
I've never seen a pharma company on this board with such immature witless twirps like the Karen hater, the old Milwaukee beer can guy and the traile park moron. Never a clinical discussion. Or getting questions answered in a civil manner. Seems to be many corporate cheerleaders also. Will this drug ever survive?
Why so bitter, Karen?

I've never seen a pharma company on this board with such immature witless twirps like the Karen hater, the old Milwaukee beer can guy and the traile park moron. Never a clinical discussion. Or getting questions answered in a civil manner. Seems to be many corporate cheerleaders also. Will this drug ever survive?
There’s a lot of public school education in this post.

I've never seen a pharma company on this board with such immature witless twirps like the Karen hater, the old Milwaukee beer can guy and the traile park moron. Never a clinical discussion. Or getting questions answered in a civil manner. Seems to be many corporate cheerleaders also. Will this drug ever survive?

Short answer. Wink and nod. NO

With suckers money. Yes

I've never seen a pharma company on this board with such immature witless twirps like the Karen hater, the old Milwaukee beer can guy and the traile park moron. Never a clinical discussion. Or getting questions answered in a civil manner. Seems to be many corporate cheerleaders also. Will this drug ever survive?

This drug is not needed. Do your research on any Statin drugs

Benefit VS adverse events.

Pharma propaganda

Good to see the stock bounce back after the initial news on the settlement. Definitely time to move on and shine in 24, this is our breakout year. I look for a climb to the mid single digits before June so a solid double is very possible.

This drug is not needed. Do your research on any Statin drugs

Benefit VS adverse events.

Pharma propaganda

UNTIL YOU HAVE AN MI OR STROKE!!! Research the Cholesterol Treatment Trialist Collaboration (CTT).
Meta-analysis of over 22 trials…..

Prevention is key but if you are at high risk then you are a jerk and you are taking your chances……

Good luck…..

Good to see the stock bounce back after the initial news on the settlement. Definitely time to move on and shine in 24, this is our breakout year. I look for a climb to the mid single digits before June so a solid double is very possible.

More jibberish from Anthony and Ann Arbor. Another breakout year?? Total BS. Explain to why stock used to be in $70.00 range and now 2 bucks.

UNTIL YOU HAVE AN MI OR STROKE!!! Research the Cholesterol Treatment Trialist Collaboration (CTT).
Meta-analysis of over 22 trials…..

Prevention is key but if you are at high risk then you are a jerk and you are taking your chances……

Good luck…..
I'm on a good protocol and it doesn't include BA. You can't beat the PCSK9 for lowering LDL's.

I'm on a good protocol and it doesn't include BA. You can't beat the PCSK9 for lowering LDL's.

Yes but there is ASCVD low, moderate and high risk. Some pts may only need a ACC/AHA recommended goal of 70mg/dl and some may need 55mg/dl or less. It’s not a once size fits all dumb ass. A lot of pts don’t need a PCSK9. Guidelines recommend a tailored approach (Statins. Ezetimibe then PCSK9 in that order). BA will be in the guidelines at some point and it will most likely be positioned right along side EZ and before PCSK9’s.

If your on a PCSK9 you must not have been taking care of yourself throughout life

Again, Good luck to you……

Yes but there is ASCVD low, moderate and high risk. Some pts may only need a ACC/AHA recommended goal of 70mg/dl and some may need 55mg/dl or less. It’s not a once size fits all dumb ass. A lot of pts don’t need a PCSK9. Guidelines recommend a tailored approach (Statins. Ezetimibe then PCSK9 in that order). BA will be in the guidelines at some point and it will most likely be positioned right along side EZ and before PCSK9’s.

If your on a PCSK9 you must not have been taking care of yourself throughout life

Again, Good luck to you……

Fuck you. You know nothing of my medical history Poindexter. Have you ever heard of family genetics. Former athlete who always watches what he eats. I suppose you would say this for any athlete who died of heart disease. The list is long dipshit. Crawl back into your cubicle Poindexter.

Fuck you. You know nothing of my medical history Poindexter. Have you ever heard of family genetics. Former athlete who always watches what he eats. I suppose you would say this for any athlete who died of heart disease. The list is long dipshit. Crawl back into your cubicle Poindexter.

Oh boy haha I lit a fuse….. Go off girl!!

You act like one girly. Haha
I think it’s time We all show a little more decorum in this discussion. I’ve been following statins since the days of compactin. Clearly these are highly effective drugs, albeit with side effects that can be limiting. Having different options with different MOAs is in advance in medical care as the provider and the patient work to reaching goal. It’s been said over and over that lower is better, and as a whole, lower numbers have been associated with better outcomes. BA has the data for the label change to include outcomes and combined with Zetia offers a solid 40% plus reduction in LDL Two agents combined with outcomes data and QD pill dosing that has great coverage is a real great option for providers and patients. I’m proud to be able to carry my expertise into offices. Helping providers and patients reach goal and save lives is a noble professional place to be.

I think it’s time We all show a little more decorum in this discussion. I’ve been following statins since the days of compactin. Clearly these are highly effective drugs, albeit with side effects that can be limiting. Having different options with different MOAs is in advance in medical care as the provider and the patient work to reaching goal. It’s been said over and over that lower is better, and as a whole, lower numbers have been associated with better outcomes. BA has the data for the label change to include outcomes and combined with Zetia offers a solid 40% plus reduction in LDL Two agents combined with outcomes data and QD pill dosing that has great coverage is a real great option for providers and patients. I’m proud to be able to carry my expertise into offices. Helping providers and patients reach goal and save lives is a noble professional place to be.

Quite a hero aren't you. Shleping lunches and dropping samples isn't a noble profession. The way you talk you gave up designing nuclear reactors to come to pharma. Sounds like Ann Arbor was the perfect landing spit for you.

Quite a hero aren't you. Shleping lunches and dropping samples isn't a noble profession. The way you talk you gave up designing nuclear reactors to come to pharma. Sounds like Ann Arbor was the perfect landing spit for you.

He must have scored high on the Scientific Hiring, Highly Tenured Customer Facing Team and Lipid Trained Expert.