The latest mb filings;

Parker Poe resigns from mb case= LabCorp fired them=LabCorp can now sue them for damages in this case

The strangest thing was the withdrawl motion in the public records. They spent the entire brief summarizing everything they had dishonestly potrayed to the court as if they were the victims. It was really quite pathetic!

That law firm has a horrible reputation in North Carolina. LabCorp will have a hard time finding a replacement firm that will allow the kind of lies to be told that PP has allowed. For years, LabCorp has gotten away with illegal employment actions because they have alligned themselves with attorneys who were more than willing to "lie" for their client. Most reputable law firms won't touch LabCorp! I'm surprised it took this long for LabCorp to fire them!

MR. JOHN R WESTER -President of North Carolina Bar Association
101 N TRYON ST STE 1900
CHARLOTTE NC 28246-0103 phone: 704-377-8325
fax: 704-373-3925

Turn the unethical attorneys into the bar above. Based on the filings in this case, there are several of them that should be looked into.

Any complaints automatically protect your position from termination except with cause (that is to say, your production/quota slides below the minimum, you're a no-call-no-show, you bring a firearm to work (LOL, no I wouldn't condone that), etc)

That statement is way too broad. Don't assume your position is "automatically" protected without consulting with an attorney who knows labor and employment law.

There have been significant problems in florida since J.G. promoted someone with no experience into hr for Florida. The company needs to demote her or move her out if they want to limit their exposure. She has already cost the company several million dollars based on the current litigation of several law suits, settlement monies and some additional suits about to be filed. Not to mention, she was just caught by a federal judge "perjuring" testimony. You would think that their has to be a corporate policy that allows for immediate job dissmisal once you are caught providing "perjured" testimony?

There have been significant problems in florida since J.G. promoted someone with no experience into hr for Florida. The company needs to demote her or move her out if they want to limit their exposure. She has already cost the company several million dollars based on the current litigation of several law suits, settlement monies and some additional suits about to be filed. Not to mention, she was just caught by a federal judge "perjuring" testimony. You would think that their has to be a corporate policy that allows for immediate job dissmisal once you are caught providing "perjured" testimony?

To separate her from her position and the company might appear to be admitting guilt. Continuing to operate in "denial mode" seems to be the preferred option.

That statement is way too broad. Don't assume your position is "automatically" protected without consulting with an attorney who knows labor and employment law.

That's why the for-cause statement was made. At-will employment provides for dismissal for any reason not protected by law. If an employee files a complaint and the employee is dismissed for a no-cause reason, EEO and/or the Courts can interpret said action as merely a pretext for discrimination/retaliation. As always, YMMV.

Glad to hear that LCA is without proper representation at the moment.

That's why the for-cause statement was made. At-will employment provides for dismissal for any reason not protected by law. If an employee files a complaint and the employee is dismissed for a no-cause reason, EEO and/or the Courts can interpret said action as merely a pretext for discrimination/retaliation. As always, YMMV.

Glad to hear that LCA is without proper representation at the moment.

Well with an attorney as CEO and COO there is certainly legal representation. Of course, what is the saying about an attorney representing themselves?

There have been significant problems in florida since J.G. promoted someone with no experience into hr for Florida. The company needs to demote her or move her out if they want to limit their exposure. She has already cost the company several million dollars based on the current litigation of several law suits, settlement monies and some additional suits about to be filed. Not to mention, she was just caught by a federal judge "perjuring" testimony. You would think that their has to be a corporate policy that allows for immediate job dissmisal once you are caught providing "perjured" testimony?

How can this HR Rep - KS (in Tampa) - continue to even work at Labcorp. She knows that all the employees now know about her, what a liar she is, how dishonest she is, how completely incompetent she is - how can she even look employees in the eye.

Everyone here at Labcorp knows (because its been proven in court) how pathetic she truly is - yet she continues to be employed at Labcorp.
It must be a terrible feeling for her to walk around and know that all employees know she is a liar.

But then again, most of Labcorp management is in the same boat.

labcorp completely "botched" the bb case and has made a complete embarassment of themselves in the mb case. They have allowed lie after lie after lie to pile up before the court. Looks as if the outside attorneys have been "fired" and they were so sloppy in their production that they turned over labcorp attorney emails that tell a different story then what they submitted to the courts.

As far as KS, well she is about to be tossed out to the wolves. Once the mb case is over, TF and KS are GONE. By June of 2010, they are history!

does anyone know what other eeoc complaints are out there with alleged issues surrounding ks? Please post if you know anything.[/QUOTO

Other cases eeoc in ky, in and ohio

Title VII cases are not uncommon in a company this big, but to have 5 in Florida within a span of 2 years and all with the same people involved? Word on the street is OFCCP is getting ready to launch an investigation, as they regulate the Medicare/Medicaid contracts.

5, try 8 that are known, and then how many do we NOT know about. Then there are the people that got riffed at the hands of the same people who didn't deserve it and did nothing! BN really cost the FL division millions! How DK can't see this and fire him makes no sense. As for KS, she's just inexperienced and reckless.

5, try 8 that are known, and then how many do we NOT know about. Then there are the people that got riffed at the hands of the same people who didn't deserve it and did nothing! BN really cost the FL division millions! How DK can't see this and fire him makes no sense. As for KS, she's just inexperienced and reckless.

KS was simply following the orders of the SVP. BN could have cared less if it was legal, fair, or right. He had an attitude and would not give up of a bad idea regardless of the advice given. The alternatives were to carry out the order or quit.

KS was simply following the orders of the SVP. BN could have cared less if it was legal, fair, or right. He had an attitude and would not give up of a bad idea regardless of the advice given. The alternatives were to carry out the order or quit.

OFCCP would like to hear from those who have been discriminated against based on a protected characteristic. A formal recommendation has been made for an investigation of LCA Florida. Those who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, write:

US Department of Labor
Employment Standards Administration
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program
Charles E Bennett Federal Building
400 West Bay Street
Room 939
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

or call:

(904) 351-0551

Simply reference LCA and they'll know where to proceed. All correspondence is confidential. There is a Case Number and more direct phone numbers; if there is enough interest, we'll see how best to disclose that information.