Check out this, my manager is a total ass:
You had a terrific 1st quarter. You proved our business is viable. However, in response to my memo, due to your performance thus far in Q2, with only billing 42% of your minimum requirement, you are on probation again.
Please refer to your employment agreement. On page two, paragraph 3, “If at any time, I or my designate determine that you are not producing a sufficient number of billed contracts for any given period of time, to enable you to fulfill your minimum quota requirements for any particular quarter, possible actions are probation, salary reduction, and/or termination.
I know you have the ability to pull yourself out of this position, as you have done so many times in the past. In order to be taken off probation and keep your position with Dynasplint, you need to bill 35 contracts by the end of this quarter.
Because you have already been on probation in excess of 1 times, if you fail to meet the stated minimum requirement, your employment will be terminated. The backsliding clause is a reminder from our counsel that we do not need to continue to put a sales consultant on probation should they continuously fall below the minimum requirements.
Now the reasons why are clearly valid. 1) I was out on workers comp(maybe they are getting back at me) 2) my wife had a baby and 3) I'm the 6th rep in this area and it's slow to grow. All of which they don't understand at all. I have been here 4 months and HATE IT!!