Having reviewed the most recent public filings in the mb case, it looks at though the labcorp attorneys have told a key witness to lie about facts surrounding the claims which plantiff filed against them. The same employee in this specific example told labcorp attorneys that they were asked to provide non truthful testimony and the behavior has been allowed to continue. LabCorp filed a document to keep this testimony hidden under "court protection." That simply means that they don't want anyone in the public to understand that they in fact allow these type of practices to occur.
Sigh...What a mess.
Here is the NC Bar Standard Grievance Form. For the purposes of maintaining this discussion, the above is for informational purposes. The Court will have to determine whether any criminal sanctions can be levied against LCA's attorneys.
However, being licensed to practice law in any state, entails certain restrictions. What is alleged in the Motion to Compel is certainly an ethics violation. State Bars issue their own findings of fact. MB, or anyone else impacted by the case - you are well within your rights to make a formal complaint to the state bar for NC. They will review the facts, witnesses, etc - and make a determination. A finding of fault by a court is not needed to file a complaint with the state bar. They are two separate entities.
With that said, I reviewed all the West Law citations and the issues at hand. Based on the facts, I cannot in good faith state that LCA will prevail in any one of the cases. BB is proceeding to trial and LCA's delay tactics in MB's case has finally been exhausted. Work-Product privilege? Nice try, but we're not talking about developing a new assay or trade secret.