Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

I worked for DynaSHIT for about nine months and hated it from the start. The employment contract left a bad taste in my mouth (the word "terminate" is mentioned on nearly every page). After being sent into the field I soon realized that the product and the service is viewed as a joke by most clinics. The splints are utilized as a last resort all too often and the patients being fitted are expecting a miracle product. The average time post fitting that most patients would call me personally with questions, concerns and complaints was at most one week. Quitting a job during a recession was a difficult decision but one that I never cease to regret, especially when I peruse this thread and read the vindicating posts. If you are considering a job with Dynasplint I hope that you have taken the time to research and hopefully stumbled across this long list of reasons NOT to sign on the dotted line.

I also worked for Dynasplint for a long time. I got out when the getting was good (sooner than later). They treat thier employees like crap and don't think anything of it. Their philosophy is "oh well we'll just get a replacement". No wonder why they have such high turnover. Last I heard it was around 80%.....yes you read correctly 80%. This equates to 8 out of 10 people leave the company. Oh, and another interesting stat is that most or all leave within 6 months. Check the posting boards they aren't expanding they are trying to fill all of thier open positions. Currently there are 25 open sales positions advertised on career builder. Out of the 125 total sales consultants having 25 open is 20% of thier sales force is non-existent. It's been that way for years and years as long as I could remember from working there. They are driving people away in droves and lose quality people all of the time. Once people get started with the company if they are smart they realize that it's twisted culture and screwed up attitude toward the reps isn't how a good company is run. And if you think that Dynasplint is a stepping stone think again. Other repuatable companies want to see real experience from a real company. Other medical equipment companies don't respect Dyansplint and rightfully so it's not a good company. So rather than having to expalin why you worked for Dynasplint it's better just to not have it on your resume. Heck my new manager told me he would have rather had used car salesman, copier sales, rental car salesman than Dynasplint on my resume. I'm glad he gave me a chance but Dynasplint on my resume didn't help one bit it actually hurt. Read the posts about the company and if you're smart you won't make the mistake that 8 out of 10 people did!!

I worked for Dynasplint and left after 6 months for the following reasons:

Salary is 40k/year base your 1st year with only a $450/month car allowance (be prepared to drive the tires off your car). They pay for cell phone up to a certain point, but do not re-imburse for fax or internet in spite of requiring you to have both to do your job. They will tell you that you can make $100k + your second year primarily from splints on rent, but you will never see that. You will have either already left or your patients will have died or could not tolerate the splint (the geriatric patient is your primary sale). Only managers will see the rent commission from the splints you sold, so in essence, it is a glorified Ponzi scheme.

Dynasplint emphasizes high pressure sales strategies. They call it being "pleasantly pushy". They require you to call on 8 -12 accounts a day, everyday and to talk with as many decision makers as possible. You are to walk in un-announced or without an appointment and attempt to speak with therapists, nurses, business office personel, and doctors. I personally know of reps who are not allowed in certain facilities because they were seen as harassing the therapists while they were treating patients. I now work for an othotics company and call on the same facilities that I did with Dynasplint and the majority of Rehab Managers have confided to me that they think Dynasplint is one of the most un-professional vendors out there.

The sales quotas are unrealistic and unattainable for all but a few Reps, so be prepared to be put on "Probation". My one time on probation, they started listing my job on Career Builder and Monster. Every person in my training class had by the third month either quit or were put on probation. That is why there is a 70% turnover rate at Dynasplint.

Finally, if you have a clinical background, I strongly encourage you to stay away. There are far better sales opportunities out there where you do not have to leave your professional ethics at the door. I am a therapist and my main concern has always been my patients. Dynasplint cares nothing about the patient, only the sale. My manager once questioned me on why the majority of my patients were only getting one splint. When I explained that the Therapist usually only requested one or the clinical condition warranted only one, I was told "all patients should be getting more than one splint" and "that was the only way I was going to get my numbers up". They have the ethics of a Used-Car Dealer. This may sound like a bitter rant from a disgruntled ex-employee, but I assure you it is not. You only have to speak with someone who has worked at Dynasplint or read other posts in this forum to see that this is a pretty accurate discription of the working environment at Dynasplint. I do not want anyone to make the same mistake that hundreds of others and myself have made.

At Dynasplint you have to sell the product to the therapist and then to the doctor and then the patient. So you could get the terapist and doctor on board but if the patient doesn't agree you just did all of that work for nothing. Usually if the patient's insurance doesn't cover it (which is common) the patient has to pay and doesn't want to. I don't blame them the benefits don't outweigh the costs. So you could have done all of that work chasing the order and get to the end where you contact the patient and bam...the orders lost! Patients often do research online and mostly all of them don't have anything good to say about the product...check this out:

Here's what patients say about this so called wonderful product. FYI- Patients don't like it and either do the doctors or therapists:

"I didn't start using it until Jan.16th. Almost 2 whole months after my knee surgery
. I am very unhappy with it. I even had to quit using the straightening splint as it pulled on my hip so bad I couldn't stand it. I feel like the flex slpint is just as bad, and I have not improved at all since I started using them. I am going to quit using the flex as they want me to use it at least 6 hours a day, and I can't sleep with it, and don't have that much time for it. I use it about 4 huors a day, and can hardly walk after I use it."

"Lynne, I used a Dyna splint for 3 months with a hand/wrist injury. Unfortunetly I was miserable using it and I benefited only slightly. I worked up to 10-12 hours at the highest tension so I gave it every possible chance. I hope you have a better results."

"Thanks for the reply. I've been unable to find much other info. on the dynasplint. I went to the podiatrist yesterday, he's telling me to wear it as much as I can tolerate but I'm having a lot of trouble wearing it at night. I think it would be fine if you sleep on your back but I'm a side sleeper. I seem to fight it and wake up sore and take it off? I'm making no progress but is that just time and not the splint? I've had pain in this foot for two years but this flare up is only 4 1/2 weeks old - I have a partial tear. My podiatrist mentioned that the people that tend to do well with night splints seem to have achilles involvement, I don't...will keep the splint for the month then return it if I can't tolerate it. The doctor was less than impressed with the Dynasplint. Also this was not covered by my insurance."

"The doc says it is the most painful of the knee braces. It is designed to place a constant torque pressure to pull your knee in to a constant state of flexion while you are relaxing..such as while you sleep. I have not made a night without major help...some time a club to the head would be more appealing....it is barbaric.... It is designed for stiff knees to help stretch the soft tissue to release scar tissue. You have to gradually build up to where you are able to wear it 8 hrs and when you are no longer stiff for at least an hour after removing the brace....you tighten up the struts and the pressure gets greater. I am trying to do it with tens, ice and lots of drugs. I feel it is not helpinng and it just hurts like hell.. "

Patient experience speaks for itself. You as a sales consultant not only have to sell it to the clinicians but also to the patients. With results like these there won't be much success there!!

This company sucks...here's why...they don't have the supply to back up your mandatory - unatainable quotas. Plus, if you build up your territory to the point where you can start to make some real money - THEY CUT YOUR TERRITORY IN HALF! Now you have to start all over again and LOSE all the accounts you just built up. This is how the company avoids paying you for profit sharing. Back in the day, reps had an entire state to sell any division, ortho, neuro, podiatry, etc.... with no boundries and no counterparts. Now they cut everything up and expect unrealsitic goals based on results for all divisions instead of just one. Long story short...THE COMPANY HAS A 70% THAT'S RIGHT A 70% TURNOVER RATE WITHIN 1 YEAR! OUCH! Do you get the picture now...I did... that's why I left after only 3 months. Good luck

Do you want to work for the worst company on the planet? Then work for Dynasplint or Dyna-shit as so commonly called. This company does everything it can to degrade it's employees. They start off by paying the sales force less than industry standard. They also belittle the employees and it almost seems like they try to get rid of people and that's thier goal. Heck with 80% turnover I guess they have that equation figured out! All of the accounts are really mad and frustrated with you as thier new sales consultant. I guess they should be since you many as well be the 5th or 6th rep that has been in the territory. They are on the fast track to disaster with all of the issues they have with thier sales force I wonder if they will get a bail out or just close the doors?


Originally Posted by Anonymous

Talk to a lawyer! I did and we are gathering information to make our case stronger. I was injured and they basically told me to get out and sell or to get out. Thats not right what they are doing to you! It's not like you weren't working and got hurt. Good luck.

HA! I had and still have a lawyer! W/C denied me, Dynasplint backed them, claiming ideopathic injury. The lawyer had the nerve to introduce against me, the fact that I was on 'probation' citing my PIP. He didnt mention that this PIP was put into effect AFTER my accident. He tried to twist the circumstances around my accident to reflect me badly. That I injured myself on purpose because I was at risk of losing my job! UNBELIEVABLE! This accident was back in April. I since have had surgery, and I am in rehab after ankle reconstruction. Heres the kicker- I suffered a contracture after being in a cast post surgery. The therapists wouldnt have dreamt of putting me in a Dynasplint. And now- well they know the story and have formed their own opinions....
I was officially terminated June 30th. I had court today, and should know in a couple days if the Judge finds Work Comp liable or not.


Dynasplint is by far the worst career mistake I have ever made. I took a pay cut leaving my previous position thinking that I was getting my foot in the med. equip. sales door. Instead I received a pink slip after about eight months. There are two routes Dynasplint should explore if success is the ultimate goal:

1. Hire two reps per territory at the beginning, one to sell and one to fit and follow up.

or . . .

2. Cut sales reps all together and allow MD's to order direct.

I only wish I would have found this thread before signing my contract with Dynasplint. Which by the way, if you are consideing a position take notice of the negativity that the contract exudes. The word "termination" is stated no less than once per page and the contract is five pages long.

Well I see that nothing has changed except the turnover rate! I worked for Dynasplint for 3 months about five years ago. It was the same then as it is now. Funny they don't have any money to pay their sales reps (who by the way drive the business) but George and company can afford to advertise behind home plate at Camden Yards! Geez, I couldn't get out of there fast enough!

Amen brother!! I worked there in 2002 and the best day of my career was the day I left. It was funny because when I called my manager to resign she wasn't at all shocked, surprised or emotional. She actually asked where I was going and if they were anymore positions open!! Imagine that she knew it was bad and wanted to get out as much as I did!

The managers at this company are clueless. My manager worked with me after 6 months of "being too busy" and didn't have any advice fo me. He told me to keep doing what I was doing. Actually he told me one thing and that was to do more paperwork to track my patients. Which has nothing to do with making more money which has been the goal since the beginning. He brought me out to lunch and then I dropped him off at his car. We worked from 10-1 including an hour lunch. How's this going to help me? He told me to get less Medicare business, increase my shoulder and supination/pronation sales and to keep my splints in rent longer and then I could get a raise. I did all of that and called him after 4 months of success and nothing. He said right now I need to sell more and I can get more. My numbers are good over the company average and better than most. I know I'm bringing in way more for the company than they are paying me. I have seen the salary charts but my manager refuses to increase my salary. It seems like the harder I work the more the company and my manager make and I'm left out. I need to start looking for another company that takes care of thier employees.

This is one of the biggest scam companies out there. At the interview they show you how much money you can make and the potential of the territory. Well that all changes once you get in the field. See they pay you 30-40k per year plus bonus which you might get your first quarter since your numbers are low but forget about it after that. Your numbers increase every quarter after that which makes them unattainable. And then if you manage to stay around past year 1 you might get a salary increase but guess what? Your numbers increase with any kind of salary increase. That's no reward! Then year 2 you get commissions off of the insurance collections. Guess what? You have NO control over that. Some underpaid, careless, lazy person at corporate collects your money that your supposed to get bonused on. Guess what? Doesn't happen. They could care less about collecting your money so you can get the bonus you worked for. Most of the sales reps don't make it this far and usually are fired or quit at the 1-6 month mark. Once they get out in the field the accounts are so mad from the turnover and there is so much damage control you don't get orders. Then your manager rides with you and they are clueless on how to help you but assure you that "if your numbers don't increase we'll have to let you go". That goes real far when trying to motivate a new sales consultant to achieve their goals. If you have the opportunity to interview or get hired with Dynasplint run as fast as you can and keep interviewing...you can do better trust me

DON'T quite as an ATC or Therapist.

DON'T apply to Dynasplint.

There are MANY other jobs that will take of their employees better. Do you really think $38 k base with the potential to earn anywhere from $1-15k over the year is worth it?

Think about your car. you drive ALL those miles on it for a tiny car allowance?? your trade in value will stink!

Don't make the mistake of even applying to this company. it's nothing but a black hole...

How many people enjoy starting their work day, wondering...hmmm am I going to get fired today or are they going to miss the big target they put on my forehead! NOT ME! I have respect for George, I have respect for this company in general...however I do not have respect for some of the people running this company! Sometimes I wonder what were they thinking hiring them or promoting them as managers...if they can't do your job than how on earth are they going to manage you while you do your job?!? This company is a crock of SHIT! They are not consistent with anything...they tell you what you need to do to get your job done and then you do what you're told...and then wa'bam..you're doing it wrong...make up your mind! I work for this company for almost 2 years and not even 6 months into it I had to be put on anti-anxiety medication because of all the stress. Im sure there are people at corporate looking at all of this right now...because they can't find anything else to spend their money on...hmmm lets hire someone to look online to see who's looking for a job and what's being posted on these blogs. HAHA well no matter what they see on these blogs...do they try to improve anything...NOPE! They need to start paying attention to how their employee's feel and how they are being treated rather than OMG lets con this doctor into signing this form. What comes around goes around...you treat your employees like shit and like they are some kind of Dog...it will come around one day...and when that day comes...i will honestly feel bad for George and his family because they do not deserve it...they are good people...but they probably dont even know half the shit that goes on with this company.
That's funny. I would agree about training. My probation cycle was a three month cycle of not meeting my goals. My goal was 45. The first month I did 13. The second I only did 12. I was trying to grow a notoriously dead territory during this time. You know by building realtionships, inservices, follow ups, and demonstrating a good reputation for the product. Or what what you would call in the real world, "sales." The following month I did 26. Next thing you know I was let go. Without any formal probation by my manager. I actually was 6 over my quarterly goal with a great furture of growth. The best part is, without my knowledge that my "team leader" was interviewing behind my back he already hired someboby else! When I asked him about this he stated that he did not believe that my progression was at Dynasplint standards. I replied that I was ahead of my goals. He then stated that I could remain at Dynasplint as a fitter! It is funny because I now work for another medical device company and I am making more than him now for a reputable company where I have hands on sales with doctors. I never let the docs know that I worked for DS but I still poke around for their information in regards to DS and they have zero trust in the company nor the product.

I was approached by the in-house recruiter about a position and I laughed in her face. This company is the biggest joke on the planet. I would rather die than work for Dynasplint!!

I also worked for Dynasplint for a long time. I got out when the getting was good (sooner than later). They treat thier employees like crap and don't think anything of it. Their philosophy is "oh well we'll just get a replacement". No wonder why they have such high turnover. Last I heard it was around 80%.....yes you read correctly 80%. This equates to 8 out of 10 people leave the company. Oh, and another interesting stat is that most or all leave within 6 months. Check the posting boards they aren't expanding they are trying to fill all of thier open positions. Currently there are 25 open sales positions advertised on career builder. Out of the 125 total sales consultants having 25 open is 20% of thier sales force is non-existent. It's been that way for years and years as long as I could remember from working there. They are driving people away in droves and lose quality people all of the time. Once people get started with the company if they are smart they realize that it's twisted culture and screwed up attitude toward the reps isn't how a good company is run. And if you think that Dynasplint is a stepping stone think again. Other repuatable companies want to see real experience from a real company. Other medical equipment companies don't respect Dyansplint and rightfully so it's not a good company. So rather than having to expalin why you worked for Dynasplint it's better just to not have it on your resume. Heck my new manager told me he would have rather had used car salesman, copier sales, rental car salesman than Dynasplint on my resume. I'm glad he gave me a chance but Dynasplint on my resume didn't help one bit it actually hurt. Read the posts about the company and if you're smart you won't make the mistake that 8 out of 10 people did!!

If you currently work for Dynasplint and are thinking about leaving make sure you do after you get your bonus and/or commission check. I got screwed and left before I got them and called up to corporate and they said "too bad you left, it was explained in your contract"....click...The contract they have you sign is very sneaky. How can you bust your ass and earn your bonus and commissions then not get it? Good question. Dynasplint is so shady and could care less about their sales consultants.

I left Dynasplint to work for a pharmceutical company making double what I was making. And as far as my bonus its like I get my bonus now just for showing up and doing my job. At Dynasplint I had to fight every step of the way to get my bonus and they were never really that great. As far as training there is no comparison at Dynasplint I only trained for a week. My current companys training is 6 weeks then I shadow another rep for a week and then my manager works with me for another week. The company I work for now really wants me to succeed and make money. Dynasplint just threw me out there and if I failed (which most reps do) they fire you and replace you. They don't even care if you are successful and make money. Its like Dynasplint prides itself on you being miserable. Excess conference calls, micro management from regional to divisional, inventory, technology, you name it....misery. At my new company I don't worry about any of these things. They truly want me to be happy and do well. That's more than I can say for Dynasplint. If you are still part of Dynasplint...I'm sorry. But there are better companies out there and once you leave you'll be truly happy.