Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

I had a successful territory and was with the company for a long time. I made good money but worked for every bit of it. I was approached by a large company that offered me a sales position that doubled my current salary. Yes, you read correctly doubled. So I here I was at Dynasplint working long hours dealing with all of the situations that went with a multi sales product and boom someone offered me this. In Dynasplint you have to sell to the therapist to get the order, then the doctor to sign off and then the patient to pay and wear the splint. If any of this breaks down your done. The order would go away and you would have to start all over again. So I decided to say goodbye to a company that I worked so hard for and thought I was getting taken care of financially by but that couldn't have been further from the truth. It sickens me to think of all of the money I made the company the years I worked there and then another company that doesn't even know me offers me double. WOW....I guess the new job was the best thing that ever came out of Dynasplint.

What happened with w/c? I am in the middle of a workers comp case here and its looking like I will be losing my job over it. I feel like DSI is treating me like a con because I happened get hurt on the job- ER trip and all! And I also got the PIP notice of term/ salary reduction following the accident! When I started, I, like others, took a leap and cut in pay, for a company I thought was ethical and profitable. Its been 6mos for me, and I am wondering "What have I done? I should have stuck with my clinical background!"
I got hurt on the job and then was let go 2 weeks later for "numbers". Once you can't continue like the grunt you were hired to be they find a way to get rid of you!

Not to mention the dynasplint is totally a piece of crap. This is an insurance scam and should be investigated thoroughly. As well as The woman in the billing dept that calls herself a patient account rep. I would never refer this device to anyone and have told my surgeon about my experience in dealing with this company. You can rest assure I am spreading the word in Fort Worth Texas about this disastrous product and the company that stands behind it.
This information was taken right off of the Better Business Bureau website:

Customer Complaint History-Dynasplint score C+
When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.
BBB processed a total of 13 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 13 complaints closed in 36 months, 7 were closed in the last year.
These complaints concerned :
6 regarding Billing or Collection Issues
2 - Failure to correct billing errors
2 - Improper collection practices
2 - None of the Above - Credit, Billing or Collection Complaint Issue

4 regarding Customer Service Issues
1 - Failure to provide promised assistance or support for products or services
3 - Failure to respond to phone calls or written requests for assistance or support

1 regarding Sales Practice Issues
1 - Sales presentation used dishonest sales practices

2 regarding Service Issues
2 - None of the Above - Service Complaint Issue

The stats speak for themselves. Hummm....also Dynasplint goes by the name Landmark Medical. I wonder why they do that? Trying to hide something? Or run away from something?

I am facing unemployment as my current job is closing. I have an Ex Phys background and sales experience with NO budget - all cold calls and just showing up to businesses. I had a phone screening for a position with Dynasplint. After reading through all of these posts, I'd love to know if it is worth it to take this position. I am searching fast for something to get me through, so I don't have to go on unemployment. Any further thoughts on using Dynasplint as a stepping stone?

I am facing unemployment as my current job is closing. I have an Ex Phys background and sales experience with NO budget - all cold calls and just showing up to businesses. I had a phone screening for a position with Dynasplint. After reading through all of these posts, I'd love to know if it is worth it to take this position. I am searching fast for something to get me through, so I don't have to go on unemployment. Any further thoughts on using Dynasplint as a stepping stone?
If you are absolutely desparate then take the job. Dynasplint is desperate for employees and have an 80% turnover rate. Which translates to 8 out of 10 people leave within 1 year. It's easy to get hired, training is a breeze and go fluff around and get paid while you interview elsewhere and find a real job. Just know that it's a temporary means to an end and you are just collecting a pay check. It's a difficult sell and sometimes management can suck but if you can take it go ahead.
Then again sometimes collecting unemployment pays more than working for Dynasplint. At Dynasplint you'll pay for your own gas and car repairs and will have a limited budget for inservices/lunches of $125 month. Office expenses are in the $125 also so you'll be shelling out cash for inservices/lunches and offices supplies out of your own pocket. You don't get mileage either so don't plan on it. Its a tough decision because no job is almost better than Dynaslint. Good luck.

6-24-2009 7:09pm...Thats some funny stuff. I had some pretty strange things happen in my interview also. First off we met at a hotel lobby then the manager wanted to go up to his room for the interview. I felt uncomfortable and really insisted that we do the interview in the hotel lobby. What manager of a company does interviews in thier private room that they are staying in? Anyway, there was also a role play and we did it about 5 times and he was totally distracted by his cell phone. Then had me sell him a pen. What the hell? I then had to write a letter to a doctor that I couldn't get in front of. I was like are you serious? I asked what for and he said to check my writing skills. I thought was this a medical sales job not a creative writing position? They asked me to call the divisional manager and after speaking with her I made my decision to go with another company. They were putting me through all of this for a mere 42k? I don't think so...

I would have to agree with ya'll!! It's the worst of the worst.
Doesn't say too much about a company when you do a search and the second site to come up compalins about how bad the company is. There's complaints from previous employee's, patients, sales staff, mamagers, etc. Get a clue Dynasplint your doing something wrong and have been for the past 25 years!!

I worked here for 6 months and had enough. One major question: Why do corporate people with phony boloney jobs get paid over 100k per year but the sales force only gets $30-42k and are lucky if they bonus. Don't they realize that without sales there wouldn't be any corporate?

I worked here for 6 months and had enough. One major question: Why do corporate people with phony boloney jobs get paid over 100k per year but the sales force only gets $30-42k and are lucky if they bonus. Don't they realize that without sales there wouldn't be any corporate?
I have been at Dynasplint for 2 years and its always been like that. The reps in the Southern Division do all of the work and the managers went on a cruise to the Bahamas. The managers always go away and drink and party while the reps are left behind to sell more so the managers can go on thier next trip. Hey since the sales force works so hard to sell why don't we make them work even harder? The company had added so many bogus corporate jobs over the years it makes me sick....Communications director, Inventory Specialists, CFO's, analysts, IT whatevers, you name it if it has a bogus title Dynasplint has it. Why don't they spend some of that salary money on the sales force and see if they can keep people around longer? Wouldn't take much and probably less than all of these corporate positions.

I saw this on another post and just wanted to comment on how backwards of a company Dynasplint is. "This is what kind of company Dynasplint is: I sent my weekly paperwork to my manager on Sunday night like I always do. (They don't believe in computers still in the stone age.) Then all of the sudden my manager shows up at my first appointment on Monday morning. I was totally put off by this. I asked why and he told me to make sure I was doing my job and calling on who I said I was going to. Isn't there any trust? My numbers are great....He said he often does this and if he doesn't find you where you say your going to be you can get fired. Huh? In a sales job things change all of the time and schedules shift. So if I'm not exactly at the place my schedule says I can get fired? This was HUGE for me in making up my mind to start looking for another job. I hope my manager see this post so he can see what an ass he is. What a backwards company to work for....."
This is total harrasment and should be looked into by an attorney.

Do not work for this company. Seems like a good company when you visit the website, go through the interview process, and even go to training. The truth is that Dynasplint is a good product to sell. You probably won't complain about the decent salary and car allowance either. But the reality is the company doesn't know how to train sales people and you won't be around for long. If you don't hit your numbers no matter how unrealistic they are you will be gone. There is no sales training if you're not hitting your numbers. If you don't hit they fire you and hire someone else. Put it this way...I went to my first quarterly district/team meeting recently and I realized something when we all went around the table and did introductions. We said our name and how long we had been with the company. Listen to these results. Eleven reps total. 1 rep with the company 7 years, 1 rep for 5 Years, 1 rep for 2 years, 1 rep for 9 months, 4 reps for 6 months, 3 reps for less than 3 months. Eight out of eleven reps have been with the company for less than 9 months. What does that tell you about turnover??? Since that meeting I was let go along with two other reps who weren't hitting their numbers. In the past I have worked in sales and never had a problem hitting numbers, but the numbers Dynasplint expects are unrealistic because they do not properly analyze territory potential (all you current employees know what I am talking about). If you get a high producing territory you may make it as long as the reps at the meeting I went to (anywhere from 2-7 years). I would look for other jobs where you can grow as a professional and/or salesperson. Check Medzilla.com for real jobs. Just trying to help out...

I just ran into a Dynasplint rep on friday in a doctor's office.. I wanted to share my experience incase anyone was considering this company.

This rep HATED his job. he had been there a little over a year, and was still making the same money as he started. they wanted to move him into his second year "package" but decided to wait it out a little longer, and not make the change just yet.

He has described the job as working 50-60 hour work weeks. constantly calling/following up with patients, and correcting billing errors. Not to mention doctors think you have the same budget for doing in-services. the reality is the company is too cheap for that, and only give the reps $125 a month to market (and this NEVER changes!!!) what a sad amount of money!

this young man has been applying all over the place to get out of this train wreck of a company, but it's a diffculy job market, and it's better to have a job then to have no money coming in.

I asked about manager ride along, and he signed and said he dreaded those days the most. spending 2-3 days with a manager you can't stand. evidently his manager has "napolian syndrome" i feel for him...

just thought I would share my $0.02 on the topic. sounds like there are many better choices out there!!!

This is how horrible of a company Dynasplint is: Most sales positions make you sign an agreement with the salary, numbers, compensation, etc. But Dynasplint brings it to another level. My manager e-mailed me a memo putting me on probation citing a paragraph out of my "employment agreement". Here it is: "Please refer to your employment agreement. On page two, paragraph 3, “If at any time, I or my designate determine that you are not producing a sufficient number of billed contracts for any given period of time, to enable you to fulfill your minimum quota requirements for any particular quarter, possible actions are probation, salary reduction, and/or termination. " What kind of company throws this in your face? I have been building my territory and numbers are increasing. So what's the problem? Everyone in the territory is angry at Dynasplint for various reasons and I have to work through it. I still can't believe that a company would throw a paragraph from an employment agreement at me. I wish I never got involved with Dynasplint. This type of frustration isn't worth it in an economy. My manager told me that I should start looking for a new job....