
I just ran into a Dynasplint rep on friday in a doctor's office.. I wanted to share my experience incase anyone was considering this company.

This rep HATED his job. he had been there a little over a year, and was still making the same money as he started. they wanted to move him into his second year "package" but decided to wait it out a little longer, and not make the change just yet.

He has described the job as working 50-60 hour work weeks. constantly calling/following up with patients, and correcting billing errors. Not to mention doctors think you have the same budget for doing in-services. the reality is the company is too cheap for that, and only give the reps $125 a month to market (and this NEVER changes!!!) what a sad amount of money!

this young man has been applying all over the place to get out of this train wreck of a company, but it's a diffculy job market, and it's better to have a job then to have no money coming in.

I asked about manager ride along, and he signed and said he dreaded those days the most. spending 2-3 days with a manager you can't stand. evidently his manager has "napolian syndrome" i feel for him...

just thought I would share my $0.02 on the topic. sounds like there are many better choices out there!!!

Dynasplint is a horrible company to work for. The salary is super low for the medical industry and the work load is way above and beyond what you are getting paid. The car allowance is awful especially since you don't even get milage reimbursement. They expect you to reach your quota each month but don't give you the materials to do so. Inventory is backordered and sales aids, like ortho glossy's are unavailable, yet somehow the sales reps are still held accountable for their numbers. Why don't they make any changes or take action at the corporate level. Obviously someone is salcking off up there or just doesn't know how to runa business. So many customers don't want to use Dynasplint anymore because it takes too long to get splint authorized, the splints are covered, and lets face it, $700 a month for a shoulder unit, yeah right, who the heck want to pay that. That is what some people pay for rent each month. Give me a break. Oh and someone mentioned training. What training. If you transition to pharma then you will see some good training! Dynasplint is not a company I would ever reccomend for anyone. It seems to be going further and further down hill. Someone needs to get it together and realize what the reps do for the company and start showing them some respect like the people up at corporate get.

My advice would be to always be looking for a new job if you work at Dynasplint. They all of the sudden could call you out of the blue one day and let you go. Not a good structured company. The less you do (management) the more you get paid. They pay the reps like crap and that's why everyone quits. If you take the job to have a job, then keep looking while you are working for them. You'll either leave on your own or be pushed out. Good luck.

I currently am a sales consultant with dyna and have been for over 7 years. Many of the above statements are true while some are a little overexagerated. In the past inventory was a major issue, but I think that is behind us. Perhaps the biggest problem is insurance approval/authorizations of splints taking way to long. The key to the job is longevity and building relationships with accounts. But if you cant fit your splints bc of slow authorizations you will never get anywhere. I agree the pay could be better. Starting salary is $38-42k with tier bonuses so total package of $50 with car and cell phone. After a year or two you can top out at $80k maybe $100k is you are a top in the county killing yourself. And at $80k you are working pretty dam hard. So they are underpaying you when compared to other sales jobs. A lot of work goes into each splint fit from start to finish. They do not appreciate the reps and look at you as a #. Very poor retainment of consultants which leads to bad name in some areas of the county. IF DYNASPLINT WANTS TO LISTEN TO THEIR CURRENT SALES CONSULTANTS APPRECIATE THEM. IF YOU LIKE A CAN OF ROASTED PEANUTS FOR A HOLIDAY GIFT THIS IS THE COMPANY FOR U! yes you are working for peanuts. almost poetic isnt it.

Ya know, I had 2 cans of those peanuts and never made the correlation. I really dont miss the MRNR, the $125 marketing and 45-60k miles per year on the car, all for $400 per month car allowance.

Dyna was a good company to work for until a couple of years ago George got greedy and stopped paying his reps. If corporate does not look at what is happening to them they are a sinking ship. I am no longer employed by Dyna and it serves them right when the ship does sink.

I am interviewing for a brand new territory in TX. Anyone know the ramp up time for a new territory? The manager seems great, which is huge, but at $40k the b and c have to be close to $50k to make up for the lacking base. I have been in pharma for 5 years and am looking at getting out for a segway to medical or device sales. Any thoughts?

It's an OK entry level Medical sales position selling their Dynamic Splints. $50-80k total even after 2 yrs.
Won't get you the OR experience, but in 2 yrs you would be pretty marketable to other, better device co's !!

I am interviewing for a brand new territory in TX. Anyone know the ramp up time for a new territory? The manager seems great, which is huge, but at $40k the b and c have to be close to $50k to make up for the lacking base. I have been in pharma for 5 years and am looking at getting out for a segway to medical or device sales. Any thoughts?

What's the territory? DSI guys do well in large metro area where the customers are clustered in a relatively small area, not so well in less densely populated due to service requirements. DSI is a good entry level gig if you communicate the level of sales management you get used to at DSI and you kick ass.

Alright, here's the scoop. First off, some people need to learn to spell when they are typing and others you can tell from their posts that they aren't professional or willing to work and think they should make 6 figures just for signing on. Once you get past that, the answer is "yes", Dynasplint does have issues as any company does. "Yes", they are working through them and getting better as far as their infrastructure is concerned. Most importantly "yes" they are a good company to start with, but probably not a long term career path. The pay for a hard worker is going to be 40-60K in year 1, and pushing to 70K in year 2. But as it has been mentioned before, to make 6 figures you have to be committed to the job (or an institution). Those numbers are very unrealistic. You can hit the 100K mark, but not muc higher due to th way they set up the way that they pay you. Absolutely, they will split your territory when you grow it and force you to grow a smaller area to drive more business. I have been with all types of small sales companies, and SHOCKER, they all do this because it encourages growth. Yes, the upper ups are greedy and don't care about the reps that are making them money. They will throw you away in a heartbeat. Bottom line, good place to start and get great experience in orthopedic sales, but probably not the place to stop unless status quo is all you want. Good luck.

Re: Bitterness

For some people, the time it takes to complain/respond on message boards is better used to make money or otherwise benefit yourself. For others, they would rather complain and point fingers than take any responsibility for their own success or failure. It's easier and much less productive to blame others than it is to work hard.

Does anyone know anything about this company?

Dynasplint is a sinking company. They have 70% turnover and usually terminate at least 20 people per month, every month. The salary is 30-40k, 450 car allowance, no gas card or mileage and $125 monthly expense account including office supplies. This position actually costs me money every month. You drive 2500-4000 miles per month. Management is clueless from the top all the way down. Keep in mind if anyone has anything positive to say about Dynasplint they are in a upper management position with tenure and not a rep. Managers read these posts and post bogus info posing as reps to attract new blood. They are desperate for clueless baby deer to feed to the wolves. Don't fall for it stay away....

I am interviewing for a brand new territory in TX. Anyone know the ramp up time for a new territory? The manager seems great, which is huge, but at $40k the b and c have to be close to $50k to make up for the lacking base. I have been in pharma for 5 years and am looking at getting out for a segway to medical or device sales. Any thoughts?

Stay away. It's a bait and switch company. They show you the bright side during the interview but then you get slammed with reality 2-3 months later and you are terminated.

Well gee, I for one have to disagree with all of the above posts. The inventory issues are no longer a problem......new insurance contracts are added every day. I am sure you will find good and bad with every company but I for one am making a career of Dynasplint. I love the patient contact and have found that the quotas are not unattainable if you just go out and work. Dynasplint sells itself......
Most companies have the same clause that if you leave in a certain amountof time, you have to pay back the amount they spent in training you.......that is only fair and makes perfect sense. This is not a company where you are given all the top $$ amounts right away yes......you have to work for them....I for one see nothing wrong with that....there are in fact plenty of people that have been with the company for YEARS......I think you will find with any sales job, including pharm.....there is a significant amount of turnover.
Bottom line......if you want to truly help people regain their lives......the benefits are amazing.......
Whatever you must be a manager who needs to fill all of your open territories

You know, I love it when shitty ass reps like to bag the company they work for, when it comes to not putting any effort into their own jobs. I have been with Dynasplint for 7 years, and have made great money, and happen to own my own home and drive a BMW....so I have to say the majority of posts above this one have no right voicing themselves as experienced with Dynasplint... since it sounds like you all bailed out after a few months....that's ridiculous...I bet you've moved jobs again since your last post too!!! Your type is better known to the rest of us REAL reps as JOB HOPPERS!!!!
Your better know as a MANAGER....stay off reps posts jackass

Wow! I work for Dynasplint and love it! I will make over $100,000.00 this year and I'm home by 4:00 pm. every day. I don't get pressured by my manager and my patients actually like me. Guess what! My accounts "call me" for business. How many pharma reps can say that? NONE! Our sales force going fully automated and inventory is no problem. If you need $2000.00 per month so you can bring some fat asses lunch every day and hopefully bribe your way into see doctor that could give a crap about seeing you, then don't interview with Dynasplint. If you like being on call, don't interview with Dynasplint. If you like wearing a suit every day and waiting in the lobby with a bunch of other suits, don't interview with Dynasplint. Dynasplint is a good company and I work with good people.

Now go pull your panties out of your ass and order your lunches for tomorrow.