Having reviewed the most recent public filings in the mb case, it looks at though the labcorp attorneys have told a key witness to lie about facts surrounding the claims which plantiff filed against them. The same employee in this specific example told labcorp attorneys that they were asked to provide non truthful testimony and the behavior has been allowed to continue. LabCorp filed a document to keep this testimony hidden under "court protection." That simply means that they don't want anyone in the public to understand that they in fact allow these type of practices to occur.

Sigh...What a mess.


Here is the NC Bar Standard Grievance Form. For the purposes of maintaining this discussion, the above is for informational purposes. The Court will have to determine whether any criminal sanctions can be levied against LCA's attorneys.

However, being licensed to practice law in any state, entails certain restrictions. What is alleged in the Motion to Compel is certainly an ethics violation. State Bars issue their own findings of fact. MB, or anyone else impacted by the case - you are well within your rights to make a formal complaint to the state bar for NC. They will review the facts, witnesses, etc - and make a determination. A finding of fault by a court is not needed to file a complaint with the state bar. They are two separate entities.

With that said, I reviewed all the West Law citations and the issues at hand. Based on the facts, I cannot in good faith state that LCA will prevail in any one of the cases. BB is proceeding to trial and LCA's delay tactics in MB's case has finally been exhausted. Work-Product privilege? Nice try, but we're not talking about developing a new assay or trade secret.

any way to post the motion to compel on cp? don't know how to get a copy? If you cant post it here, maybe labcorpsucks.com can post it for us to read? looks like maybe your an attorney and can help us?

Only 2 of the people on that list deserved what they got, one for DUI and the other because the BCBS loss. The others were all mistreated and SET UP. AD never falsified sales #'s ( TF had it in for successful women and never liked her), BB wasn't the nicest always but did her job and they lied and illegaly termed her ( look at her court filings), BC was set up by BN, MA wasn't liked by TF, MB was a complete set up, JS was a cover up for why they termed MB, RB was simply telling the truth for which we all think but don't dare say because we know we can't speak the truth in Florida, not sure who GZ is......but it says she is over 50 and recent summary judgement in BB case says that Florida allows discrimination against people "nearing retirement." I'm sure there are plenty more with the HR Director who has no clue what she's doing.

Only 2 of the people on that list deserved what they got, one for DUI and the other because the BCBS loss. The others were all mistreated and SET UP. AD never falsified sales #'s ( TF had it in for successful women and never liked her), BB wasn't the nicest always but did her job and they lied and illegaly termed her ( look at her court filings), BC was set up by BN, MA wasn't liked by TF, MB was a complete set up, JS was a cover up for why they termed MB, RB was simply telling the truth for which we all think but don't dare say because we know we can't speak the truth in Florida, not sure who GZ is......but it says she is over 50 and recent summary judgement in BB case says that Florida allows discrimination against people "nearing retirement." I'm sure there are plenty more with the HR Director who has no clue what she's doing.

So we agree that at least some of the terminations were legit, the BCBS contract loss when he came from BCBS as I recall and should have known the game a bit better. I didn't know about the DUI but the hit and run and a few other foibles were well known, therefore race and success didn't matter. Perhaps the hit and run was as a result of the drinking? AD was the ops persons who came from WPB correct? SME's and RMBD's had found ways to manipulate business to look like new business which was the mantra, new business, new business. Maybe there were some legit mistakes but why did she quit instead of making them fire her and fighting it in court? LCA is no piece of heaven but let's be fair.

DV was good friends with TF so they let him "save face" and pretend he was resigning...remember the email DV sent to all of us saying he had found another job and was moving on and how sad he was despite how great he had done for the company. That was the most bazaar thing I have ever seen. Screw up a $20M plus contract and have a good bye party and exit that appears like he's a winner? How come BN wasn't held accountable for that mess up? Don't know about the AD situation but do know that the hr director in Fl is a complete idiot. I have complained about improper treatment and she just ignores it completely! No formal investigation, no follow up, no help whatsoever! It's a complete COVER UP in FLorida of serious issues and we have had it!

DV was good friends with TF so they let him "save face" and pretend he was resigning...remember the email DV sent to all of us saying he had found another job and was moving on and how sad he was despite how great he had done for the company. That was the most bazaar thing I have ever seen. Screw up a $20M plus contract and have a good bye party and exit that appears like he's a winner? How come BN wasn't held accountable for that mess up? Don't know about the AD situation but do know that the hr director in Fl is a complete idiot. I have complained about improper treatment and she just ignores it completely! No formal investigation, no follow up, no help whatsoever! It's a complete COVER UP in FLorida of serious issues and we have had it!

If you have a legitimate complaint and HR isn't receptive, spend a few dollars and talk to a labor attorney, look in the phone book. A letter from a labor lawyer to HR will get a response pronto. AD came from West Palm and was an RMBD in Orlando. Don't know much about what happened but I heard there were some questionable things going on...won't go into that. Seems everytime a woman has a problem it's because a man doesn't like her.

Document #152 in the mb case is quite possibly the most offensive testimony I have ever seen. The part about the "Crime-Fraud" waiver is typical LabCorp behavior but now they have been caught. Instructing witnesses to LIE and falsify testimony in federal court. I particularly liked the part in the motion that states "had labcorp bothered to investigate whether it's number one sales producer in the nation was in fact working real estate during business hours it would have realized it's alleged concerns were baseless." Based on this motion, it looks as though now that the attorneys have realized there was clearly something else behind the real reason she was termed, they are having to instruct witnesses to lie. I am proud that the employee's aren't allowing this. I know many of the players in this and history predicts what the obvious outcome will be!

Document #152 in the mb case is quite possibly the most offensive testimony I have ever seen. The part about the "Crime-Fraud" waiver is typical LabCorp behavior but now they have been caught. Instructing witnesses to LIE and falsify testimony in federal court. I particularly liked the part in the motion that states "had labcorp bothered to investigate whether it's number one sales producer in the nation was in fact working real estate during business hours it would have realized it's alleged concerns were baseless." Based on this motion, it looks as though now that the attorneys have realized there was clearly something else behind the real reason she was termed, they are having to instruct witnesses to lie. I am proud that the employee's aren't allowing this. I know many of the players in this and history predicts what the obvious outcome will be!

Interesting that the number one sales producer in the nation would be terminated for any reason. Be careful though in predicting "obvious outcomes," nothing is obvious under the law. Alleging that a witness has been instructed to lie is different from a witness taking the stand and acknowledging such under oath. If that happens, it's all over for LCA. A previous and since deleted post alleged that a number of dismissals were inappropriate and later at least two of those dismissals were shown to have cause. Perhaps others did too, and perhaps MB's case was or was not with appropriate cause. We shall see.

In reading the motions, it appears that a witness already has stated under oath that they were asked to tell lies. The witness is still working for LabCorp and has every reason to be scared for his job. How horrible of a position would that be for the witness? Why would you want to work for a company that acted like this?

In reading the motions, it appears that a witness already has stated under oath that they were asked to tell lies. The witness is still working for LabCorp and has every reason to be scared for his job. How horrible of a position would that be for the witness? Why would you want to work for a company that acted like this?

Let's examine this for a moment. A witness testifies under oath that he or she was asked to lie. The witness must then be judged on their truthfulness. Just because a witness said something does not make it so. This worker is actually quite safe because a dismissal now after such a deposition would clearly indicate prejudice on the part of LCA. If the case favors the plaintiff, the employee is even more secure in that LCA would not want to place itself in jeopardy once more.

What I find very hard to understand is that the plaintiff in this case was the top producer in the nation. In most industries unless said individual was a pedophile or an ax murderer their position would be quite secure. Not being privy to the particulars of this case I would have to conclude based on pure logic that the plaintiff was treated unfairly and would most likely prevail.

Most major corporations heavily document a pattern of inappropriate behavior or misconduct prior to dismissal. Falsification of any company document, inappropriate behavior and like must be reasonably documented to insure that the dismissal will stand the test of "reasonableness." When confronted with such documentation, employees are frequently given the opportunity to resign or risk being fired.Things are getting interesting, very interesting.

In reading the motions, it appears that a witness already has stated under oath that they were asked to tell lies. The witness is still working for LabCorp and has every reason to be scared for his job. How horrible of a position would that be for the witness? Why would you want to work for a company that acted like this?

This should not surprise anyone.

That is the Labcorp way of doing business.

In reading the motions, it appears that a witness already has stated under oath that they were asked to tell lies. The witness is still working for LabCorp and has every reason to be scared for his job. How horrible of a position would that be for the witness? Why would you want to work for a company that acted like this?

It used to be a good place to work until they promoted and transferred all the good managers and vp's... and brought in what's running Florida now.

I have worked for mb before at other companies and know her family well. She is one of the most ethical persons I know. If you read the documents in this case, it is quite obvious that she was retaliated against because she stood up for her people and customers. Kowing BN and his crew, they don't like successful women making the kind of money mb was making. The deposition testimony of this individual is very damaging to LabCorp, not to mention the fact that the attorneys conduct could cause several of them to lose their rights to practice law! In the end, it's about the attorneys milking labcorp for as much money as they can. LabCorp should fire Parker Poe and probably even sue them after this one!

why hasn't anyone filed an eeoc complaint against the hr director since many of us have complained about TN and NO ONE has done anything?? Perhaps we should all come together and file one big eeoc complaint against Florida?

I don't know about the herpes, but once you get it, you always have it!

Somebody in Orlando was giving herpes to everyone, not sure if it was TN but someone there, perhaps the guy he replaced? Why don't you all file an EEOC complaint. Google EEOC and you will find the info you need to proceed.