Ex Terminated Abbvie Employees

With whom is a degree "required"? No so. I was a Sr. Manager without a degree and worked at Abbott/Abbvie for 35 years. No one ever required me to produce a degree, nor was I ever asked if I had a degree. Heck, the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, is just a high school graduate.
Times are changing old timer...

They are on here and Mad as Hell. They can't move on or get over the fact they were horrible at their job Good thing Abbvie cleaned house.These were Abbvies worst and it's quite clear on here who they are So Sad !!They Don't speak for 29,000 Abbvie folks who work hard and can actually perform, instead of loafing and causing trouble Many here love their job and bring home a Nice steady check Too bad the trolls don't have that nice Abbvie check anymore

Why do you think they do this ? I know there's disgruntled HCV folks who were let go for performance reasons but who else is it ? Metabolics or Old Abbott Cardio folks ? Thanks

I second that motion ....Making steady money good benefits and living the dream. Life is good I know many displaced Abbott/Abbvie people and they are struggling to pay high Obama care premiums and plenty of them went bankrupt lost their house to foreclosure Lost their car and now survive on federal assistance and a $9/Hour part time job and rent subsidies. Sad
Motto of the story ? Work hard and be thankful you are steadily employed and able to live large.

With whom is a degree "required"? No so. I was a Sr. Manager without a degree and worked at Abbott/Abbvie for 35 years. No one ever required me to produce a degree, nor was I ever asked if I had a degree. Heck, the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, is just a high school graduate.

Congrats on your career achievements, the issue is Ricky lied about having 2 degrees.

No ...There ARE real workers still employed here (unlike you) that are making the best out of the current situation because they have family's to support, they have a lifestyle, They have bills You don't speak for 29,000 employees ..Hey I'm not saying Abbvie is perfect, it's far from it but to act weak on a public forum and speak for others employees is .....Well.....It's....CP
Enough said
Play On

Retired Abbott Labs employees

You were correct they are Mad as Hell. They can't move on or get over the fact they were horrible at their job Good thing Abbvie cleaned house.These were Abbotts worst dumped to Abbvie it's quite clear on here who they are So Sad !!They Don't speak for 29,000 Abbvie folks who work hard and can actually perform, instead of loafing and causing trouble Many here love their job and bring home a Nice steady check Too bad the trolls don't have that nice Abbvie check anymore. Destined to a sad existence and out of work !

Hey any bets on Vpak numbers ? Oh that's right HR had them stopped. Where's Loots and my goofy songs. I love Gilead

Mole Boy

No need to bet on VPak numbers, the trend is strongly downward. As proven by the recent financial reports. 2q16 will see increased US pressure from Merck, so numbers may decrease by another -10% q/q.

Who cares about Hep C ! Humira and Met and ONC will lead Abbvie to Victory !
Hep C is just additional icing on the cake. Ricky's a smart man. I think the fired Hep C rep has a major axe to grind. They are hurting real bad Can't you tell ?

Clue for the sheep on Insider Activity: Why is ABBV Corporate insiders looking pessimistic about the outlook of the company stock ? Why are they offloading shares while the stock jumped 11.39% so far this year. ?? VP Laura Schumacher offloaded 186,106 shares in the company at a per-share price of $60.03 and ended up generating $11,171,940 in proceeds. Schumacher retains 194,138 shares in the stock after this transaction. Gonzo collected $18,249,520 from the sale of 285,953 shares at a per-share price of $60.03. Insiders like Ricky have better knowledge about the health/prospects/future of ABBV. Take a long hard look at these options being exercised and dumped ..... It phase 1 of master plan.

Follow the $$$$ Trail Abbv IS getting Acquired Take it to the bank !

In 2013 "Little Rickys" pay package in Abbvies first full independent year was set $18.1 million.I believe there were 60 or 80 layoffs in lipid division that year It was an eye-popping compensation package that was DOUBLE what Ricky was making in 2012, when he was running the pharma unit inside of Abbott This is not surprising considering the parent company's (Abbott) compensation history: Miles White consistently ranks at the TOP of the highest-paid drug company CEOs. He taught Ricky He Taught Chris Begley He taught Mike Ball These greedy no good bums get rich at expense of employees It's just the way of the world and it will go on and on It won't EVER stop The politicians and corrupt government become ENABLERS of CEOs EXCEPT on Inversion deals which affect the tax dollar revenues On a personal level I curse them On a stockholders level I applaud them because if I'm making money and I have nothing to do with the deceit and as far as Ricky's Education Level You people bring up an excellent point But you DONT know the real reason You show me a Major Pharma CEO without a Degree Miles Game Plan includes Gonzo, who was Hand Picked by Miles ! He's a Puppet and the Master Plan WILL be executed at Abbvie That plan is a simple one GET ABBVIE ACQUIRED, Make stockholders and CEOs Millions and ***** anybody in the way It WILL happen soon You Watch ...Follow the $$$ ...White is following HPD and Hospira game plan and Gonzo is the next Mike Ball who BTW walked with $92 Million TAX FREE

Let me educate and elaborate Do you Sheep know Gosebruch is running the show here at Abbvie ?? Do you know Gosebruch speciality ? He was involved with Ricky/Abbvie in the failed Shire deal He also was part of team that brokered Forest sale to Actavis He was responsible for Merck takeover of Cubist.....His hiring was not solely for brokering an acquisition I can't elaborate any more On the subject Follow the $$$Trail Keep in mind also ANY Pharma company is prone to an acquisition It's no Surprise and is a no brainer in this business Gosebruch was meeting with Ian Read over past 8 months Read knew about pending inversion law implemented by Obama but Pfizer lobbyists failed to pay enough $$$ to negate inversion law. There was Too much political / Public pressure because Trump threw out Pfizers name at least 30 times in regards to inversion . Abbvie is worth $110 Billion NOT $96 Billion. They will stand their ground and want at least $110 Billion. Read met with several potential targets including Gosebruch. I started the thread and told you Pfizer was eyeing Abbvie 12 months ago. I heard Glaxo and Astra were Reads choice over Abbvie We shall see what happens Follow the $$$$


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