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Eyecare restructure .. if that’s what you want to call it :(

No, you did not dumbass. Your major is why your career sucks. Your lack of comprehension is why you chose a career in which you are not allowed to think. #yourdegreessuck #wedontneedcaterers #realtorisyourfuture

hahah. This chick is hilarious! Is this Dawn's daughter?

Half the people in this field have either marketing, science or nursing backgrounds you crackhead. We can all do other things, we just were able to get into this industry (unlike a lot of people), and make a lot of money with a lot of flexibility.

It means, that if you idiots chose better majors in college and not the ones that led to you being pharma reps, you wouldn’t be crying on Cafepharma about losing your livelihoods. Plebeian. Don’t worry you can look up “plebeian.”

I didn't lose my livelihood Ringo. I'm on here to tell people how much better life is outside of Allergan and not under tzar leadership.

Wait, you've got to be a psychology major. All the crazy ones major in psych.

hahah. This chick is hilarious! Is this Dawn's daughter?

Half the people in this field have either marketing, science or nursing backgrounds you crackhead. We can all do other things, we just were able to get into this industry (unlike a lot of people), and make a lot of money with a lot of flexibility.
Stop. I can’t take much more. This is too cute. Or should I say, adorbs! #moronsbecomepharmareps

I didn't lose my livelihood Ringo. I'm on here to tell people how much better life is outside of Allergan and not under tzar leadership.

Wait, you've got to be a psychology major. All the crazy ones major in psych.
Do you mean psychology? Of course that’s it. I needed to be paid well and have options. Do you know how expensive private school is in Irvine?

No, you did not dumbass. Your major is why your career sucks. Your lack of comprehension is why you chose a career in which you are not allowed to think. #yourdegreessuck #wedontneedcaterers #realtorisyourfuture

Was your comeback really telling that person they didn't understand your retarded sentence to begin with, when they clearly did by the example they gave? You have no idea what peoples majors are in this industry. They literally come from everywhere including teachers, pharmacists, biomedical sciences, marketing etc.

See, unlike you, we are able to communicate effectively with people and manage our territories to grow and be profitable. Were you one of the many people who tried to get into this industry but was too ugly? Maybe just a poor personality. #dontgiveupadorbs!!

Oh and btw, I make $350k/year not including the car, cell, internet paid for, free gas, and all the other perks. Ya, really bad career choice. Awful. How did I end up here? Oof, must have been my major.

Ahhh yes Team Dawn! The Yankees that created that retarded prefillment marketing piece that got a manger fired in the south. Love how you each showed everyone how to resolve a PA by getting into the system with the techs and navigating your way to resolve their problems. Professional cheaters at their best. You idiots couldn’t sell a cash product which is why you are sitting at the bottoms in the shitter. Way to go dipshits!

what piece is this talking about and what DM got fired?

Nope. Team Dawn, fucko.

Did I do that correctly?

This poster is some pathetic troll who works in in-house analytics and is extremely bitter that they lacked the social intelligence (and probably physical appearance) to get into sales. The fact that the salesforce get paid more than his/her job title, without having to sit at a computer all day munching on donuts is unbearable for them.

They’re posting on every recent thread and they answer every post right away with because they aren’t doing anything but sitting said computer all day- probably no friends or family. Very sad.

Stop. I can’t take much more. This is too cute. Or should I say, adorbs! #moronsbecomepharmareps

I wonder what other things we would do...how about sales training? Would that be a better fit? Samantha, is that you? We know you would never admit it but you sure seem emotionally invested in TEAM DAWN and share that same attitude that all reps are stupid. The context clues say a lot, I've never met an adult that's been in the workforce for a while who talked about or cared much about people's college majors and degrees. So you're giving early 20's fresh college grad in their first job- or maybe you're just so smart and you're throwing us off. Either way, this is fun! And adorbs! Love it babe!

This poster is some pathetic troll who works in in-house analytics and is extremely bitter that they lacked the social intelligence (and probably physical appearance) to get into sales. The fact that the salesforce get paid more than his/her job title, without having to sit at a computer all day munching on donuts is unbearable for them.

They’re posting on every recent thread and they answer every post right away with because they aren’t doing anything but sitting said computer all day- probably no friends or family. Very sad.

Well said

I wonder what other things we would do...how about sales training? Would that be a better fit? Samantha, is that you? We know you would never admit it but you sure seem emotionally invested in TEAM DAWN and share that same attitude that all reps are stupid. The context clues say a lot, I've never met an adult that's been in the workforce for a while who talked about or cared much about people's college majors and degrees. So you're giving early 20's fresh college grad in their first job- or maybe you're just so smart and you're throwing us off. Either way, this is fun! And adorbs! Love it babe!


Oh and it definitely wasn't Mommy who got her that job. Noooooo. I wonder what kind of major she had that couldn't get her a "real" job outside of this industry.

This poster is some pathetic troll who works in in-house analytics and is extremely bitter that they lacked the social intelligence (and probably physical appearance) to get into sales. The fact that the salesforce get paid more than his/her job title, without having to sit at a computer all day munching on donuts is unbearable for them.

They’re posting on every recent thread and they answer every post right away with because they aren’t doing anything but sitting said computer all day- probably no friends or family. Very sad.
Try again, fucko. Your sophomoric attempts at humor will get you nowhere. Beautiful, smart, and witty. That’s why you moron reps are grasping at air trying to find something. I enjoy toying with you idiots, like a cat with a ball of yarn. Do not be concerned with my schedule. You should be concerned with garnering one more LinkedIn badge than your competition. You’ll need it. I’ll stop when I feel like it, frat boy!

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