Ex Terminated Abbvie Employees

In fact, perhaps we can outsource upper management...India...Eastern Europe...somewhere where labor is very cheap. We can save a bundle and make this company great. I hear you can get a CEO for a buck a week from a variety of countries mostly in the third world. They can call in on Skype. Why relocate them; they will only want more money. They can live like Kings in their own world and the savings can flow down to us.

Here we go. You need a degree for a sales job at AbbVie. You needs an accounting or finance degree for a accounting job at AbbVie. You needs a degree for a research job. But the CEO needs no degree. Now go ahead and delete this post again. Maybe someone should ask that at the next shareholders meeting or maybe an analyst on the next quarterly conference call.? Why does the board settle for this?

Here we go. You need a degree for a sales job at AbbVie. You needs an accounting or finance degree for a accounting job at AbbVie. You needs a degree for a research job. But the CEO needs no degree. Now go ahead and delete this post again. Maybe someone should ask that at the next shareholders meeting or maybe an analyst on the next quarterly conference call.? Why does the board settle for this?

That neither Gonzalez nor Abbott detected the stench of the wrong credentials or moved to correct the details for at least six years, ending around 2007, speaks poorly. If there's an industry that's expected to keep meticulous records, triple-checked for accuracy, it's the pharma biz.


Here we go. You need a degree for a sales job at AbbVie. You needs an accounting or finance degree for a accounting job at AbbVie. You needs a degree for a research job. But the CEO needs no degree. Now go ahead and delete this post again. Maybe someone should ask that at the next shareholders meeting or maybe an analyst on the next quarterly conference call.? Why does the board settle for this?

Well, I know one board that doesn't settle for this. The CP board. This guy has to go.

Here we go. You need a degree for a sales job at AbbVie. You needs an accounting or finance degree for a accounting job at AbbVie. You needs a degree for a research job. But the CEO needs no degree. Now go ahead and delete this post again. Maybe someone should ask that at the next shareholders meeting or maybe an analyst on the next quarterly conference call.? Why does the board settle for this?

Actually, a degree IS required for all of the positions you mentioned. The beauty is that you can just make one (or two) up, and be fine....
What, you think Miles was going to find someone that would show him up, and deliver better returns? Not gonna happen, and it didnt'!

Actually, a degree IS required for all of the positions you mentioned. The beauty is that you can just make one (or two) up, and be fine....
What, you think Miles was going to find someone that would show him up, and deliver better returns? Not gonna happen, and it didnt'!

With whom is a degree "required"? No so. I was a Sr. Manager without a degree and worked at Abbott/Abbvie for 35 years. No one ever required me to produce a degree, nor was I ever asked if I had a degree. Heck, the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, is just a high school graduate.

That's right, you tell them bro....Who needs a diploma....? Ricky doesn't ...Ricky's the boss and the animals don't run the zoo, Rick does and he does it all degree less and with authority.

With whom is a degree "required"? No so. I was a Sr. Manager without a degree and worked at Abbott/Abbvie for 35 years. No one ever required me to produce a degree, nor was I ever asked if I had a degree. Heck, the Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, is just a high school graduate.


What the hell is a degree going to teach you about managing people? You learn to manage people by being trained from other people on the job.

These morons think a degree is needed for every job. You can't even mop a floor without a degree these days. And the degree doesn't give you an edge or even a good paying job these days.

Screw these r*****s in America with the "credentials-on-top-of-degrees" mindset. These people are educated fools and don't even know how dumb they are.