Ford, Heath, Cole Read this!

What a joke of a company! Heath and Cole you have screwed over so many people the you personally interviewed and sold them on a promise of a growing company, but what you didn't do was be up front and honest with the people you were hiring, no you just screwed as many reps over as possible with BS numbers and no commissions....I will speak here for many current and former reps in saying that if you two burn in hell, that will be too good for you.

The fact that some how you are still in business is amazing, but we all know that your demise is coming and there will be NO ONE there to wipe your tears. Heck, maybe you two made enough money to skip town, but I doubt you are that smart.

So, Heath and Cole, go fuck yourselves for what you have done to so many people. I'm sure that David in Columbia is still drinkin the company coolaid, what a joke as well!

way to be on top of current events there troll!

I had a plan buy haven't started it yet. whose plan was this? That post above was silly but wasn't mine; what was ur plan?

Yes yes, u wanted every last penny they supposedly owed but likely still shorted u and every last report u could get for ur fancy mouthpiece and suites. now that u have them now that u have new employ, will u still have ur team to attack the thieving bastards or will u grow bored with it and move on as so many less motivated have before. So few have the stomach to fight. Hence bottomdwellers endure and u likely fade away and prosper elsewhere

Yes yes, u wanted every last penny they supposedly owed but likely still shorted u and every last report u could get for ur fancy mouthpiece and suites. now that u have them now that u have new employ, will u still have ur team to attack the thieving bastards or will u grow bored with it and move on as so many less motivated have before. So few have the stomach to fight. Hence bottomdwellers endure and u likely fade away and prosper elsewhere

Fu(k u

And before u start crying about " me too" sales, Lipitor has been the #1 branded drug for years with '09 sales of over $5 Billion. And Lipitor is also a " me too" with many similar products competing directly with it

Hey, Ford, you dim-witted douchebag, I never saw a commercial for Cetraxal or Trezix or Xolox or CEDAX. Just because you have an "X" in the name doesn't mean it's going to sell. You have to have some suppport for your sales team. Fingertip Formulary doesn't get it. I went back to work for a real pharma company and my first quarter numbers are looking great because I'm not spending all of my time calling on every doctor in sight. we stay out of pharmacies because our product is on almost every formulary plan and the doctors want our samples because our product works and there is something different that offers a true benefit to the patient. Not something that you guys just made up. Oh.... look at the TV. There's my product on a commercial. Selling for me on the weekend. NICE!! Cetraxal is an overpriced generic. your stupid plastic applicator thing is a joke. They just use a fucking eye drop because it works and its cheap. I'm selling a pain drug to the orthos that they love. We were laughing about Trezix the other day in a lunch. There's no way in hell that they want to write that drug. you have no data to support your product. I showed them your printout that you sent to us. We laughed our asses off at you idiots. HA HA HA