that understands.

Mike here is your chance to make this right. Hire the person we all want you to hire. His diversity, willingness to make all of them around him feel welcome and happy to share would be the best addition to your management team.

Ali are you reading this? Listening?

I’m in recruiting, wanna know how bad this place is. Get on LinkedIn, look up the front line leaders. They all have LinkedIn premium and most are actively seeking out other opportunities. Poorly run company with bad culture, poor pay, terrible benefits. The turnover is telling of the culture.

Is the management in Europe / UK any better? They are advertising on LinkedIn for “Key Account Manager - Biosimilars” in UK.

Is the management in Europe / UK any better? They are advertising on LinkedIn for “Key Account Manager - Biosimilars” in UK.

Did someone say, “Failure to launch?” Sooooooooooo, this has been an interesting launch of Idacio. This is going to be pretty interesting.

Let’s see more expensive than the reference product ✅.

Non-Prefered Tier 3-4 Formulary status, with Enbrel and Humira preference before Idacio ✅.

Still the wrong leadership ✅.

Merck Euro laughing that Kabi paid them for the biosimilars division✅.