To my knowledge, MB is the only current lawsuit in progress. I know one is getting ready to file, having received their RTS letter. One or two are still in the administrative pipe-line, so they have some time before they actually get to the legal stage. Others can chime in if I'm wrong about how many are in progress.

Speaking of which, anyone know if the litigation hold letter that MB used in her case is on PACER? I"d like to know before I get charged to check.

Still curious as to who the rmbd was who received company paid therapy for "sexual harassment?" And then won RMBD of the year?

Not sure, but I'm sure its on the intranet somewhere. I'll take a look. For anyone else that may be going to litigate against LabCorp, this is an EXCELLENT article on forcing them to preserve information prior to the start of litigation.

http://www.craigball.com/perfect preservation letter.pdf

Concerned Florida employee's, send your information to the below.

The IBM person won't stay long. IBM is a no non sense, by the book company.

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
585 East Bay Street
Room 768
Jacksonville, Florida 34412

Concerned Florida employee's, send your information to the below.

Please do not delay, it is imperative we get your information.

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
736 West Main Blvd
Room 329
Orlando, Florida 34815

Let's examine this for a moment. A witness testifies under oath that he or she was asked to lie. The witness must then be judged on their truthfulness. Just because a witness said something does not make it so. This worker is actually quite safe because a dismissal now after such a deposition would clearly indicate prejudice on the part of LCA. If the case favors the plaintiff, the employee is even more secure in that LCA would not want to place itself in jeopardy once more.

What I find very hard to understand is that the lying bitc h in this case was the top producer in the nation. In most industries if said individual was a pedophile or an ax murderer their position would be quite secure. Not being privy to the particulars of this case I would have to conclude based on pure stupidity that the bit ch was treated fairly and would most likely not prevail.

Most major corporations do not document patterns of inappropriate behavior or misconduct prior to dismissal. Falsification of any company document, inappropriate behavior and like must not be documented to insure that the dismissal will stand the test of "reasonableness." When confronted with such documentation, employees are frequently given the opportunity to take a promotion and salary increase or risk being fired.Things are getting interesting, very interesting.

Let's examine this for a moment. A witness testifies under oath that he or she was asked to lie. The witness must then be judged on their truthfulness. Just because a witness said something does not make it so. This worker is actually quite safe because a dismissal now after such a deposition would clearly indicate prejudice on the part of LCA. If the case favors the plaintiff, the employee is even more secure in that LCA would not want to place itself in jeopardy once more.

What I find very hard to understand is that the lying bitc h in this case was the top producer in the nation. In most industries if said individual was a pedophile or an ax murderer their position would be quite secure. Not being privy to the particulars of this case I would have to conclude based on pure stupidity that the bit ch was treated fairly and would most likely not prevail.

Most major corporations do not document patterns of inappropriate behavior or misconduct prior to dismissal. Falsification of any company document, inappropriate behavior and like must not be documented to insure that the dismissal will stand the test of "reasonableness." When confronted with such documentation, employees are frequently given the opportunity to take a promotion and salary increase or risk being fired.Things are getting interesting, very interesting.

It's called the preponderance of the evidence. In addition, all courts are required to view the evidence, testimony, productions, interrogatories, and other documents most favorable to the non-moving party. Hope that clears it up.

I find it hard to believe that a rmbd would be accused of sexual harrassment and the lca attorneys would do nothing. If that is the case, anyone who had these complaints and if found legitimate by a court of law.....that would be a very serious violation. This is def. something that the US department of labor needs to be made aware of. Knowing the Fl local human resources, this is completly believable, but the attorneys allowing this??? Just doesn't sound believable!

I find it hard to believe that a rmbd would be accused of sexual harrassment and the lca attorneys would do nothing. If that is the case, anyone who had these complaints and if found legitimate by a court of law.....that would be a very serious violation. This is def. something that the US department of labor needs to be made aware of. Knowing the Fl local human resources, this is completly believable, but the attorneys allowing this??? Just doesn't sound believable!

Yeah... it is.

It's called the preponderance of the evidence. In addition, all courts are required to view the evidence, testimony, productions, interrogatories, and other documents most favorable to the non-moving party. Hope that clears it up.

You just proved yourself an idiot. Did you even read the post that you replied to???

TN Orlando

TN did not "win" anything.
He is an idiot that can't even tie his own shoes.
But he will be here until at least September, unfortunately.
Labcorp has to keep TF around that long because of MB's trial.
Once MB wins her lawsuit in FL, TF will then be gone, KS will then be gone
and THANK GOD - then TN, the idiot, will be gone too.

POSTED ARTICLE DATED16 Feb 10 LabCorp Reports Profits But Its Future Remains Cloudy

Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp – New York Stock Exchange Symbol LH) recently reported an increase in fourth-quarter net earnings to $142.7 million, as compared to $118.1 million for the 4th quarter of 2008. The increase in earning were due partly to a gain of $21.5 million from resolving state tax issues and realizing foreign tax credits.

LabCorp’s total revenues for the fourth quarter rose to $1.17 billion, up from $1.12 billion the year before. For the full year, the company had profits of $543.3 million, up from earnings of $464.5 million in 2008. The increase also includes all the income from the labs that Labcorp has acquired.

Labcorp also announced that it will be spending $250 Million to buy back shares of their own stock. Labcorp’s Chairman and CEO DK said “ We remain optimistic about the growth opportunities that lie ahead for us in 2010, and we are well positioned to capitalize on them.” I highlight the word lie because while he was making the statement, he was filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that he had just sold shares of LabCorp stock and pocketed over $171,960 in profits. You would think that when the head of a company announces positive results and claims to be “optimistic about the growth opportunities” he would be buying stock, not selling it.

One thing that LabCorp CEO Dk didn’t boast about is that of a rumored investigation of LabCorp by the US Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program. According to posts in CafePharma.com, LabCorp’s Florida operations are in trouble. They had to settle an employment lawsuit at a rumored cost of about $2.7 Million. In addition, they have a pending Federal lawsuit from a former employee that has not gone too well for them. With allegations of witness tampering and obstruction of justice, LabCorp has had to fire the law firm that was handling the case. The posts include the following:

OFCCP would like to hear from those who have been discriminated against based on a protected characteristic. (personal info removed) A formal recommendation has been made for an investigation of LCA Florida. Those who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, write:

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
400 West Bay Street
Room 939
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

or call:

(904) 351-0551


All correspondence is confidential.

POSTED ARTICLE DATED16 Feb 10 LabCorp Reports Profits But Its Future Remains Cloudy

Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp – New York Stock Exchange Symbol LH) recently reported an increase in fourth-quarter net earnings to $242.7 million, as compared to $90.1 million for the 4th quarter of 2008. The increase in earning were due partly to a gain of $121.5 million from resolving state tax issues and realizing foreign tax credits.

LabCorp’s total revenues for the fourth quarter rose to $2.17 billion, up from $1.92 billion the year before. For the full year, the company had profits of $943.3 million, up from earnings of $864.5 million in 2008. The increase also includes all the income from the labs that Labcorp has acquired.

Labcorp also announced that it will be spending $450 Million to buy back shares of their own stock. Labcorp’s Chairman and CEO DK said “ We remain optimistic about the growth opportunities that lie ahead for us in 2010, and we are well positioned to capitalize on them.” I highlight the word lie because while he was making the statement, he was filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission that he had just sold shares of LabCorp stock and pocketed over $171,960 in profits. You would think that when the head of a company announces positive results and claims to be “optimistic about the growth opportunities” he would be buying stock, not selling it.

One thing that LabCorp CEO Dk didn’t boast about is that of a rumored investigation of LabCorp by the US Department of Labor, Employment Standards Administration, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program. According to posts in CafePharma.com, LabCorp’s Florida operations are in trouble. They had to settle an employment lawsuit at a rumored cost of about $1.1 Million. In addition, they have a pending Federal lawsuit from a former employee that has not gone too well for them. With allegations of witness tampering and obstruction of justice, LabCorp has had to fire the law firm that was handling the case. The posts include the following:

OFCCP would like to hear from those who have been discriminated against based on a protected characteristic. (personal info removed) A formal recommendation has been made for an investigation of LCA Florida. Those who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, write:

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Attention Dave King
Corporate Office
358 South Main Street
Burlington, NC, 27215


It's called the preponderance of the evidence. In addition, all courts are required to view the evidence, testimony, productions, interrogatories, and other documents most favorable to the non-moving party. Hope that clears it up.

Caught you responding to your own post!!

You thought post 331 was yours, but it wasn't. I took your original post made some obvious changes and reposted it. You responded without reading the post because you assumed it was yours. It wasn't, and you just proved that 90% of the posts in this thread are by one person, you.
What a loser you must be.

Caught you responding to your own post!!

You thought post 331 was yours, but it wasn't. I took your original post made some obvious changes and reposted it. You responded without reading the post because you assumed it was yours. It wasn't, and you just proved that 90% of the posts in this thread are by one person, you.
What a loser you must be.

HA HA you are right
thank you you did us all a public service by outing this guy. These posts have been obsessive and contain no usefull information. Seems like he is just posting to post. Hope this thread just goes away.

I read through a number of postings within this thread and found that they contain racial and sexual slurs. They have no place on CafePharma and are in direct violation of CafePharma policy. So why does cafePharma allow them?

Also who is posting? In one post it recommends that any complaints be sent to Dave King and gives his address in Burlington.

TN won.
He is an genius that can tie his own shoes.
But he will be here long past September, thank goodness.
Labcorp will keep TF around long beyond MB's trial.
Once MB loses her lawsuit in FL, TF will then be promoted along with KS
and THANK GOD - then TN, the genius will be promoted too.