Ex Terminated Abbvie Employees

Read screwed over Gilead, Sanofi, Celgene and Merck on Medivation deal. Gilead has NO pipeline and their HCV and stock is dropping like a rock. Medivation's Xtandi will generate $1.33 billion in annual sales for PFE by 2020. Read wanted late-stage assets to offset PFEs early-stage drugs that are pending. When Read walked on Allergan deal in April The $160 billion is just waiting to be spent . Plenty left to snatch Abbvie AKA "Abbott Lite" .............No Abbvie HCV replies Please Nobody cares and its making $$ no what the angry ones say on here

What's the latest news on PFE and Abbvie ?
Looks like HR and maybe even Gonzo is on this board trying to make sense of all the honest feedback. We can't give feedback on their survey, because they track it back to which manager's team it comes from-at least that they acknowledge and they know who is giving feedback.

As long as no degree fraud Gonzo is leading us, we will continue to stumble towards a cliff. He needs to go-the dude who was just a head of a division. What we need is someone who actually knows how to run a company and turn it around and deal with turbulent waters-aka 2017 after the Humira patent expires.

The fake Gonzo is trying to impose his personal fraud culture at Abbvie and trying to promote fraud people up-birds of a feather flock together. All the good ones are resigning or being encouraged to quit or being PIPed out. This year's PIPs are done, but waiting for February for next year's PIPs to start. We are probably going to be bought out by the likes of Teva .

Stop posting pics on here PIPd troll Vpak mole
-left abbvie after i was fired for incompetence now i still hang here cause unemployment brings boredom. i wish i was ricky or haas they have money,wives and a job i got nuttin
-left abbvie after i was fired for incompetence now i still hang here cause unemployment brings boredom. i wish i was ricky or haas they have money,wives and a job i got nuttin
Sorry to hear about your plight. Being jealous will not bring happiness. I recommend that you seek professional skills help and turn your life into a positive experience. This is a new year for your and go for the gusto!
---my medicaid wont cover my mental visits anymore, as i was convicted of a felony and cut off. i miss my former team in HCV and they were laughing at me when HR and security escorted me out of building. miss fishing for the viekira numbers and talking about ricks diploma.