
I don't know who Suzi is, or who you are for that matter. What I do know is, this website is ass-backwards! Getting advice from people who don't even have to identify themselves. I stumbled on here trying to find out about this company and I am amazed at how ridiculous you people are! Here's an idea.......Instead of signing on here and constantly complaining, find another job, learn a skill, take a class, help somebody! But you won't do that, because that would require effort. I am not going to waste any more of my time here. I hope you wake up someday and realize that if you are on the green side of the grass it's a good day!
Good luck with your new career at Dynasplint. You'll be back in the unemployment line in 3-6 months. With a personality and skill set like yours maybe even sooner. I guess since you failed in your first job you have to find a new one!

I am a Physical Therapist who had the misfortune of working for Dynasplint 1 1/2 ago. I can personally attest to the veracity of the accounts concerning this disgrace of a company. Being put on probation after only 3 months and having my job listed on Monster, no insurance coverage by the 2 primary insurance companies in my state, managers telling me to put 2 or more splints on each patient to get my numbers up, inventory delays (Corp. still holds you accountable for making your number, regardless of the fact that they are the reason you can't meet your number because you don't have the inventory to bill). In Dynasplint's world, up is down, and down is up.
I should have realized that this was not a true Healthcare/Medical Device Company my first day of training. There were 7 people in my Sales training class and I was the only person who had a clinical/Healthcare background. There were copier sales people, another worked at a cell phone Kiosk, one guy was a track coach, and one woman had her own business selling marketing material. After only 2 days of hands on training, Dynasplint sent these people with zero clinical experience, out to apply splints to patients, most of whom are Geriatric, who typically have Neuropathies, severe contractures, skin intergrity issues, and OA. Would you want these un-qualified people applying these devices to your parents or grandparents?
For those who are still working for Dynasplint, I highly suggest that you keep all you UPS slips. 2 weeks after I left the company, I too was told that I was missing 2 splints. I sent them copies of my UPS receipts detailing when I sent the splints back to Inventory. They "found" the splints a couple of days later.
This is the most un-ethical, sleazy, un-professional company that I have come in contact with. I am back as a treating Therapist again, and I have heard from several colleagues, that Medicare is investigating Dynasplint. In fact, there is one SNF company who had every Dynasplint removed from all their facilities because of fraud allegations.

I am curious as to why Dynasplint has money to advertise at Camden Yards in Baltimore during the Orioles game but cannot afford to pay their reps what they are worth.
Because the company is a smoke and mirror show. They make it look good on the outside but once you get in you can't get out fast enough!! They waste tons of money on useless things..

I also worked for Dynasplint for a long time. I got out when the getting was good (sooner than later). They treat thier employees like crap and don't think anything of it. Their philosophy is "oh well we'll just get a replacement". No wonder why they have such high turnover. Last I heard it was around 90%.....yes you read correctly 90%. This equates to 9 out of 10 people leave the company. Oh, and another interesting stat is that most or all leave within 6 months. Check the posting boards they aren't expanding they are trying to fill all of thier open positions. Currently there are 35 open sales positions advertised on career builder. Out of the 135 total sales consultants having 35 open is 25% of thier sales force is non-existent. It's been that way for years and years as long as I could remember from working there. They are driving people away in droves and lose quality people all of the time. Once people get started with the company if they are smart they realize that it's twisted culture and screwed up attitude toward the reps isn't how a good company is run. And if you think that Dynasplint is a stepping stone think again. Other repuatable companies want to see real experience from a real company. Other medical equipment companies don't respect Dyansplint and rightfully so it's not a good company. So rather than having to expalin why you worked for Dynasplint it's better just to not have it on your resume. Heck my new manager told me he would have rather had used car salesman, copier sales, rental car salesman than Dynasplint on my resume. I'm glad he gave me a chance but Dynasplint on my resume didn't help one bit it actually hurt. Read the posts about the company and if you're smart you won't make the mistake that 9 out of 10 people did!!

This company sucks so bad. Everything people are saying is so true. I gave up a great job for this company because they lied about everything. Goals completely unreasonable. Commission, if you ever get one is snatched away the minute they think you suck and you start at the bottom again. A friend got fired and they even tried to get out of paying unemployment. They degrade you and harass you. The managers suck, most under the age of 30 with very little experience. Run as far as you can, you can make better money just about anywhere if you have the degrees they require. Some people do stay, but only the ones that have been here so long they actually do make money. Turnover is very high, more than I have ever seen anywhere and they don't care they just replace you. Never have anything new and exciting to offer the clients, and they get tired of the same old outdated products.

Re: Bitterness

For some people, the time it takes to complain/respond on message boards is better used to make money or otherwise benefit yourself. For others, they would rather complain and point fingers than take any responsibility for their own success or failure. It's easier and much less productive to blame others than it is to work hard.

So why are you on here complaining about "some people"??? You should be using your time more wisely. It's easier to make people work hard than pay them their dues.

Just interviewed with Dynasplint and they offered me 30k year plus $450 car allowance. I would only have about 20 accounts in my small territory. The territory used to average 9 per month for 3 years or so. Minimums are 25 how can they impose that if it only averaged 9 for the past 3 years? Any suggestions?

Yes someone more than likely will be coming around asking questions only it wont be Dynasplint. It will be the FBI. Medicare froze all their assets. Employees checks are bouncing everywhere, and 70% are out of a job. This was a company that through integrity in your face every chance they got. What a bunch of hypocrits.