
Seriously.... What is the advice for a possible new recruit with Dynasplint? I am looking for some flexibility in my job. What hours are reps currently working? OK, $450 a month for car allowance sounds good but I thought they pay mileage as well? What about vacation/holiday time? Do you get any?
You thoughts please.

Dynasplint is a sinking company. They have 70% turnover and usually terminate at least 20 people per month, every month. The salary is 30-40k, 450 car allowance, no gas card or mileage and $125 monthly expense account including office supplies. This position actually costs me money every month. You drive 2500-4000 miles per month. Management is clueless from the top all the way down. Keep in mind if anyone has anything positive to say about Dynasplint they are in a upper management position with tenure and not a rep. Managers read these posts and post bogus info posing as reps to attract new blood. They are desperate for clueless baby deer to feed to the wolves. Don't fall for it stay away....

This is the most accurate statement in the bunch. The turnover is the worst I have ever seen. If you take a job with them start looking for your next job right after you get back from training. Yes George is screwing the sales people. The only positive posts above are from the three reps that have good territories and a few managers. This is a perfect example of a company that is run by a bunch of physical therapists. They do not care about sales or marketing and are therefore terrible at it. A $125 budget for all of your supplies and lunches is shit. I will also say that very few of the PT's they hire can actually sell and most don't like to anyway they want to work with patients. I AM SURE SOME CORP MONKEY WILL REPLY TO THE POST SO I WILL SAY THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING. NO SALES TRAINING IS PROVIDED AT CORPORATE ONLY PT INFO. My advice for anyone looking to get experience in the medical field is go to pharma. Look for companeis that hire reps with no experience. Merck, Pfizer, Schering Plough, Lilly-prob the best, these companies will pay you well to start and have excellent training and management. Yes they have their problems to but you will learn the system the right way. I personally don't like pharma but they do provide excellent training. I saw some posts above that said they wanted to transition to med device.

Just interviewed with Dynasplint and they offered me 30k year plus $450 car allowance. I would only have about 20 accounts in my small territory. The territory used to average 9 per month for 3 years or so. Minimums are 25 how can they impose that if it only averaged 9 for the past 3 years? Any suggestions?

Seriously.... What is the advice for a possible new recruit with Dynasplint? I am looking for some flexibility in my job. What hours are reps currently working? OK, $450 a month for car allowance sounds good but I thought they pay mileage as well? What about vacation/holiday time? Do you get any?
You thoughts please.
Expect to work 60+ hours a weeks and have a huge cell phone bill from calling patients and your corporate voicemail. They don't pay mileage but require you to submit it monthly for your $125 lunch/office supplies combo account. NO vacation year one and if you do well 1 week year 2 but you still need to hit your numbers. So really no vacation. Holidays maybe 3 Christmas Day, New Year Day, Thanksgiving Day. You really work all the time with this position. Other companies offer much better benefits.

Wow! I work for Dynasplint and love it! I will make over $100,000.00 this year and I'm home by 4:00 pm. every day. I don't get pressured by my manager and my patients actually like me. Guess what! My accounts "call me" for business. How many pharma reps can say that? NONE! Our sales force going fully automated and inventory is no problem. If you need $2000.00 per month so you can bring some fat asses lunch every day and hopefully bribe your way into see doctor that could give a crap about seeing you, then don't interview with Dynasplint. If you like being on call, don't interview with Dynasplint. If you like wearing a suit every day and waiting in the lobby with a bunch of other suits, don't interview with Dynasplint. Dynasplint is a good company and I work with good people.

Now go pull your panties out of your ass and order your lunches for tomorrow.
You sound like the Southern Division manager you loser

I'll have to DISAGREE! As a current sales consultant of Dynasplint, I am very happy with my chosen career path. I have been working with Dynasplint for three years and have the utmost respect for the company as a whole. In fact, I have recruited my closest friends to come and join Dynasplint, as sales consultants, and they too share my position. "Stepping stone?" Over the past three years I have been able to rapidly achieve the President's Club level. I am more than satisfied with my compensation/benefits package...And my husband is too!

This thread is bogus!

Look at the time stamp on posts 43 through 46. They all come within 10 minutes of each other. There is some serious negative manipulation going on here so beware of the information contained within this thread and on these boards.

Is that a joke! Upon employment with our company we will send you a reusable grocery bag that you can use to carry your chrsitmas bonus peanuts. Where do I sign up?
If you ask them anything about your "Christmas bonus" they say your lucky to have gotten anything!! My manager gave me a $10 gas card. Yes, you read correctly $10!! I think I might fill my lawnmower up this week.

Re: This thread is bogus!

Look at the time stamp on posts 43 through 46. They all come within 10 minutes of each other. There is some serious negative manipulation going on here so beware of the information contained within this thread and on these boards.

If you ask them anything about your "Christmas bonus" they say your lucky to have gotten anything!! My manager gave me a $10 gas card. Yes, you read correctly $10!! I think I might fill my lawnmower up this week.

Find another job.

Re: This thread is bogus!

Look at the time stamp on posts 43 through 46. They all come within 10 minutes of each other. There is some serious negative manipulation going on here so beware of the information contained within this thread and on these boards.
Whatever these posts are for employees and potential job searchers not for some over paid Dynasplint corporate person to post bogus replies. Good try corporate, always trying to manipulate the troops..

I worked for Dynasplint and left after 6 months for the following reasons:

Salary is 40k/year base your 1st year with only a $450/month car allowance (be prepared to drive the tires off your car). They pay for cell phone up to a certain point, but do not re-imburse for fax or internet in spite of requiring you to have both to do your job. They will tell you that you can make $100k + your second year primarily from splints on rent, but you will never see that. You will have either already left or your patients will have died or could not tolerate the splint (the geriatric patient is your primary sale). Only managers will see the rent commission from the splints you sold, so in essence, it is a glorified Ponzi scheme.

Dynasplint emphasizes high pressure sales strategies. They call it being "pleasantly pushy". They require you to call on 8 -12 accounts a day, everyday and to talk with as many decision makers as possible. You are to walk in un-announced or without an appointment and attempt to speak with therapists, nurses, business office personel, and doctors. I personally know of reps who are not allowed in certain facilities because they were seen as harassing the therapists while they were treating patients. I now work for an othotics company and call on the same facilities that I did with Dynasplint and the majority of Rehab Managers have confided to me that they think Dynasplint is one of the most un-professional vendors out there.

The sales quotas are unrealistic and unattainable for all but a few Reps, so be prepared to be put on "Probation". My one time on probation, they started listing my job on Monster. Every person in my training class had by the third month either quit or were put on probation. That is why there is a 70% turnover rate at Dynasplint.

Finally, if you have a clinical background, I strongly encourage you to stay away. There are far better sales opportunities out there where you do not have to leave your professional ethics at the door. I am a therapist and my main concern has always been my patients. Dynasplint cares nothing about the patient, only the sale. My manager once questioned me on why the majority of my patients were only getting one splint. When I explained that the Therapist usually only requested one or the clinical condition warranted only one, I was told "all patients should be getting more than one splint" and "that was the only way I was going to get my numbers up". They have the ethics of a Used-Car Dealer. This may sound like a bitter rant from a disgruntled ex-employee, but I assure you it is not. You only have to speak with someone who has worked at Dynasplint or read other posts in this forum to see that this is a pretty accurate discription of the working environment at Dynasplint. I do not want anyone to make the same mistake that hundreds of others and myself have made.