

Anyone know what the base salaries and IC plan will look like at Esperion? Does their combo ldl-lowering drug stand a chance? Does it improve any other lipid particles besides LDL (HDL, TGs, ApoA, ApoB, etc.)?

It's all about outcomes when it comes to CVD. That means it will be a slow fight until and if outcomes pan out favorably. I'm thinking itll be a last add-on option when all else fails....statins, zetia, pcsk9s, vibrates, omega 3, etc.

It's all about outcomes when it comes to CVD. That means it will be a slow fight until and if outcomes pan out favorably. I'm thinking itll be a last add-on option when all else fails....statins, zetia, pcsk9s, vibrates, omega 3, etc.
I totally agree. I’ve sold statins, pcsk9, but never fibrates. Will be a long haul until and if they get any solid outcomes data. Look how slow it took Praluent & Repatha (and they hammered LDL down to the 15-30 range, but until they had some outcomes data it was tough sledding.

It’s still tough sledding with Repatha and Praluent. Managed care decided from the get-go that they weren’t gonna approve these drugs. Even after outcomes data, which was really pretty lame when you looked at absolute risk reduction, which the company didn’t really want us to talk about. I’m referring to Repatha here, never sold Praluent. It’s all about the spin, of course. Doctors are sticking with their statins. They’re generic and they have 25 years of data behind them. You may disagree with that thinking, but it’s a tough battle in the field. Even the cardiologists have the “ set it and forget it” mentality, meaning put patient on highest tolerated dose of a statin and leave it alone. This is why Amgen just laid off the entire contract sales force that was selling Repatha.

Trust me when I say this there isn’t much selling done anymore at all. Physicians don’t have the time and they really don’t care what you have to say. The majority of these cardiologist are simply overworked and under paid. They are completely stressed out during the day and have to focus on the volume game. The last thing they have time for or any interest in for that matter is speaking to another smiling face drug rep.. This is the reality of the modern landscape in pharmaceuticals. The industry needs to evolve.

Trust me when I say this there isn’t much selling done anymore at all. Physicians don’t have the time and they really don’t care what you have to say. The majority of these cardiologist are simply overworked and under paid. They are completely stressed out during the day and have to focus on the volume game. The last thing they have time for or any interest in for that matter is speaking to another smiling face drug rep.. This is the reality of the modern landscape in pharmaceuticals. The industry needs to evolve.

If this drug does not get any CV benefit, it is toast. A one drug company for statin intolerant patients. There are loads of generics that can do the same. If they price it high or don’t get favorable coverage, it is a tough sell.