Ex Terminated Abbvie Employees

Looks like HR and maybe even Gonzo is on this board trying to make sense of all the honest feedback. We can't give feedback on their survey, because they track it back to which manager's team it comes from-at least that they acknowledge and they know who is giving feedback.

As long as no degree fraud Gonzo is leading us, we will continue to stumble towards a cliff. He needs to go-the dude who was just a head of a division. What we need is someone who actually knows how to run a company and turn it around and deal with turbulent waters-aka 2017 after the Humira patent expires.

The fake Gonzo is trying to impose his personal fraud culture at Abbvie and trying to promote fraud people up-birds of a feather flock together. All the good ones are resigning or being encouraged to quit or being PIPed out. This year's PIPs are done, but waiting for February for next year's PIPs to start. We are probably going to be bought out by the likes of Teva .

Looks like HR and maybe even Gonzo is on this board trying to make sense of all the honest feedback. We can't give feedback on their survey, because they track it back to which manager's team it comes from-at least that they acknowledge and they know who is giving feedback.

As long as no degree fraud Gonzo is leading us, we will continue to stumble towards a cliff. He needs to go-the dude who was just a head of a division. What we need is someone who actually knows how to run a company and turn it around and deal with turbulent waters-aka 2017 after the Humira patent expires.

The fake Gonzo is trying to impose his personal fraud culture at Abbvie and trying to promote fraud people up-birds of a feather flock together. All the good ones are resigning or being encouraged to quit or being PIPed out. This year's PIPs are done, but waiting for February for next year's PIPs to start. We are probably going to be bought out by the likes of Teva .

Nice to hear from an EX employee. Sounds like you still are grieving your job loss.
Sniffle Sniffle

No ...There ARE real workers still employed here (unlike you) that are making the best out of the current situation because they have family's to support, they have a lifestyle, They have bills You don't speak for 29,000 employees ..Hey I'm not saying Abbvie is perfect, it's far from it but to act weak on a public forum and speak for others employees is .....Well.....It's....CP
Enough said
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Free expression and thought must be terrifying to Gonzo and his chosen management. Just set your commands, all the bobbleheads come into meetings and nod their heads in agreement is what Abbvie is used to. it works when you have someone smart like Miles. But Gonzo no way. The HCV launch when he went out and said we would get 51% -how many bobbleheads were in the meeting that agreed with him. Did anyone dare speak their mind-that is the problem-Gonzo is trying to install the middle eastern dictator culture. cafepharma is the only place where people can speak freely and this terrifies the emperor with no clothes.

We need new leadership, who can recognize the trouble we are in and hopefully right this ship before we hit the humira patent iceberg. Not this drunken sailor who pays other companies billions for nothing and 21 billion for half a pill.

No ...There ARE real workers still employed here (unlike you) that are making the best out of the current situation because they have family's to support, they have a lifestyle, They have bills You don't speak for 29,000 employees ..Hey I'm not saying Abbvie is perfect, it's far from it but to act weak on a public forum and speak for others employees is .....Well.....It's....CP
Enough said
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You sumed up abbvie. It is Like a good enough to stay miserable job

Free expression and thought must be terrifying to Gonzo and his chosen management. Just set your commands, all the bobbleheads come into meetings and nod their heads in agreement is what Abbvie is used to. it works when you have someone smart like Miles. But Gonzo no way. The HCV launch when he went out and said we would get 51% -how many bobbleheads were in the meeting that agreed with him. Did anyone dare speak their mind-that is the problem-Gonzo is trying to install the middle eastern dictator culture. cafepharma is the only place where people can speak freely and this terrifies the emperor with no clothes.

We need new leadership, who can recognize the trouble we are in and hopefully right this ship before we hit the humira patent iceberg. Not this drunken sailor who pays other companies billions for nothing and 21 billion for half a pill.

Decent post finally .....believe me brass pays no attention to this board ..Some managers and HR folks monitor along with investors and attorneys looking for information both for and against Abbvie Competition monitors it as does FDA and others

How about Ricky getting $18 milliom a year ! Who needs a degree when you bring in mega bucks like that. The poor little crushed troll on here dont like Ricky not having a degree------ Awwww aint that Too bad for the little tard/turd boy


How about Ricky getting $18 milliom a year ! Who needs a degree when you bring in mega bucks like that. The poor little crushed troll on here dont like Ricky not having a degree------ Awwww aint that Too bad for the little tard/turd boy


El Chapo Guzman has no degree and probably has billions. Even Guzman did not fake a degree. Must be getting to Gonzo to be trolling these boards and trying to make it seem that everything is great.

but who is to say we can't replace gone- zo with someone else without a degree who could do just as well and save us megabucks in salary and bonus. High school grad at minimum wage should be able to do what he does.