I called it.

If you can survive Summary Judgement, the company folds. This is the case in a few other lawsuits against LCA. This is also true of most corporations - with the exception of the LCA case in California that garnered national attention back in 2006; LCA took that one all the way to the Supreme Court - they still lost in some respects.

Now that BB's case is wrapped up, MB will now take the center stage. If I'm not mistaken, LCA was required to submit some discovery documents by October 30th. The others have a deadline in December, but I will check to make sure.

As for whether Florida HR is having issues, let me restate that I am aware of KS's existence through indirect association; Yes, they are having some issues and there are some preliminaries that will be going forward in the coming months. I'm not sure if they are Sales or Operations-related, but I will make some discreet inquiries.

Let's not forget the good doctor in Conneticut that won over $6M ( includes his attorney fee's) for whistleblowing. They really hung that poor man out to dry and ruined his career. In the end, he WON and was right about his concerns over patient care. It is a shame he died, but he left this world knowing he had a cause.......to try and make this company a "safer" place for patient care.....doesn't look like it is much safer.

Does anyone know of any other EEOC and or lawsuit claims occurring in Florida right now against the HR Director, TF, TN, RM and or any of the other Mgmt team there? I have heard that there are several that have been recently filed. Does anyone know?

The last poster stated that there are some "preliminaries" about to go through? What does that mean?

Why isn't KS from HR in Tampa facing perjury charges, jail time or even being fined.
She was caught red handed. She has lied and cheated employees and backstabbed them for years.

Why isn't anything going to be done to her for the crime she committed ?

Let's not forget the good doctor in Conneticut that won over $6M ( includes his attorney fee's) for whistleblowing. They really hung that poor man out to dry and ruined his career. In the end, he WON and was right about his concerns over patient care. It is a shame he died, but he left this world knowing he had a cause.......to try and make this company a "safer" place for patient care.....doesn't look like it is much safer.

Does anyone know of any other EEOC and or lawsuit claims occurring in Florida right now against the HR Director, TF, TN, RM and or any of the other Mgmt team there? I have heard that there are several that have been recently filed. Does anyone know?

The last poster stated that there are some "preliminaries" about to go through? What does that mean?

There are some cases progressing, but unlike FMLA - which allows immediate action to be taken in court - EEO requires you to exhaust administrative proceedings first. It's highly likely that it will be about another 6 months to a year before the first ones can go to court.

There are probably 2-3 cases in the administrative process for now against some of the initials that are highlighted above. More than that, its best not to say for now. I hear one for ADA will be filed very soon. This does not include workman's compensation claims.

Since LCA is a federal government contractor, they are subject to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs oversight. Let's look to see if action can be taken on their end.


KS will def. be fined and or face possible perjury charges. It's up to each person who is currently involved in a suit with them to turn them in on a one by one basis. The information is sent to the state prosecutors office for evaluation and charges could very well be made!
In addition to the above, it looks as though KS has possibly committed another perjury in the MB case. This latest paper to the court stated that she denied ever being sent "discrimination" complaints from mb, yet original emails prove that KS did in fact receive these complaints and did nothing about them!

KS will def. be fined and or face possible perjury charges. It's up to each person who is currently involved in a suit with them to turn them in on a one by one basis. The information is sent to the state prosecutors office for evaluation and charges could very well be made!
In addition to the above, it looks as though KS has possibly committed another perjury in the MB case. This latest paper to the court stated that she denied ever being sent "discrimination" complaints from mb, yet original emails prove that KS did in fact receive these complaints and did nothing about them!

If she's fined, it will just be put on an expense report under "other expenses".

KS will def. be fined and or face possible perjury charges. It's up to each person who is currently involved in a suit with them to turn them in on a one by one basis. The information is sent to the state prosecutors office for evaluation and charges could very well be made!
In addition to the above, it looks as though KS has possibly committed another perjury in the MB case. This latest paper to the court stated that she denied ever being sent "discrimination" complaints from mb, yet original emails prove that KS did in fact receive these complaints and did nothing about them!

What's remarkable to me is how any of them (ks, tf, bn, tn, etc) can sleep at night or even function effectively on their jobs with the employees reading this and knowing what they know.

Just know that if your an employee in florida and have legitimate discrimination concerns, you can't go to HR, ie: LF, KS, and certainly not to corporate HR as they send you back down to the local crew and your double screwed for going over them. Once you go to HR about poor treatment, your either put on PIP when your numbers are better if not equal to other sales reps whom aren't on PIP. Your only choice is to file with the EEOC and start documentation immediatley, including that you have filed with EEOC. There are many EEOC complaints in Florida right now!
As far as sleeping at night, those mentioned above could care less.....they think there jobs are covered up to and including the last law suit...........hence, they create this kind of situation for job security. How could TF keep his job when his numbers are so poor?? Just think about it!

Just know that if your an employee in florida and have legitimate discrimination concerns, you can't go to HR, ie: LF, KS, and certainly not to corporate HR as they send you back down to the local crew and your double screwed for going over them. Once you go to HR about poor treatment, your either put on PIP when your numbers are better if not equal to other sales reps whom aren't on PIP. Your only choice is to file with the EEOC and start documentation immediatley, including that you have filed with EEOC. There are many EEOC complaints in Florida right now!
As far as sleeping at night, those mentioned above could care less.....they think there jobs are covered up to and including the last law suit...........hence, they create this kind of situation for job security. How could TF keep his job when his numbers are so poor?? Just think about it!

You know, thats true.

If Labcorp got rid of ALL the corrupt people - KS, TF, TN, BN - then those corrput people would really blow the whistle on Labcorp. They could then talk about all the illegal activity they have been involved in.

Wow, that is job security. For now anyway

If they were smart, they would simply consolidate and combine Florida with another region, get rid of 1 V.P. Sales, TF, one HR Director, KS and turn the RMBD'S into 3 vs 5 and give them more terriotry. They could get rid of the issues very quickly this way!

It is interesting that BN BLEW in, created the STORM and BLEW out almost as quickly as he came in....leaving a disaterous impact to last for years. I heard he laughs and says now that he has left Florida, there going down hill. He must be one arogant little man to think he didn't cause this mess! Can you imagine? Let's convince DK to over pay for DSI, lose half of the business during transition and meet your #'s short term due to aquisition, blow out leaving people like TN, KS, RM,TF TG to ruin the division, and many left over lawsuits because of your reckless behavior. Why hasn't DK termed BN yet?

So we agree that at least some of the terminations were legit, the BCBS contract loss when he came from BCBS as I recall and should have known the game a bit better. I didn't know about the DUI but the hit and run and a few other foibles were well known, therefore race and success didn't matter. Perhaps the hit and run was as a result of the drinking? AD was the ops persons who came from WPB correct? SME's and RMBD's had found ways to manipulate business to look like new business which was the mantra, new business, new business. Maybe there were some legit mistakes but why did she quit instead of making them fire her and fighting it in court? LCA is no piece of heaven but let's be fair.

I heard AD had enough. Sick and tired of trying to defend herself over false rumors.
She had more class than that. I have heard she moved on and is doing quite well.

Just know that if your an employee in florida and have legitimate discrimination concerns, you can't go to HR, ie: LF, KS, and certainly not to corporate HR as they send you back down to the local crew and your double screwed for going over them. Once you go to HR about poor treatment, your either put on PIP when your numbers are better if not equal to other sales reps whom aren't on PIP. Your only choice is to file with the EEOC and start documentation immediatley, including that you have filed with EEOC. There are many EEOC complaints in Florida right now!
As far as sleeping at night, those mentioned above could care less.....they think there jobs are covered up to and including the last law suit...........hence, they create this kind of situation for job security. How could TF keep his job when his numbers are so poor?? Just think about it!

I want to have KS's SPHR certification revoked for her unethical behavior in the BB case. Perjury and all. Anyone want to join in and send a letter to HRCI?

What is a sphr certification? I also think that bb's summary judgement paper needs to be sent to the HR web sites throughout the country. Go to www.pacer.gov and pull down the SJ paper and send it to as many HR sites and papers as possible......

What is a sphr certification?

from the shrm.org website:

"The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM®) is the world’s largest association devoted to human resource management. An affiliate of SHRM, the HR Certification Institute® develops and delivers credentialing programs, the Professional in Human Resources (PHR®), and the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR®) to validate mastery in the field of human resource management and to promote organizational effectiveness."

My wife studied for the SPHR test, to secure her seat as an HR director of a small non-profit. It was a fairly tough test, and she had to take a mini-vacation afterwards to rest up from it. However, just simply having the certification does not necessarily mean an honest and incorrupt HR person. If KS is really as has been implied in this topic, she should have her certification pulled, permanently if possible. But I don't know how SHRM would handle such a case. Being a rotten Windows tech doesn't get your MCSE pulled.

The only concern of NOT following through with these agencies is that this person has apparently made a habit of allowing improper HR practices to occur. If someone doesn't put a stop to it NOW, the company will settle with these people, make them sign documents to "GO AWAY" and people like this HR Director will continue ruining people's careers! Chances are it go's much further up than this Florida HR Director, like perhaps the VP of corporate HR and the corporate HR attorneys are a part of the underlying issue. It's a culture that exist at LCA that breeds this type of behavior. Until people take a stance and turn these people into agencies, nothing will be done!

The only concern of NOT following through with these agencies is that this person has apparently made a habit of allowing improper HR practices to occur. If someone doesn't put a stop to it NOW, the company will settle with these people, make them sign documents to "GO AWAY" and people like this HR Director will continue ruining people's careers! Chances are it go's much further up than this Florida HR Director, like perhaps the VP of corporate HR and the corporate HR attorneys are a part of the underlying issue. It's a culture that exist at LCA that breeds this type of behavior. Until people take a stance and turn these people into agencies, nothing will be done!

Another way to look at this is this; In the eyes of those at Corporate, to fire her would be admission of guilt. Its sort of a PR thing. Think about it.

The only concern of NOT following through with these agencies is that this person has apparently made a habit of allowing improper HR practices to occur. If someone doesn't put a stop to it NOW, the company will settle with these people, make them sign documents to "GO AWAY" and people like this HR Director will continue ruining people's careers! Chances are it go's much further up than this Florida HR Director, like perhaps the VP of corporate HR and the corporate HR attorneys are a part of the underlying issue. It's a culture that exist at LCA that breeds this type of behavior. Until people take a stance and turn these people into agencies, nothing will be done!

For the longest time, they did not have a corporate VP of Human Resources. I'm not sure if it has been filled or who that person is.

Unethical activities and non-educated, ill-trained people in positions that they have little capability to do are prevalent in the LCA culture; however, Florida takes the lead. This HR director is a real piece of work. I wouldn't trust her to prepare a Big-Mac, much less direct the day-to-day affairs of Human Resources for the division.

I believe someone commented that she attained her position because she was friends with a person in Corporate HR; before her current role, she was a Trainer? Damn is all I have to say.

Yes, the lure of money during settlement and the subsequent non-disclosure agreement usually get people to go away and shut-up.

I heard that the eeoc found lca Florida guilty in another filing recently, something regarding TN, KS,TF. The claim was age discrmination. Anyone concerned that these people aren't on the up and up legally, it's starting to come out one by one. The eeoc NEVER finds fault, but not this time!