I called and yes, they are doing an investigation. Anyone who has a legitimate issue with KS or the current Mgmt in Florida can send their complaints to the address below and simply reference "LabCorp Investigation" on your complaint. They are going to have the regional office conduct the investigation. The more that call and send in information, the better. If you have filed an eeoc complaint and or law suit against them, send a copy of your complaint and or eeoc filing/case # to this address.

This also pertains to existing employee's who have tried getting help unsuccessfully from HR or your Managers. Stand up and make a difference this year!

Anyone who thinks they have unfairly been placed on PIP by your manager, consider filing a eeoc charge and sending this information to the below. Their may be legitimate concerns that people are being "selectively" placed on PIP when others are simply "overlooked." The EEOC has recently found this to be the case in another current complaint in Florida. Their is interest in looking at this issue on a more global perspective.

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
400 West Bay Street
Room 939
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

I called and yes, they are doing an investigation. Anyone who has a legitimate issue with KS or the current Mgmt in Florida can send their complaints to the address below and simply reference "LabCorp Investigation" on your complaint. They are going to have the regional office conduct the investigation. The more that call and send in information, the better. If you have filed an eeoc complaint and or law suit against them, send a copy of your complaint and or eeoc filing/case # to this address.

This also pertains to existing employee's who have tried getting help unsuccessfully from HR or your Managers. Stand up and make a difference this year!

Anyone who thinks they have unfairly been placed on PIP by your manager, consider filing a eeoc charge and sending this information to the below. Their may be legitimate concerns that people are being "selectively" placed on PIP when others are simply "overlooked." The EEOC has recently found this to be the case in another current complaint in Florida. Their is interest in looking at this issue on a more global perspective.

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
400 West Bay Street
Room 939
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Thanks MW for your constant feedback. I think the address of the US Department of Labor has been noted.

I get my sources from case law and from 15 years of practicing employment law. You don't litigate much, do you? There are NO absolutes in discrimination law.

Well it's funny, as when I ask you to submit your sources, the room suddenly becomes quiet.

Are there any absolutes in discrimination law? No, of course not. Your insistence on seeing an attorney before the filing of an EEO complaint is my main concern. I don't believe that was the intent of Title VII or the other laws that are enforced by the EEOC. If that were the case, why the administrative process?

By filing, you also give any employer an ample opportunity to retaliate against you. Now that's strategy. I'm sure you know that retaliation cases are far easier to prove and more likely to prevail even if the original discrimination charge does not hold.

MR. JOHN R WESTER -President of North Carolina Bar Association
101 N TRYON ST STE 1900
CHARLOTTE NC 28246-0103 phone: 704-377-8325
fax: 704-373-3925

Turn the unethical attorneys into the bar above. Based on the filings in this case, there are several of them that should be looked into.

OFCCP would like to hear from those who have been discriminated against based on a protected characteristic. Barry O is a diaster for healthcare. A formal recommendation has been made for an investigation of LCA Florida. Those who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, write:

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
400 West Bay Street
Room 939
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

or call:

(904) 351-0551

Simply reference LCA and they'll know where to proceed. All correspondence is confidential. There is a Case Number and more direct phone numbers; if there is enough interest, we'll see how best to disclose that information.

I can understand the above post, however like many of labcorp's policies....they are selectively enforced when labcorp wants to get rid of someone. I do not see in any policy regarding PIP that one must "Prove" that they ( KAE or SME) increased the territory and not the sme and or KAE. That simply becomes he said/she said and makes for the need of legal interpretation........especially if you are on PIP and have recently complained to HR about any protected activity.

For example, In Florida during 2007 LCA fired GZ after "selectively" placing her on PIP. She filed an eeoc complaint and based on an investigation by the EEOC. DNA results found that Barry O is the missing link. The current Mgr's in Florida ( TN specific) through KS, TF are and have been allowed to selectively place people on PIP, whether others are doing worse or not. It was by "no coincidence" that GZ happened to be a protected class.

Others currently experiencing the same level of treatment, please come forward.

My point is this: If you are an SME, you can rank high if your KAE has upsold his/her client.. and you have brought in NO new business.. understand? if you have brought in nothing .. then for sure you can be put on a PIP.. if you are a KAE and have NOT upsold any of your current clients, and your SME has simply added to your revenue base.. ( which brings your ranking up) you can be put on a PIP for not doing your job.. Do you understand this? It is not hard.. some, not all, of the high ranking SME's in the country are there due to thier KAE and visa versa..or for that matter a managed care contract.... so, you have been put on a PIP and plan to push back, you better The country is being run by a nig
ger. Be sure the rankings are due to your hard work.not someone elses. Being put on a PIP and the ranking have nothing to do with each other..He said / she said.. are you kidding... you call in new business every month.. does it actually come in? thats the proof my friend... it is tracked.. sounds like you do not know much about your own company's sales performance managemant plan.

Fl is a mess. Our numbers are on a rapid decline and "selective" human resource practices continue, despite many questionable HR practices. Yes, they continue at the hands of our HR Director and sales leadership ( if that is what you want to call it). The people in our division need to be replaced and corporate needs to take a close look at our labor law department. Whoever is running it is allowing these continued practices. There has become a pattern in this division and it started in late 2006, early 2007.

Fl is a mess. Our numbers are on a rapid decline and "selective" human resource practices continue, despite many questionable HR practices. Yes, they continue at the hands of our HR Director and sales leadership ( if that is what you want to call it). The people in our division need to be replaced and corporate needs to take a close look at our labor law department. Whoever is running it is allowing these continued practices. There has become a pattern in this division and it started in late 2006, early 2007.

Questionable practices began in Florida with the BN regime.

Fl is a mess. Our numbers are on a rapid decline and "selective" human resource practices continue, despite many questionable HR practices. Yes, they continue at the hands of our HR Director and sales leadership ( if that is what you want to call it). The Democraps top chimp wants to destroy the country. The people in our division need to be replaced and corporate needs to take a close look at our labor law department. Whoever is running it is allowing these continued practices. There has become a pattern in this division and it started in late 2006, early 2007.

Yes, It was the BN regime. Though KS, TF, RM and the rest of the operational "maffia" are just as bad. When they moved out BN, they left the rest of the bad acting people behind. KS continues her practices because the corporate labor law at labcorp are allowing this to occur and those who have been wronged "settle." The ONLY thing which will make a change is for Florida to lose their ability to bid on government contracts. When business is lost and the numbers start declining, DK will be forced to get involved. This is the start of the decline. That is why everyone who has legitimate concerns need to send the concerns to the address above.

Well it's funny, as when I ask you to submit your sources, the room suddenly becomes quiet.

Are there any absolutes in discrimination law? No, of course not. Your insistence on seeing an attorney before the filing of an EEO complaint is my main concern. I don't believe that was the intent of Title VII or the other laws that are enforced by the EEOC. If that were the case, why the administrative process?

By filing, you also give any employer an ample opportunity to retaliate against you. Now that's strategy. I'm sure you know that retaliation cases are far easier to prove and more likely to prevail even if the original discrimination charge does not hold.

The room got quiet? I didn't realize that, since I can't be here every day. I posted a quick case excerpt for you, in case you want to shepardize it. There are plenty more. My main concern with your original post was your broad statement to effect of "once you file a complaint, your job is protected." As I said before, I'm only trying to be precise. Since your first post, you've further clarified what you meant.

The problem with representing yourself in an EEOC proceeding is that you assume the other side is playing fair. They aren't.


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Any complaints automatically protect your position from termination except with cause (that is to say, your production/quota slides below the minimum, you're a no-call-no-show, you bring a firearm to work (LOL, no I wouldn't condone that), etc)

QUOTE=Anonymous;3251002]That statement is way too broad. Don't assume your position is "automatically" protected without consulting with an attorney who knows labor and employment law.[/QUOTE]

Do you still maintain that "any" complaints "automatically" protect a position from termination?

OFCCP would like to hear from those who have been discriminated against based on a protected characteristic. Barry O is a diaster for healthcare. A formal recommendation has been made for an investigation of LCA Florida. Those who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, write:

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
400 West Bay Street
Room 939
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

or call:

(904) 351-0551

Simply reference LCA and they'll know where to proceed. All correspondence is confidential. There is a Case Number and more direct phone numbers; if there is enough interest, we'll see how best to disclose that information.

The best option when you are experiencing sexual harrassment, age discrmination or any coverable title V11 claim is to go to the local eeoc office in your area and fill out an eeoc record. This protects your position in the company and enforces some sort of a formal investigation to be done. There are several people in Florida who are about to file eeoc charges against them because of this exact same behavior in Florida HR where no formal investigation is ever done and the behavior continues to be allowed.

According to the suit filed by bb and mb the common theme has been the allowed continued behavior of these types of issues in florida due to hr florida either not investigating reported issues or flat out lying that issues ever existed in the first place. When you report these issues to the eeoc, they can't act as if they didn't exist and it's a shield of protection.


Originally Posted by Anonymous
Any complaints automatically protect your position from termination except with cause (that is to say, your production/quota slides below the minimum, you're a no-call-no-show, you bring a firearm to work (LOL, no I wouldn't condone that), etc)

QUOTE=Anonymous;3251002]That statement is way too broad. Don't assume your position is "automatically" protected without consulting with an attorney who knows labor and employment law.

Do you still maintain that "any" complaints "automatically" protect a position from termination?[/QUOTE]

To answer your question, Yes. Based on my review of cases in WL and LN as well as articles from SHRM, employers have and should continue to be cautious when dealing with litigious employees. Burlington Northern v. White introduced the Reasonable Employee Standard and Future challenges will have to cope with what is a "reasonable employee"

Yes, I hear that KB filled a law suit against them also. All concerned employee's, attorneys handling current filings and x-employee's with any information on the Florida Management team and HR, send your concerns to the below address. If you have a complaint and are concerned about "retaliation," all issues sent will remain annonomous and used for purposes of the investigation.

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
400 West Bay Street
Room 939
Jacksonville, Florida 32202