
Sounds like everyone that was screwed over by this company should get together and bring on a class action lawsuit...they owe for the excessive workload and valuable information we provided

Ha!!! The stock has gone from $75 to $35 in one month!!! Awesome!!! Before any of you whine about the total market being down, the DJIA is down 28%. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people!!! I love it!!! 54% drop!!!! Bahaha!!!! Suck it, assholes! Good things happen to good people so you jackasses must be pretty rotten!!

Ha!!! The stock has gone from $75 to $35 in one month!!! Awesome!!! Before any of you whine about the total market being down, the DJIA is down 28%. Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people!!! I love it!!! 54% drop!!!! Bahaha!!!! Suck it, assholes! Good things happen to good people so you jackasses must be pretty rotten!!

Fuck Esperion. Total loser company and product.

You mean that a company that planned the launch of its first medication during a worldwide pandemic was impacted more than others? Amazing! It truly amazes me that people that didn't get hired at Esperion constantly go on CP to bash the company. You didn't get the job. You sucked at interviewing. You suck at your job. Suck on my sweaty balls.

You mean that a company that planned the launch of its first medication during a worldwide pandemic was impacted more than others? Amazing! It truly amazes me that people that didn't get hired at Esperion constantly go on CP to bash the company. You didn't get the job. You sucked at interviewing. You suck at your job. Suck on my sweaty balls.

Hey stupid . Plenty of current employees on these threads if you took the time to read through. I know there's some sour grapes but like myself I regret in coming here. Just read what employees say about launch meeting. Maybe it's time for you to talk about what a novel drug BA is and how it can be used in CV disease a C- virus. Moron!

I for one see I made a mistake in coming here. As soon as I can I'm taking something else even if I have to take contract job. Interviews were bizarre. They kept saying Scientific interviews like I was interviewing for NASA or working in a nuclear silo. This company is run by amateurs.

As an Esperion rep I'm literally mentally exhausted from all the nonsense this company has put myself and my colleagues through. We've now figured out our regionals are buffoons have no understanding of our markets. The whole meeting thing hasn't helped. Watching the stock bottom out isn't reassuring of how long will survive unless this is a Lipitor like launch. Having some stiff drinks tonight and get ready for what's in stake for next week fun and games.

Time will tell, as it always does. I launched Lipitor and had responsibility for it all the way to LOE. This is not a Lipitor. And no, I’m not one of those old tired people that didn’t get hired, I didn’t apply, I’m retired. I really have gone back-and-forth as to exactly how this product might fit in. I really don’t see primary care using any of this drug at least not for the first 18-24 months. Obviously statins are first line, then add Zetia. Very few primary care providers are really fixed focused on the goals per se; if they had a patient on a mid range statin & Zetia and had reduced LDL by 50% they would feel just fine about it, no action required. Yes, there are statin intolerant patients; about 15%. Work arounds include switching to a hydrophilic statin adding CoQ10, or reducing statin dose and adding zetia. These strategies often work. PCPs will not interchange BA for zetia.
You MAY get some use from specialists; the good ones are more resolute in reaching below 70 LDLs. The same strategies apply regarding statins and zetia; if not at goal then I could see them adding BA.... maybe, or go to PCSK9 - These have been underutilized due to cost and Rx hassles, only 1/3 of PAs get approved and then only 1/2 of those patients actually buy the drug. Your saving grace may be cost-ease of use vs PCSK9s assuming you can get some plans to cover it (it will be step therapy for sure). But again its really tack hammer compared to Lipitor,Crestor, PCSK9s ,it wont get the job done for most specialists. Consider a CHD patient with starting LDL of 150. This would be a relatively mild patient. They are proven to be truly statin intolerant, So the choice is zetia + BA or PCSK9. Zetia/BA will reduce LDL by 40%, patient is not at goal. PCSK9 is 57%- patient at goal... No brainer.

I really do not see this drug fitting in very well. Time will tell, as it always does. I’m glad I’m not responsible for this.

New trainees:
Read this analysis and comment since you are now Lipid experts. We welcome your thoughts. You were hired through the “ Scientific Process” and so are gifted
and you have the virtual training.
Waiting for your analysis.

All the trainees are too busy fielding calls from cardiologists. Also everyone is still shell shocked from watching the stock drop close to 40 points in a month and now finding out who the winners are in the scientific interviews.

I will tell you that I already have Cardiologists and IMs in the NW clamoring. You all can talk all you want and we will smoke you this year!
You are smoking all right, and it must be some good shit. As fair balance, make sure you cover the incidence of tendon rupture, and put it in context; it’s about 50 times greater than what has been reported with the quinolones.

You are smoking all right, and it must be some good shit. As fair balance, make sure you cover the incidence of tendon rupture, and put it in context; it’s about 50 times greater than what has been reported with the quinolones.

Were going to have trouble with side effects. This won't be easy. Our managers are very scruffy and unolished. Hoping they don't come to many lunches.

I will tell you that I already have Cardiologists and IMs in the NW clamoring. You all can talk all you want and we will smoke you this year!

Really CB ?

To clamor is to make a demand — LOUDLY. It's usually a group that clamors — like Americans might clamor for comprehensive health care coverage. The noun clamor is often used specifically to describe a noisy outcry from a group of people, but more generally, the word means any loud, harsh sound.

The loud harsh sound is to stay away !

Were to get hammered by docs on aide effect, got, tendon ruptures and above all price and low LDL reductions compared epic reductions by PCSK9. You can't put earings on a pig!!

Some of the stuff that's come out of my regionals mouth the last few weeks tells me Ann Arbor will be up our asses in no time. They've no idea of how the lipid market market works. And the price! Do we think doctors will last off the hook?

I've some close friends in my territory. I'm being upfront with then already that that this a niche product. The cost of copays and coverage or $300.00 per month will be hard. Again, I'm a realist who has a track record of success. I'm not going to mislead my friends.