Fresenius Kabi

Week one of training in the books. I now understand the previous posts. This place is a dumpster fire. Incompetence must of been a requirement to be hired for the home office and training staff. Already applying to other jobs during training.

Hey Miles, when you have new employer call to verify employment, don’t start calling in sick and quick working. I’m sure you still expect a paycheck…class act.

Class act? I don't know who you are but I know that if you know of an employment verification of an employee you just broke a few policies at fresenius kabi and any company by stating and employees name. What if this employee you just named decides NOT to take the position and stay with fresenius? You are a shameful home office employee and a "class act". I've worked for fresenius kabi for 4 years and have never heard the name miles but I hope he sees your post and has HR investigated.

Class act? I don't know who you are but I know that if you know of an employment verification of an employee you just broke a few policies at fresenius kabi and any company by stating and employees name. What if this employee you just named decides NOT to take the position and stay with fresenius? You are a shameful home office employee and a "class act". I've worked for fresenius kabi for 4 years and have never heard the name miles but I hope he sees your post and has HR investigated.
Shut your ass, Cass! Go away!

Kabi is Great I’ve been double dipping for three months. Put in some calls, send a few lunches via ez-caterer and no one is the wiser. Products not gonna sell at launch anyways so….I’ll take the money, they get calls in Veeva and everyone is happy.

Worst management team I have worked for. Starting from the top with Mike S. My manager Jason K. is the biggest micromanager I have ever worked for. I have worked at some premier oncology companies in my past. My team is great with a lot of experience in oncology and key account management, but our manager Jason K. has never worked in oncology before, he has never been a key account manager before, he knows nothing about how the process works. He is so far in over his head. Instead of trying to work with us to learn, he is trying to mold us to fit into his way of doing things, with multiple spreadsheets, multiple emails, he will send a recap email after every call. Mike S. at the top hired Jason K. in as they are friends. He was not hired for his experience. If Jason K. was smart he would learn from his experienced team instead of try and mold them and change them into what he wants. Everyone on the team works differently and that what makes the team great. Jason K. needs to understand we are experienced and he will not mold us. If he keeps on the same track he has been on, Mike S. and Jason K. will be doing a lot of interviewing in the near future. Micromanagers never work out in the end, they always push the team away.

Worst management team I have worked for. Starting from the top with Mike S. My manager Jason K. is the biggest micromanager I have ever worked for. I have worked at some premier oncology companies in my past. My team is great with a lot of experience in oncology and key account management, but our manager Jason K. has never worked in oncology before, he has never been a key account manager before, he knows nothing about how the process works. He is so far in over his head. Instead of trying to work with us to learn, he is trying to mold us to fit into his way of doing things, with multiple spreadsheets, multiple emails, he will send a recap email after every call. Mike S. at the top hired Jason K. in as they are friends. He was not hired for his experience. If Jason K. was smart he would learn from his experienced team instead of try and mold them and change them into what he wants. Everyone on the team works differently and that what makes the team great. Jason K. needs to understand we are experienced and he will not mold us. If he keeps on the same track he has been on, Mike S. and Jason K. will be doing a lot of interviewing in the near future. Micromanagers never work out in the end, they always push the team away.

Worst management team I have worked for. Starting from the top with Mike S. My manager Jason K. is the biggest micromanager I have ever worked for. I have worked at some premier oncology companies in my past. My team is great with a lot of experience in oncology and key account management, but our manager Jason K. has never worked in oncology before, he has never been a key account manager before, he knows nothing about how the process works. He is so far in over his head. Instead of trying to work with us to learn, he is trying to mold us to fit into his way of doing things, with multiple spreadsheets, multiple emails, he will send a recap email after every call. Mike S. at the top hired Jason K. in as they are friends. He was not hired for his experience. If Jason K. was smart he would learn from his experienced team instead of try and mold them and change them into what he wants. Everyone on the team works differently and that what makes the team great. Jason K. needs to understand we are experienced and he will not mold us. If he keeps on the same track he has been on, Mike S. and Jason K. will be doing a lot of interviewing in the near future. Micromanagers never work out in the end, they always push the team away.

I could not agree more with this. Jason K. is 100% primary care. He is in way over his head. Jason is doing nothing but hurting the team and the company. Wont surprise me when 2 or 3 people leave off of his team, then he will question why they left. He has never called on oncology, he has never been a key account manager. He got the job because he is a friend of Mike S. Mike S also is clueless on what we are doing. Jason K. has to be the worst I have ever worked for. 20 emails a day talking about nothing at all because he knows nothing. Conference calls 3-4 times a week with one standing call weekly to discuss nothing at all. When we tell him something the first thing he does is ask a question about what we are telling him. He is Mike S. little puppy and will do whatever Mike tells him to do. Mike is happy when he gets "yes" people on his side and not those that are going to question his abilities.

Crazy Management! I just heard the craziest thing working a recent conference about management here. The person that told me this info interviewed for a KAM role and knows a few of the ones that left. I found out that one of the managers Chris cussed out Mike big time on a call some months back. Not only did he cuss out Mike, but a few months after he cussed Mike out he cusses another KAM out. Not just a little cuss out to Mike and the KAM but a lot of (F-bombs) at both Mike and the KAM. Not only did he cuss out Mike and the KAM, Mike then promotes Chris to management.
Then I was told that Mike was only hiring managers with current management experience but looking at profiles of the managers he hired Chris was not a current manager he was a KAM for the team, and Jason the other manager hired has not been a manager in over 2 years, comes to the company without any oncology or KAM experience and then relies on the current KAM to explain everything to him and then micromanages them. Mark the other manager has been with the company and I was not told anything about him. This sounds just like Mike as I know someone that interviewed with him for a role on the Immuno-biosimilars and left the company after Mike lied to them.
Other crazy facts I was told about: at least 3 MSLs have left, 3 managers have left, 2 KAMs have left, and 2 sales operations managers have left. This is all within the last 2 years.
I am not asking myself what have I gotten myself into taking this job.
I am going to ask around to follow up on this info and see if this is all true. Something tells me now that I have been here a few months and seeing things for myself that this is all true. Says a lot about the management that we are working for. Very underqualified! All "yes" men to what Mike says and if what Chris did I know he will not have your back.
As a fellow KAM.... Consider yourselves warned about the "culture" that Mike always talks about if cussing out people gets you promoted we are all in a lot of hot water.

Crazy Management! I just heard the craziest thing working a recent conference about management here. The person that told me this info interviewed for a KAM role and knows a few of the ones that left. I found out that one of the managers Chris cussed out Mike big time on a call some months back. Not only did he cuss out Mike, but a few months after he cussed Mike out he cusses another KAM out. Not just a little cuss out to Mike and the KAM but a lot of (F-bombs) at both Mike and the KAM. Not only did he cuss out Mike and the KAM, Mike then promotes Chris to management.
Then I was told that Mike was only hiring managers with current management experience but looking at profiles of the managers he hired Chris was not a current manager he was a KAM for the team, and Jason the other manager hired has not been a manager in over 2 years, comes to the company without any oncology or KAM experience and then relies on the current KAM to explain everything to him and then micromanages them. Mark the other manager has been with the company and I was not told anything about him. This sounds just like Mike as I know someone that interviewed with him for a role on the Immuno-biosimilars and left the company after Mike lied to them.
Other crazy facts I was told about: at least 3 MSLs have left, 3 managers have left, 2 KAMs have left, and 2 sales operations managers have left. This is all within the last 2 years.
I am not asking myself what have I gotten myself into taking this job.
I am going to ask around to follow up on this info and see if this is all true. Something tells me now that I have been here a few months and seeing things for myself that this is all true. Says a lot about the management that we are working for. Very underqualified! All "yes" men to what Mike says and if what Chris did I know he will not have your back.
As a fellow KAM.... Consider yourselves warned about the "culture" that Mike always talks about if cussing out people gets you promoted we are all in a lot of hot water.

Also look into how many reps they’ve lost since November Class. 18 was the last count out of a class of 60. Double dip and then move on.