How is TN ever going to get another job without a college education? I sure hope he saved some of the money he stole from LabCorp. Maybe one day he will win the Nobel peace prize for inventing a cure for herpes.

Except for the dick that has made it his lifes work to keep this post alive NO ONE GIVES A FVCK ABOUT FLORIDA or these people u keep talking about
Start a more interesting post maybe about the life of a gnat or the history of the paperclip.

Except for the dick that has made it his lifes work to keep this post alive NO ONE GIVES A FVCK ABOUT FLORIDA or these people u keep talking about
Start a more interesting post maybe about the life of a gnat or the history of the paperclip.

Obviuosly a lot of people do care about Florida since this is the longest thread by far on this board. Thought I should spell that out since you are too stupid to count.

Obviuosly a lot of people do care about Florida since this is the longest thread by far on this board. Thought I should spell that out since you are too stupid to count.

So true. Many long term high performance people were drummed out of the Florida Division because they made too much money or insisted on doing things the right way instead of following the mantra of the moment. They follow this thread with interest to read of the latest ill advised move.

Obviuosly a lot of people do care about Florida since this is the longest thread by far on this board. Thought I should spell that out since you are too stupid to count.

Really??? You must be a great sales professional if you think anyone will buy that load of sh!t there are at least 800 posts by one or two people. Seriously r any of the people u r so infatuated with still with the company? If so do they even do anything? I mean u r fvcked up friend (please insert yo mama comeback here)

Ps it's Florida no one hears u

Really??? You must be a great sales professional if you think anyone will buy that load of sh!t there are at least 800 posts by one or two people. Seriously r any of the people u r so infatuated with still with the company? If so do they even do anything? I mean u r fvcked up friend (please insert yo mama comeback here)

Ps it's Florida no one hears u

Its obvious that YOU heat it, you idiot.....
You're the one that keeps posting.

You're just an idiot - nothing more to say.

Well, it is about to come out. TN and TF have kept a secret for years. "The good ol' boy's club" members finally are turning on each other. This is about to get good. Lets play a game, which one do think stabbed the other one first, TN or TF???

Well, it is about to come out. TN and TF have kept a secret for years. "The good ol' boy's club" members finally are turning on each other. This is about to get good. Lets play a game, which one do think stabbed the other one first, TN or TF???

Would have to be TF. TN's nose is still so far up TF's ass - and besides, TN is too stupid to figure anything out on his own. TN will be fired as soon as the lawsuits are done. Labcorp can't fire TN now because they need him to continue to lie.