
I think it’s time We all show a little more decorum in this discussion. I’ve been following statins since the days of compactin. Clearly these are highly effective drugs, albeit with side effects that can be limiting. Having different options with different MOAs is in advance in medical care as the provider and the patient work to reaching goal. It’s been said over and over that lower is better, and as a whole, lower numbers have been associated with better outcomes. BA has the data for the label change to include outcomes and combined with Zetia offers a solid 40% plus reduction in LDL Two agents combined with outcomes data and QD pill dosing that has great coverage is a real great option for providers and patients. I’m proud to be able to carry my expertise into offices. Helping providers and patients reach goal and save lives is a noble professional place to be.

Oh please.
What board did you cut and paste this drivel from ?
You are saving lives ?
What a noble mission.
This must be the Scientific Hired, Highly Tenured and now Lipid Experts elevator pitch.

Oh please.
What board did you cut and paste this drivel from ?
You are saving lives ?
What a noble mission.
This must be the Scientific Hired, Highly Tenured and now Lipid Experts elevator pitch.

Yep it's total drivel. It reeks of arrogance! You would think these Scientific Hired, HighlyTenured and now Lipid Ecperts had found a cure for cancer with BA. It's enough to make you puke reading such arrogant posts.

Yep it's total drivel. It reeks of arrogance! You would think these Scientific Hired, HighlyTenured and now Lipid Ecperts had found a cure for cancer with BA. It's enough to make you puke reading such arrogant posts.

Spot on. You should listen in to some of our conference calls. The BS is so thick you need a moon suit to get through it.

Yep it's total drivel. It reeks of arrogance! You would think these Scientific Hired, HighlyTenured and now Lipid Ecperts had found a cure for cancer with BA. It's enough to make you puke reading such arrogant posts.

On target with this.
Arrogant posts with zero results.
Millions of dollars squandered every week.
When is this going to stop

Now the Karen guy will chime in with his insults.

My Regional delivered some pretty interesting news today, it definitely looks like we are gearing up for the future, i’m always a little skeptical by nature, is anyone else picking up a vibe like this?

My Regional delivered some pretty interesting news today, it definitely looks like we are gearing up for the future, i’m always a little skeptical by nature, is anyone else picking up a vibe like this?

There is no future other than golden parachutes for Sheldon and his BOD pals. Stop believing everything your boss says. He sounds like Anthony on Yahoo Finance ESPR board. Unless your prepared to move to India and work for the new owners you should be looking for new employment.

I don’t know if the rumors are true or not, but it sure could be an interesting year. Most of what I’m hearing is positive and makes sense, but we’ve got to execute better. The label change definitely gives us more leverage, we just need more visibility and brand awareness. We are getting there, but at times it does feel like we’re pushing a boulder up the mountain. I’m just happy that the company seems to have some good plans in place and the outllook is positive.

I don’t know if the rumors are true or not, but it sure could be an interesting year. Most of what I’m hearing is positive and makes sense, but we’ve got to execute better. The label change definitely gives us more leverage, we just need more visibility and brand awareness. We are getting there, but at times it does feel like we’re pushing a boulder up the mountain. I’m just happy that the company seems to have some good plans in place and the outllook is positive.

Quite a thinker aren't you. I can picture you now hanging on everybody your manager says or what Sheldon says. You'll be out of a job soon enough. Good luck. Say hi to Anthony for me.

I don’t know if the rumors are true or not, but it sure could be an interesting year. Most of what I’m hearing is positive and makes sense, but we’ve got to execute better. The label change definitely gives us more leverage, we just need more visibility and brand awareness. We are getting there, but at times it does feel like we’re pushing a boulder up the mountain. I’m just happy that the company seems to have some good plans in place and the outllook is positive.
Amen to that bro, we got to match what they’re doing overseas, no reason why we can’t.

Yes but there is ASCVD low, moderate and high risk. Some pts may only need a ACC/AHA recommended goal of 70mg/dl and some may need 55mg/dl or less. It’s not a once size fits all dumb ass. A lot of pts don’t need a PCSK9. Guidelines recommend a tailored approach (Statins. Ezetimibe then PCSK9 in that order). BA will be in the guidelines at some point and it will most likely be positioned right along side EZ and before PCSK9’s.

If your on a PCSK9 you must not have been taking care of yourself throughout life

Again, Good luck to you……

Data shows the lower the better and earlier is better also. ACC consensus recommends statin followed by PCSK9 for VHR patients above 55
Skipping BA and Zetia. Most health plans are approving PCSK9 above 55 for these patients now after statin.

no place for BA if lowest is better - and it always is

Data shows the lower the better and earlier is better also. ACC consensus recommends statin followed by PCSK9 for VHR patients above 55
Skipping BA and Zetia. Most health plans are approving PCSK9 above 55 for these patients now after statin.

no place for BA if lowest is better - and it always is

Finally somebody with some sense is posting. Some of these idiots think BA was formulated by Jesus. This company is morally bankrupt.

Data shows the lower the better and earlier is better also. ACC consensus recommends statin followed by PCSK9 for VHR patients above 55
Skipping BA and Zetia. Most health plans are approving PCSK9 above 55 for these patients now after statin.

no place for BA if lowest is better - and it always is

Now only if Anthony with Yahoo Finance would stop taking mushrooms and posting outrageous predictions.