
Check out this, my manager is a total ass:
You had a terrific 1st quarter. You proved our business is viable. However, in response to my memo, due to your performance thus far in Q2, with only billing 42% of your minimum requirement, you are on probation again.
Please refer to your employment agreement. On page two, paragraph 3, “If at any time, I or my designate determine that you are not producing a sufficient number of billed contracts for any given period of time, to enable you to fulfill your minimum quota requirements for any particular quarter, possible actions are probation, salary reduction, and/or termination.
I know you have the ability to pull yourself out of this position, as you have done so many times in the past. In order to be taken off probation and keep your position with Dynasplint, you need to bill 35 contracts by the end of this quarter.
Because you have already been on probation in excess of 1 times, if you fail to meet the stated minimum requirement, your employment will be terminated. The backsliding clause is a reminder from our counsel that we do not need to continue to put a sales consultant on probation should they continuously fall below the minimum requirements.
Now the reasons why are clearly valid. 1) I was out on workers comp(maybe they are getting back at me) 2) my wife had a baby and 3) I'm the 6th rep in this area and it's slow to grow. All of which they don't understand at all. I have been here 4 months and HATE IT!!

What happened with w/c? I am in the middle of a workers comp case here and its looking like I will be losing my job over it. I feel like DSI is treating me like a con because I happened get hurt on the job- ER trip and all! And I also got the PIP notice of term/ salary reduction following the accident! When I started, I, like others, took a leap and cut in pay, for a company I thought was ethical and profitable. Its been 6mos for me, and I am wondering "What have I done? I should have stuck with my clinical background!"

What happened with w/c? I am in the middle of a workers comp case here and its looking like I will be losing my job over it. I feel like DSI is treating me like a con because I happened get hurt on the job- ER trip and all! And I also got the PIP notice of term/ salary reduction following the accident! When I started, I, like others, took a leap and cut in pay, for a company I thought was ethical and profitable. Its been 6mos for me, and I am wondering "What have I done? I should have stuck with my clinical background!"
Talk to a lawyer! I did and we are gathering information to make our case stronger. I was injured and they basically told me to get out and sell or to get out. Thats not right what they are doing to you! It's not like you weren't working and got hurt. Good luck.

Dynasplint is the worst medical company to work for in the whole industry. Poor management, product issues, inventory issues, poor compensation, poor overall business structure. If you get approached for an interview run as fast as you can!!

This is what kind of company Dynasplint is: I sent my weekly paperwork to my manager on Sunday night like I always do. (They don't believe in computers still in the stone age.) Then all of the sudden my manager shows up at my first appointment on Monday morning. I was totally put off by this. I asked why and he told me to make sure I was doing my job and calling on who I said I was going to. Isn't there any trust? My numbers are great....He said he often does this and if he doesn't find you where you say your going to be you can get fired. Huh? In a sales job things change all of the time and schedules shift. So if I'm not exactly at the place my schedule says I can get fired? This was HUGE for me in making up my mind to start looking for another job. I hope my manager see this post so he can see what an ass he is. What a backwards company to work for.....

This company has so many issues I am not even sure where to begin. There are maybe 3 people left working for this company from my training class that was with in the last year, class size was about 15. Of those 3, two are on "Performance Improvement Plans." Which is where the company makes up unattainable goals for you to reach or they will deduct from your salary or terminate you if they feel threatened by you at all. From what I can tell they only hire managers from with in their sales force, and does a great sales rep make a great manager, not typically. I know of a rep who has had 5 managers in 3 years! Anyway, as others have said, the goals for your territory are not based on any facts or past sales, at all. It is not taken into consideration the turnover of reps in a territory....#1 complaint of my accounts, turnover with this company, #2 complaint, little insurance coverage. It is amazing though how this company will make you feel like you are doing something wrong because the have a tarnished image in your territory and little insurance coverage, this is all your fault. There is some neighbor kid of the owners at corporate probably making 100k+ to negotiate contracts with insurance companies and I have seen no change whatsoever.On a more positive note... I have made great contacts, both doctors and therapist that have offered me positions or recommended me for positions as a result of my job with Dynasplint. When I asked why, they have all said in their own way that they knew from the moment I came in that I would be looking for a job soon, that Dynasplint can not retain a decent employee in this territory.

I also worked for Dynasplint for a long time. I got out when the getting was good (sooner than later). They treat thier employees like crap and don't think anything of it. Their philosophy is "oh well we'll just get a replacement". No wonder why they have such high turnover. Last I heard it was around 80%.....yes you read correctly 80%. This equates to 8 out of 10 people leave the company. Oh, and another interesting stat is that most or all leave within 6 months. Check the posting boards they aren't expanding they are trying to fill all of thier open positions. Currently there are 25 open sales positions advertised on career builder. Out of the 125 total sales consultants having 25 open is 20% of thier sales force is non-existent. It's been that way for years and years as long as I could remember from working there. They are driving people away in droves and lose quality people all of the time. Once people get started with the company if they are smart they realize that it's twisted culture and screwed up attitude toward the reps isn't how a good company is run. And if you think that Dynasplint is a stepping stone think again. Other repuatable companies want to see real experience from a real company. Other medical equipment companies don't respect Dyansplint and rightfully so it's not a good company. So rather than having to expalin why you worked for Dynasplint it's better just to not have it on your resume. Heck my new manager told me he would have rather had used car salesman, copier sales, rental car salesman than Dynasplint on my resume. I'm glad he gave me a chance but Dynasplint on my resume didn't help one bit it actually hurt. Read the posts about the company and if you're smart you won't make the mistake that 8 out of 10 people did!!

Talk to a lawyer! I did and we are gathering information to make our case stronger. I was injured and they basically told me to get out and sell or to get out. Thats not right what they are doing to you! It's not like you weren't working and got hurt. Good luck.

HA! I had and still have a lawyer! W/C denied me, Dynasplint backed them, claiming ideopathic injury. The lawyer had the nerve to introduce against me, the fact that I was on 'probation' citing my PIP. He didnt mention that this PIP was put into effect AFTER my accident. He tried to twist the circumstances around my accident to reflect me badly. That I injured myself on purpose because I was at risk of losing my job! UNBELIEVABLE! This accident was back in April. I since have had surgery, and I am in rehab after ankle reconstruction. Heres the kicker- I suffered a contracture after being in a cast post surgery. The therapists wouldnt have dreamt of putting me in a Dynasplint. And now- well they know the story and have formed their own opinions....
I was officially terminated June 30th. I had court today, and should know in a couple days if the Judge finds Work Comp liable or not.

Talk to a lawyer! I did and we are gathering information to make our case stronger. I was injured and they basically told me to get out and sell or to get out. Thats not right what they are doing to you! It's not like you weren't working and got hurt. Good luck.

Do you need more info to help your case? They had done the same thing to me. I went back to work after only a week of recouperation out of fear of losing my job, only to be yanked out of the field by HR 3 weeks later because I wasnt healed enough to begin with.
email me shellisavon@live.com

Dynasplint is the worst medical equipment company in the industry to work for. I wouldn't even consider them in the medical equipment industry. Maybe more like used car salesmen or tag sale merchandise.

That's funny. I would agree about training. My probation cycle was a three month cycle of not meeting my goals. My goal was 45. The first month I did 13. The second I only did 12. I was trying to grow a notoriously dead territory during this time. You know by building realtionships, inservices, follow ups, and demonstrating a good reputation for the product. Or what what you would call in the real world, "sales." The following month I did 26. Next thing you know I was let go. Without any formal probation by my manager. I actually was 6 over my quarterly goal with a great furture of growth. The best part is, without my knowledge that my "team leader" was interviewing behind my back he already hired someboby else! When I asked him about this he stated that he did not believe that my progression was at Dynasplint standards. I replied that I was ahead of my goals. He then stated that I could remain at Dynasplint as a fitter! It is funny because I now work for another medical device company and I am making more than him now for a reputable company where I have hands on sales with doctors. I never let the docs know that I worked for DS but I still poke around for their information in regards to DS and they have zero trust in the company nor the product.

HA! I had and still have a lawyer! W/C denied me, Dynasplint backed them, claiming ideopathic injury. The lawyer had the nerve to introduce against me, the fact that I was on 'probation' citing my PIP. He didnt mention that this PIP was put into effect AFTER my accident. He tried to twist the circumstances around my accident to reflect me badly. That I injured myself on purpose because I was at risk of losing my job! UNBELIEVABLE! This accident was back in April. I since have had surgery, and I am in rehab after ankle reconstruction. Heres the kicker- I suffered a contracture after being in a cast post surgery. The therapists wouldnt have dreamt of putting me in a Dynasplint. And now- well they know the story and have formed their own opinions....
I was officially terminated June 30th. I had court today, and should know in a couple days if the Judge finds Work Comp liable or not.
Any updates? I would be surprised if Dyansplint paid anything towards this they barely pay thier vendors!

Any updates? I would be surprised if Dyansplint paid anything towards this they barely pay thier vendors!
I heard Dynasplint doesn't pay there bills also. At one point they ran out of money and couldn't buy marketing material. What kind of mickey mouse company is it? That's pathetic! I also heard they constantly have issues with production of units and they are always backordered and the patients have to wait 6-8 weeks for a product. By that time the doctor has moved onto another product and doesn't use Dynasplint any longer. At least that's what our office did!!

It's part of the southern division which is the worst one to be part of. I wouldn't send my worst enemy to work for this company.
Yes I currentlt hold a position at Dynasplint for the time being. In the Southern Division and I can attest it's the worst division to be in. Heck all of them are bad who am I kidding?

Yes I currentlt hold a position at Dynasplint for the time being. In the Southern Division and I can attest it's the worst division to be in. Heck all of them are bad who am I kidding?
By the looks of your spelling and grammar you must be in manangement or on your way. This company is clueless from the bottom all the way up to the top!! Granted the Southern Division is the worst of the bunch with all of the finger pointing and blame passing. In addition if you like your manager riding you non-stop then maybe you might like the Southern Division. And no it doesn't matter how well you do they always want more from you. As a rep putting up big numbers you might get and extra $1k before taxes and $650 after but the managers make out much better than you do. So who benefits from big numbers? Not you, your manager and his/her manager does. Real shady set up here and would advise to watch your back always!!

I am so disappointed to read these posts! I have a friend who has been working there for years and loves it. I am thinking about applying for a sales job with them. From what I have been told, there are insurance issues but that is the case with every company. I was told that the training is the best in the industry and if nothing else will prepare you for other sales jobs. I am a PT and love the product! It seems like the easiest sell in the world! Can anyone tell me some positive things about this company?

I am so disappointed to read these posts! I have a friend who has been working there for years and loves it. I am thinking about applying for a sales job with them. From what I have been told, there are insurance issues but that is the case with every company. I was told that the training is the best in the industry and if nothing else will prepare you for other sales jobs. I am a PT and love the product! It seems like the easiest sell in the world! Can anyone tell me some positive things about this company?
Are you kidding me? Haven't you read all of the posts? You ask for positive things about the company. Your friend is in the clouds and soon will be unemployed. You think it's an easy sell? Obviously you have never done sales. Or sold a Dynasplint. I work here and hate it every single day. I can't wait to get out of here once the economy improves.

Are you kidding me? Haven't you read all of the posts? You ask for positive things about the company. Your friend is in the clouds and soon will be unemployed. You think it's an easy sell? Obviously you have never done sales. Or sold a Dynasplint. I work here and hate it every single day. I can't wait to get out of here once the economy improves.

Well, she's been there for several years and says it is the best job she has ever had. And yes, I did look through these posts. I wasn't born yesterday. These negative people including you are pathetic! Stop waiting for the economy to improve and take control of your life! No wonder you are miserable! Additionally, I have checked out their website and many other sources that have said positive things. I know the product and have used it for my patients. It's great! I have found nothing better and have been treating patients for nearly 20 years.