Ford, Heath, Cole Read this!

This Board/Thread has gotten so boring. I want some more interesting stuff. Aside from the fact that they steal from their own reps, lie about the numbers, fire good reps bc they can't afford them & blame it on bad numbers, FDA off-label promotions, Ford's worthlessness to the company and never assisting reps (unless he "likes" them), losing good reps and acting as if it's no big deal & "sounds good." Anyone got anything worth discussing?

This Board/Thread has gotten so boring. I want some more interesting stuff. Aside from the fact that they steal from their own reps, lie about the numbers, fire good reps bc they can't afford them & blame it on bad numbers, FDA off-label promotions, Ford's worthlessness to the company and never assisting reps (unless he "likes" them), losing good reps and acting as if it's no big deal & "sounds good." Anyone got anything worth discussing?

That's Wraser in a nutshell. What would you like to discuss? Everything above is pretty much accurate.

This Board/Thread has gotten so boring. I want some more interesting stuff. Aside from the fact that they steal from their own reps, lie about the numbers, fire good reps bc they can't afford them & blame it on bad numbers, FDA off-label promotions, Ford's worthlessness to the company and never assisting reps (unless he "likes" them), losing good reps and acting as if it's no big deal & "sounds good." Anyone got anything worth discussing?

You forgot to mention changing the commission structure about every other month....they did fire Backel...but only after several good reps left....but at least I still have a job :)

This Board/Thread has gotten so boring. I want some more interesting stuff. Aside from the fact that they steal from their own reps, lie about the numbers, fire good reps bc they can't afford them & blame it on bad numbers, FDA off-label promotions, Ford's worthlessness to the company and never assisting reps (unless he "likes" them), losing good reps and acting as if it's no big deal & "sounds good." Anyone got anything worth discussing?

Ford is the worst trainer isn't he? He fails to mention in training how important compliance is with the FDA!! LOL!! Anyone can stand in front of a few people and read slides. What a joke! He has Heath and Cole totally fooled.

i am so frustrated. why try. is there a company anywhere anymore that is worth it.

negative responses not necessary unless u can cite a company that actually is worth effort of good salespeople.

May #'s are out and they are a joke....either all the reps suck OR the reporting data is flawed OR someone is laughing on the way to the bank at the reps expense.... Do they really think that we can continue to live on the low base pay and not even 1k in commission per month?

May #'s are out and they are a joke....either all the reps suck OR the reporting data is flawed OR someone is laughing on the way to the bank at the reps expense.... Do they really think that we can continue to live on the low base pay and not even 1k in commission per month?


May #'s are out and they are a joke....either all the reps suck OR the reporting data is flawed OR someone is laughing on the way to the bank at the reps expense.... Do they really think that we can continue to live on the low base pay and not even 1k in commission per month?

If your numbers are bad, watch out! They will let you go very soon. More "firings" to come, wait and see. If I can't stress this enough.........get away from this company. They will structure the commission plan so that the only people making any money are the owners. You are busting your ass and you maybe, maybe might come close to making 40k which is still low and look at what they require you to do. 12 calls and 5 pharmacy calls a day. Ask any other rep out there in the field and tell the what you do everyday and they will look at you and tell you that you are insane!

I would like to know what the average pain rep's commission was in May.... we can't continue to live like this. I would like to know the average derm rep and primary care see if its just pain getting screwed or is it all of the reps....Any reps wanna say anything?

the problem is very clear our company's drugs suck fat cock and nobody wants to use them! Its in every reps best interest to start looking for new employment this ship is sinking fast, get out before its too late!!

I would like to know what the average pain rep's commission was in May.... we can't continue to live like this. I would like to know the average derm rep and primary care see if its just pain getting screwed or is it all of the reps....Any reps wanna say anything?

pain is doing ok considering how newit is. some reps already making a little money and a lot more to come. Xolox may have a chance, and yes it is just another me too, and yes it is nothing special, but the business model just may give us a chance. some of us are about to make real money, Guaranteed!

pain is doing ok considering how newit is. some reps already making a little money and a lot more to come. Xolox may have a chance, and yes it is just another me too, and yes it is nothing special, but the business model just may give us a chance. some of us are about to make real money, Guaranteed!

actually jacka$$ pain isnt doing much and unless you are a highschool student you cant live off the money any of the reps have made.

pain is doing ok considering how newit is. some reps already making a little money and a lot more to come. Xolox may have a chance, and yes it is just another me too, and yes it is nothing special, but the business model just may give us a chance. some of us are about to make real money, Guaranteed!

HAHA This is such a comment from home office! Get out while you can, there is no money to be made. Even if you have good sales they will just make up your sales numbers and give you a shitty check while taking their money to the bank.