
This company is one of the worst in the industry. There compensation sucks and the management is even worse. The company has 80% turnover and it increases every year. With the way they run this company they are bound to close or sell. Stay away they SUCK!!

A major reason not to ake a position with this company: The sales quotas are unrealistic and unattainable for all but a few Reps, so be prepared to be put on "Probation". My one time on probation, they started listing my job on Career Builder. Every person in my training class had by the third month either quit or were put on probation. That is why there is a 70% or more turnover rate at Dynasplint. Save your frustrations for something else!!

Most sales positions make you sign an agreement with the salary, numbers, compensation, etc. But Dynasplint brings it to another level. My manager e-mailed me a memo putting me on probation citing a paragraph out of my "employment agreement". Here it is: "Please refer to your employment agreement. On page two, paragraph 3, “If at any time, I or my designate determine that you are not producing a sufficient number of billed contracts for any given period of time, to enable you to fulfill your minimum quota requirements for any particular quarter, possible actions are probation, salary reduction, and/or termination. " What kind of company throws this in your face? I have been building my territory and numbers are increasing. So what's the problem? Everyone in the territory is angry at Dynasplint for various reasons and I have to work through it. I still can't believe that a company would throw a paragraph from an employment agreement at me. I wish I never got involved with Dynasplint. This type of frustration isn't worth it in an economy. My manager told me that I should start looking for a new job....

Both of the previous posts sound really familiar. Read some comments from my memo I received right at my 3 month mark. The memo is really confusing because in one sentence they say: "I appreciate the effort you are putting in to improving yourself as a sales consultant so you can better grow your territory. As I told you on the phone, I believe that you are growing as a sales consultant and lately you have really stepped it up!" the middle reads "Your minimums for Q2 are 54 or 18 per month. I hope you can continue the momentum and grow your business even more. Remember, significant improvement from one month to the next is imperative to your position with Dynasplint." then all of the sudden at the end of the memo it reads "As we discussed, if you do not confirm at least 18 contracts, your position as a sales consultant with Dynasplint will be evaluated. Let me know if I can help." I've only been here for 3 months and already getting this kind of memo. My first month I did 5, second month 10 then third month 14. The business in increasing every month but I still get a probation letter? I asked my manager what this means and she said to start looking because my job was being posted on line. It doesn't sound like I'm the only one going through this....

I just got back from my second half of training which they call Comp II and it was a bigger joke than Comp I. They think they give us the tools to succed in the field but in the first part of training they didn't even go over any role plays or sales information. Comp II we sat around and talked about what was going on in our territories but never addressed the issues. I think Dynasplint has the worst trainers and training program ever. If you want to learn sales, marketing, etc you're on your own.

I left Dynasplint to work for a pharmceutical company making double what I was making. And as far as my bonus its like I get my bonus now just for showing up and doing my job. At Dynasplint I had to fight every step of the way to get my bonus and they were never really that great. As far as training there is no comparison at Dynasplint I only trained for a week. My current companys training is 6 weeks then I shadow another rep for a week and then my manager works with me for another week. The company I work for now really wants me to succeed and make money. Dynasplint just threw me out there and if I failed (which most reps do) they fire you and replace you. They don't even care if you are successful and make money. Its like Dynasplint prides itself on you being miserable. Excess conference calls, micro management from regional to divisional, inventory, technology, you name it....misery. At my new company I don't worry about any of these things. They truly want me to be happy and do well. That's more than I can say for Dynasplint. If you are still part of Dynasplint...I'm sorry. But there are better companies out there and once you leave you'll be truly happy.

The managers at this company are clueless. My manager worked with me after 6 months of "being too busy" and didn't have any advice fo me. He told me to keep doing what I was doing. Actually he told me one thing and that was to do more paperwork to track my patients. Which has nothing to do with making more money which has been the goal since the beginning. He brought me out to lunch and then I dropped him off at his car. We worked from 10-1 including an hour lunch. How's this going to help me? He told me to get less Medicare business, increase my shoulder and supination/pronation sales and to keep my splints in rent longer and then I could get a raise. I did all of that and called him after 4 months of success and nothing. He said right now I need to sell more and I can get more. My numbers are good over the company average and better than most. I know I'm bringing in way more for the company than they are paying me. I have seen the salary charts but my manager refuses to increase my salary. It seems like the harder I work the more the company and my manager make and I'm left out. I need to start looking for another company that takes care of thier employees.

Check out this, my manager is a total ass:
You had a terrific 1st quarter. You proved our business is viable. However, in response to my memo, due to your performance thus far in Q2, with only billing 42% of your minimum requirement, you are on probation again.
Please refer to your employment agreement. On page two, paragraph 3, “If at any time, I or my designate determine that you are not producing a sufficient number of billed contracts for any given period of time, to enable you to fulfill your minimum quota requirements for any particular quarter, possible actions are probation, salary reduction, and/or termination.
I know you have the ability to pull yourself out of this position, as you have done so many times in the past. In order to be taken off probation and keep your position with Dynasplint, you need to bill 35 contracts by the end of this quarter.
Because you have already been on probation in excess of 1 times, if you fail to meet the stated minimum requirement, your employment will be terminated. The backsliding clause is a reminder from our counsel that we do not need to continue to put a sales consultant on probation should they continuously fall below the minimum requirements.
Now the reasons why are clearly valid. 1) I was out on workers comp(maybe they are getting back at me) 2) my wife had a baby and 3) I'm the 6th rep in this area and it's slow to grow. All of which they don't understand at all. I have been here 4 months and HATE IT!!

Here's what patients say about this so called wonderful product. FYI- Patients don't like it and either do the doctors or therapists:

"I didn't start using it until Jan.16th. Almost 2 whole months after my knee surgery
. I am very unhappy with it. I even had to quit using the straightening splint as it pulled on my hip so bad I couldn't stand it. I feel like the flex slpint is just as bad, and I have not improved at all since I started using them. I am going to quit using the flex as they want me to use it at least 6 hours a day, and I can't sleep with it, and don't have that much time for it. I use it about 4 huors a day, and can hardly walk after I use it."

"Lynne, I used a Dyna splint for 3 months with a hand/wrist injury. Unfortunetly I was miserable using it and I benefited only slightly. I worked up to 10-12 hours at the highest tension so I gave it every possible chance. I hope you have a better results."

"Thanks for the reply. I've been unable to find much other info. on the dynasplint. I went to the podiatrist yesterday, he's telling me to wear it as much as I can tolerate but I'm having a lot of trouble wearing it at night. I think it would be fine if you sleep on your back but I'm a side sleeper. I seem to fight it and wake up sore and take it off? I'm making no progress but is that just time and not the splint? I've had pain in this foot for two years but this flare up is only 4 1/2 weeks old - I have a partial tear. My podiatrist mentioned that the people that tend to do well with night splints seem to have achilles involvement, I don't...will keep the splint for the month then return it if I can't tolerate it. The doctor was less than impressed with the Dynasplint. Also this was not covered by my insurance."

"The doc says it is the most painful of the knee braces. It is designed to place a constant torque pressure to pull your knee in to a constant state of flexion while you are relaxing..such as while you sleep. I have not made a night without major help...some time a club to the head would be more appealing....it is barbaric.... It is designed for stiff knees to help stretch the soft tissue to release scar tissue. You have to gradually build up to where you are able to wear it 8 hrs and when you are no longer stiff for at least an hour after removing the brace....you tighten up the struts and the pressure gets greater. I am trying to do it with tens, ice and lots of drugs. I feel it is not helpinng and it just hurts like hell.. "

Patient experience speaks for itself. You as a sales consultant not only have to sell it to the clinicians but also to the patients. With results like these there won't be much success there!!

As a former corporate employee there is a huge disconnect between corporate and the sales reps. Corporate employees hate the reps and the reps hate corporate. I've experienced it first hand the lies, deceit, and favoritism. With a company that operates this way I'm not sure how they still exist. I guess denial is thier greatest asset.

As a former corporate employee there is a huge disconnect between corporate and the sales reps. Corporate employees hate the reps and the reps hate corporate. I've experienced it first hand the lies, deceit, and favoritism. With a company that operates this way I'm not sure how they still exist. I guess denial is thier greatest asset.
True that!! I used to work up there and all of this is true. They are trying to impliment some "blue ocean" idea but it will never work. It based on the things "outta be". The way they otta be, how stupid can we get? They are just grasping at straws trying to survive as they cycle through employees until none are left and they close the doors.

What is even more messed up is that some of the SSR (sales support repss) at corporate are making more than the reps. All they do all day is sit at thier desk and call insurance companies to verify insurance. How is this? A support rep making more than a sales rep? Last I checked a company wouldn't be there without a sales force. Get a grip corporate..you suck. A bunch of people fluffing around getting overpaid for doing nothing. Glad I left last year!

Re: This thread is bogus!

Look at the time stamp on posts 43 through 46. They all come within 10 minutes of each other. There is some serious negative manipulation going on here so beware of the information contained within this thread and on these boards.
FYI theres are 2 Dynasplint posting boards and 6,688 people look at the first and 7,777 looked at the second. So postings close together are common. Also people online will communicate through the posting board anonymously. These boards are the only "uncandid truth" out there!

Do not work for this company. Seems like a good company when you visit the website, go through the interview process, and even go to training. The truth is that Dynasplint is a good product to sell. You probably won't complain about the decent salary and car allowance either. But the reality is the company doesn't know how to train sales people and you won't be around for long. If you don't hit your numbers no matter how unrealistic they are you will be gone. There is no sales training if you're not hitting your numbers. If you don't hit they fire you and hire someone else. Put it this way...I went to my first quarterly district/team meeting recently and I realized something when we all went around the table and did introductions. We said our name and how long we had been with the company. Listen to these results. Eleven reps total. 1 rep with the company 7 years, 1 rep for 5 Years, 1 rep for 2 years, 1 rep for 9 months, 4 reps for 6 months, 3 reps for less than 3 months. Eight out of eleven reps have been with the company for less than 9 months. What does that tell you about turnover??? Since that meeting I was let go along with two other reps who weren't hitting their numbers. In the past I have worked in sales and never had a problem hitting numbers, but the numbers Dynasplint expects are unrealistic because they do not properly analyze territory potential (all you current employees know what I am talking about). If you get a high producing territory you may make it as long as the reps at the meeting I went to (anywhere from 2-7 years). I would look for other jobs where you can grow as a professional and/or salesperson. Check Medzilla.com for real jobs. Just trying to help out...

I'm not going to be redundant here but these products are based on what medicare & private payer are willing to pay. The clinicians issue the product, patient takes it home and if the insurance company does not pay up they get stuck with the bill. They call the clinic and complain and it rolls down hill to....guess who! Enjoy!!

I'm not going to be redundant here but these products are based on what medicare & private payer are willing to pay. The clinicians issue the product, patient takes it home and if the insurance company does not pay up they get stuck with the bill. They call the clinic and complain and it rolls down hill to....guess who! Enjoy!!
I totally agree with you. Dynasplint bills the insurance the maximum and trys to collect what the insurance doesn't pay. They charge medicare $395 but only get around $100. Some other insurances still say theres not enough clinical data to warrant the splint and call it "experimentational". And the patient gets billed. Its never a guarantee of payment and if the insurance doesn't pay your patient does. Heck I've even had patients sent to collections. As a clinicain I just skip these devices and really set some solid goals for my patients and it always works out for the best. I too used to order and dealt with one too many issues like you did.

Dynasplint is by far the worst career mistake I have ever made. I took a pay cut leaving my previous position thinking that I was getting my foot in the med. equip. sales door. Instead I received a pink slip after about eight months. There are two routes Dynasplint should explore if success is the ultimate goal:

1. Hire two reps per territory at the beginning, one to sell and one to fit and follow up.

or . . .

2. Cut sales reps all together and allow MD's to order direct.

I only wish I would have found this thread before signing my contract with Dynasplint. Which by the way, if you are consideing a position take notice of the negativity that the contract exudes. The word "termination" is stated no less than once per page and the contract is five pages long.

Dynasplint is going in the shitter, and my suggestion to you is to look at other opportunities. I feel that they are much better positions out there to get medical experience to move onto bigger and better things. Let me put a few things in perspective: Both the ortho and the podiatry divisions( both replaced 88% of their sales force respectively last year and they are on track to do the same this year. Nobody stays at this hell hole for mainly two reasons: it is impossible to make 100K and when you do you will never duplicate it in back to back years due to chickenshit pay structure, and the intense micromangement and big brother mentality that management has. Which leads me to my rant on management. In Dynasplint they would never hire qualified managers. Their definition of a qualified manager is a manager from Russel Strovers or a manager who ran a sprint store while they have been many qualified reps who have years of experience in medical getting passed up. I was ranked in the top 10% back to back years and was actuallty written up in the 4th qtr and put on a plan for not hitting my goals. Finally, they have no compassion for any of their employees. When you ask in your interview if anyone from New Orleans got any assistance for Katrina. While other great companies where giving out money, placing them and their families in temp housing, adjusting their qutoas etc. Not Dynasplint, not only did they not get one dime in help, but they left their qutoas as they were and did not make shit in 2005. Some where put on plans Sorry ass company with no heart, if you ask me. There was another rep that lost his wife and grandmother in a month, obviously the rep was distracted fell behind on a few things, and his sales sufferred, they fired him two months later. Again, just another example of no compassion for their employees. Again, I can not reinforce enough of my utter dislike of this company. There are much better opportunties out there than Dynasplint. Best of luck.