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Eyecare restructure .. if that’s what you want to call it :(

Is this a joke? Is someone seriously defending Dawn? The reason we were all micromanaged and hated working at Allergan.

ok dude. Hope you can find your way of of Dawns Ass you dumbass

This is exactly why Allergan went down hill. You can’t treat your employees like this. You should have to chose between a drug launch and your son. The sad part is that Allergan would expect us to chose the success of a launch over a sick child any day. No joke.
The days of you losers hanging out at the gym for two hours, Panera with the girls, make a few calls/lunch, and then off to pick up the kids are over. You will work or we will let you go.

The days of you losers hanging out at the gym for two hours, Panera with the girls, make a few calls/lunch, and then off to pick up the kids are over. You will work or we will let you go.
Good look with that. Dawn tried to fire the ones she didn’t like. Didn’t work out for her so now she has to get real comfortable with those reps.Abbvie doesn’t play her game. They do the right thing!

The days of you losers hanging out at the gym for two hours, Panera with the girls, make a few calls/lunch, and then off to pick up the kids are over. You will work or we will let you go.

The fact that you believe your reps are doing that is exactly the problem. I left Allergan a few months ago for a company that actually respects and trusts their reps. They also truly care about me and my family. I regret wasting so many years at the scare-tactic, micromanagement culture led by Dawn.

And guess what, I work my butt off for this company.

For those of you who were laid off, please know there is so much more in store for you. You will be happier, less stressed and probably make more money.

This poster is a perfect example of the Allergan management mentality. Be glad you don’t have to deal with jackasses like this anymore.

Allergan sucks in the eye care industry now and everyone knows it.

The fact that you believe your reps are doing that is exactly the problem. I left Allergan a few months ago for a company that actually respects and trusts their reps. They also truly care about me and my family. I regret wasting so many years at the scare-tactic, micromanagement culture led by Dawn.

And guess what, I work my butt off for this company.

For those of you who were laid off, please know there is so much more in store for you. You will be happier, less stressed and probably make more money.

This poster is a perfect example of the Allergan management mentality. Be glad you don’t have to deal with jackasses like this anymore.

Allergan sucks in the eye care industry now and everyone knows it.
good for you canary

The fact that you believe your reps are doing that is exactly the problem. I left Allergan a few months ago for a company that actually respects and trusts their reps. They also truly care about me and my family. I regret wasting so many years at the scare-tactic, micromanagement culture led by Dawn.

And guess what, I work my butt off for this company.

For those of you who were laid off, please know there is so much more in store for you. You will be happier, less stressed and probably make more money.

This poster is a perfect example of the Allergan management mentality. Be glad you don’t have to deal with jackasses like this anymore.

Allergan sucks in the eye care industry now and everyone knows it.

I had this exact experience, and heard the same from many of my allergan colleagues who left to do bigger and better things.

Working under Dawn, and that culture of micro-management was like being in an abusive relationship- I literally had no clue how toxic it was until seeing how normal companies operate

And why did we get let go? Becuause our fearless leader drove this company into the ground. You’re a dipshit
Spot on. But I’m an employed dipshit. Good luck managing your stress levels while trying to find a job that is searching for the skill set of “ability to efficiently search calendars for lunch or coffee appointments.”

Team Dawn all day!

Spot on. But I’m an employed dipshit. Good luck managing your stress levels while trying to find a job that is searching for the skill set of “ability to efficiently search calendars for lunch or coffee appointments.”

Team Dawn all day!

I’m sorry. But what good is it to be employed at a company that’s barely hanging on??

-There’s nothing new in the pipeline
-The slashed sales force left moral even more in the toilet than it was
-It’s still the same sad leadership that got us into this mess in the first place.

You’d think they’d have SOME sort of plan to boost moral and make it worth people’s effort to stay with the company???!

Oh I forgot, their idea is to hold another GLAUCOMA sales training hahahahah…you literally can not make this up.

Spot on. But I’m an employed dipshit. Good luck managing your stress levels while trying to find a job that is searching for the skill set of “ability to efficiently search calendars for lunch or coffee appointments.”

Team Dawn all day!

“Team Dawn”? Are you 12? I’d love to see you when Dawn gets rid of you too. She doesn’t care about you. She doesn’t care about anyone but her numbers. She’d sell one of her kids to increase numbers.

You don’t think everyone who is left at Allergan isn’t looking or desperate to get out?

No one wants to be in that toxic culture.

I’m sorry. But what good is it to be employed at a company that’s barely hanging on??

-There’s nothing new in the pipeline
-The slashed sales force left moral even more in the toilet than it was
-It’s still the same sad leadership that got us into this mess in the first place.

You’d think they’d have SOME sort of plan to boost moral and make it worth people’s effort to stay with the company???!

Oh I forgot, their idea is to hold another GLAUCOMA sales training hahahahah…you literally can not make this up.
Sure. We’ll rely on the sales reps to tell us about BD. No one cares if sales force morale is bad. You all are easily replaceable.

“Team Dawn”? Are you 12? I’d love to see you when Dawn gets rid of you too. She doesn’t care about you. She doesn’t care about anyone but her numbers. She’d sell one of her kids to increase numbers.

You don’t think everyone who is left at Allergan isn’t looking or desperate to get out?

No one wants to be in that toxic culture.
Am I 12 what? Use your downtime to learn how to type complete sentences.

Team Dawn!

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