Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

I just ran into a Dynasplint rep on friday in a doctor's office.. I wanted to share my experience incase anyone was considering this company.

This rep HATED his job. he had been there a little over a year, and was still making the same money as he started. they wanted to move him into his second year "package" but decided to wait it out a little longer, and not make the change just yet.

He has described the job as working 50-60 hour work weeks. constantly calling/following up with patients, and correcting billing errors. Not to mention doctors think you have the same budget for doing in-services. the reality is the company is too cheap for that, and only give the reps $125 a month to market (and this NEVER changes!!!) what a sad amount of money!

this young man has been applying all over the place to get out of this train wreck of a company, but it's a diffculy job market, and it's better to have a job then to have no money coming in.

I asked about manager ride along, and he signed and said he dreaded those days the most. spending 2-3 days with a manager you can't stand. evidently his manager has "napolian syndrome" i feel for him...

just thought I would share my $0.02 on the topic. sounds like there are many better choices out there!!!

The managers at this company are clueless. My manager worked with me after 6 months of "being too busy" and didn't have any advice fo me. He told me to keep doing what I was doing. Actually he told me one thing and that was to do more paperwork to track my patients. Which has nothing to do with making more money which has been the goal since the beginning. He brought me out to lunch and then I dropped him off at his car. We worked from 10-1 including an hour lunch. How's this going to help me? He told me to get less Medicare business, increase my shoulder and supination/pronation sales and to keep my splints in rent longer and then I could get a raise. I did all of that and called him after 4 months of success and nothing. He said right now I need to sell more and I can get more. My numbers are good over the company average and better than most. I know I'm bringing in way more for the company than they are paying me. I have seen the salary charts but my manager refuses to increase my salary. It seems like the harder I work the more the company and my manager make and I'm left out. I need to start looking for another company that takes care of thier employees.

The managers at this company are clueless. My manager worked with me after 6 months of "being too busy" and didn't have any advice fo me. He told me to keep doing what I was doing. Actually he told me one thing and that was to do more paperwork to track my patients. Which has nothing to do with making more money which has been the goal since the beginning. He brought me out to lunch and then I dropped him off at his car. We worked from 10-1 including an hour lunch. How's this going to help me? He told me to get less Medicare business, increase my shoulder and supination/pronation sales and to keep my splints in rent longer and then I could get a raise. I did all of that and called him after 4 months of success and nothing. He said right now I need to sell more and I can get more. My numbers are good over the company average and better than most. I know I'm bringing in way more for the company than they are paying me. I have seen the salary charts but my manager refuses to increase my salary. It seems like the harder I work the more the company and my manager make and I'm left out. I need to start looking for another company that takes care of thier employees.

Welcome to the real world. Corporate does not care about you. Thank God for your family. I could tell you stories, as many others could, that would make your experience look like a trip to DisneyLand.

I'm in the process of interviewing for a sales position in south florida. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on the open territories that are available, they keep going back and fourth as to where I would be working.

I also worked for Dyna for a long time. I got out when the getting was good (sooner than later). They treat thier employees like crap and don't think anything of it. Their philosophy is "oh well we'll just get a replacement". No wonder why they have such high turnover. Last I heard it was around 80%.....yes you read correctly 80%. This equates to 8 out of 10 people leave the company. Oh, and another interesting stat is that most or all leave within 6 months. Check the posting boards they aren't expanding they are trying to fill all of thier open positions. Currently there are 25 open sales positions advertised on career builder. Out of the 125 total sales consultants having 25 open is 20% of thier sales force is non-existent. It's been that way for years and years as long as I could remember from working there. They are driving people away in droves and lose quality people all of the time. Once people get started with the company if they are smart they realize that it's twisted culture and screwed up attitude toward the reps isn't how a good company is run. And if you think that Dynasplint is a stepping stone think again. Other repuatable companies want to see real experience from a real company. Other medical equipment companies don't respect Dyansplint and rightfully so it's not a good company. So rather than having to expalin why you worked for Dynasplint it's better just to not have it on your resume. Heck my new manager told me he would have rather had used car salesman, copier sales, rental car salesman than Dynasplint on my resume. I'm glad he gave me a chance but Dynasplint on my resume didn't help one bit it actually hurt. Read the posts about the company and if you're smart you won't make the mistake that 8 out of 10 people did!!

DON'T quite as an ATC or Therapist.

DON'T apply to Dynasplint.

There are MANY other jobs that will take of their employees better. Do you really think $38 k base with the potential to earn anywhere from $1-15k over the year is worth it?

Think about your car. you drive ALL those miles on it for a tiny car allowance?? your trade in value will stink!

Don't make the mistake of even applying to this company. it's nothing but a black hole...
Look, early on I got mixed up with shitty products like this. Here's the deal: 40k sucks. Bottom line. So you need to ask yourself this: am I doing this to get med sales experience for a year and move on? If you are, then fine. If you already have some experience, wait it out, because there are better opportunities out there.

As far as the "realistic" 60k salary: to answer your question, I would call BS on that one. Top rep earning 250k? Maybe BS, but I'll tell you, there's always one in the bunch who does OK because of variables in their territory, etc. I have never, ever talked to a company who did not use that line about a top rep making over 200k. The real question is "what did your average rep make last year?" Chances are it was around 55k. You can make that in pharma on base alone.

Think it through carefully.

Dyansplint in my opinion is a total shit company and should be shut down!! It sucks from the bottom all the way up to the top.
You'll need to sell a shitload of orthotic devices to make any money.
Base is around 38 k with a very small market consisting of mostly podiatrists and a few ortho specialists.

Lots of work for minimum reward.

This is a company I would stay away from. As a sales rep you can do a lot better. I would recommend photocopy sales, Enterprise Rent a car, etc. Don't make the same mistake that others have DON'T work for Dynasplint!!

This is a company I would stay away from. As a sales rep you can do a lot better. I would recommend photocopy sales, Enterprise Rent a car, etc. Don't make the same mistake that others have DON'T work for Dynasplint!!
I had a friend who worked for them. She hated it. She didn't even stay a year...from the stories I heard I don't blame her.

Don't hate the players, hate the game!

To all the debbie downers & negative Nancy former sales reps of Dynasplint,

Just wanted to stand up for Dynasplint, and remind anyone reading these messages that those who talk trash are simply trying to make themselves look better.

So you were "let go" from Dynasplint? I'm assuming you are now bitter because you got fired. Those talking bad about Dynasplint are the people that did not maintain the job they were hired to do.

This IS a hard job, so those who didn't reach your numbers, quotas, get along with your team, had a bad attitude, whatever the reason... don't take it out on those who are making a difference and still with the company.

So my advice, don't hate the players...hate the game. This is a competitive business with high standards and expectations. Don't take it personal that for some reason you didn't make the cut, just step it up or else you will be bitterly blogging about every company that "lets you go"

Just grow up and find a new job.

Re: Don't hate the players, hate the game!

To all the debbie downers & negative Nancy former sales reps of Dynasplint,

Just wanted to stand up for Dynasplint, and remind anyone reading these messages that those who talk trash are simply trying to make themselves look better.

So you were "let go" from Dynasplint? I'm assuming you are now bitter because you got fired. Those talking bad about Dynasplint are the people that did not maintain the job they were hired to do.

This IS a hard job, so those who didn't reach your numbers, quotas, get along with your team, had a bad attitude, whatever the reason... don't take it out on those who are making a difference and still with the company.

So my advice, don't hate the players...hate the game. This is a competitive business with high standards and expectations. Don't take it personal that for some reason you didn't make the cut, just step it up or else you will be bitterly blogging about every company that "lets you go"

Just grow up and find a new job.
So I guess upper management and corporate are monitoring these boards again. It had to be one of you since you're the only ones that put a positive spin on the company. Put down your kool-aid and take your head out of your ass and look around. If you ever tried to leave Dynasplint you can't and that's why you're still there. Any by the way most of the posts if you read them seem like they are from current AND former employees. Once again step away from the kool-aid!

Re: Don't hate the players, hate the game!

To all the debbie downers & negative Nancy former sales reps of Dynasplint,

Just wanted to stand up for Dynasplint, and remind anyone reading these messages that those who talk trash are simply trying to make themselves look better.

So you were "let go" from Dynasplint? I'm assuming you are now bitter because you got fired. Those talking bad about Dynasplint are the people that did not maintain the job they were hired to do.

This IS a hard job, so those who didn't reach your numbers, quotas, get along with your team, had a bad attitude, whatever the reason... don't take it out on those who are making a difference and still with the company.

So my advice, don't hate the players...hate the game. This is a competitive business with high standards and expectations. Don't take it personal that for some reason you didn't make the cut, just step it up or else you will be bitterly blogging about every company that "lets you go"

Just grow up and find a new job.
The only "game" is the one Dynasplint runs on all of thier sales consultants. That's why no one stays and the turnover is so high. I take it you are stuck in your little dead end job at Dynasplint?

Re: Don't hate the players, hate the game!

To all the debbie downers & negative Nancy former sales reps of Dynasplint,

Just wanted to stand up for Dynasplint, and remind anyone reading these messages that those who talk trash are simply trying to make themselves look better.

So you were "let go" from Dynasplint? I'm assuming you are now bitter because you got fired. Those talking bad about Dynasplint are the people that did not maintain the job they were hired to do.

This IS a hard job, so those who didn't reach your numbers, quotas, get along with your team, had a bad attitude, whatever the reason... don't take it out on those who are making a difference and still with the company.

So my advice, don't hate the players...hate the game. This is a competitive business with high standards and expectations. Don't take it personal that for some reason you didn't make the cut, just step it up or else you will be bitterly blogging about every company that "lets you go"

Just grow up and find a new job.
Well y'all I actually still work for Dynasplint and hate it! I'm just keeping my eyes and ears open for other opportunities like the rest of the sales force does. Dynasplint doesn't take care of their consultants that's why everyone leaves. You have people leave within 6 months, 1 year, 5 years and 10 years. The company just doesn't take care of thier people. I'm tring to get into surgical sales and have had some really great interviews lately. I'm just wating for the right opportunity. As far as bitter ex-employees goes they are usually bitter since they just have wasted thier time working for a useless company. But ask around and most if not all of the current employees having nothing good really to say about the company either. Now there might be 1 or 2 out of the hundreds but they're not qualified to do anything else. There are people with Dynasplint with associates degrees and random skills that other companies won't employ much less hire. All I can say is it does suck at Dynasplint and I'm here just for the paycheck and can't wait to get out. Hopefully it's soon because I can't take much more..

I used to work for Dynasplint for a while, and they have;

no respect for the sales force

unrealistic #'s

horrible management (who get richer on the backs of the sales force)

complete disconnect between sales force and corporate, they literally did not like sales people, despite sales force being the one's who grow the company

only company I've ever worked for in my life who do not supply the sales force with samples (we used to fit patients with products we've sampled on many Dr.'s or therapists), isn't this a sanitation issue, I think they could get in trouble for that in a big way)

no growth potential, limited earnings potential

very confusing territory structure, sometimes 4 reps are working the same area

sales force is way under paid and under appreciated

it's a shame, because it's not a bad product

I agree with the last post. I actually still work here and I'm trying to leave for all of the above reasons. If I could offer any advice to people wanted to work at Dynasplint: DON'T!!
It really messes up your career....

The key word you ask yourself at Dynasplint is: WHAT? Dynasplint is such a second rate company in so many ways.

1)They pay you a car allowance and make you keep track of your mileage and submit it with your expenses but don't pay for mileage or gas. WHAT? Why go through all of the trouble and not get paid. If you don't submitt it they will not pay you the small car allowance of $450.
2) Also they make you front all of the money for lunches or marketing activities. WHAT? Don't worry you only have $125 per month and that includes: lunches, breakfast, dinners, offices supplies, etc. WHAT? Also it might take you 2-3 months to get reimbursed. WHAT?
3) Bonuses are paid every quarter and if you get a bonus Q1 (Jan, Feb, Mar) they pay you the end of June. WHAT?
4) If you leave the company after a quarter and earn a bonus they don't pay it. WHAT? Don't believe me look at the contract.
5)If your numbers slip they instantly post your position on Monster or Career Builder without even giving you a chance. WHAT?

I could go on all night with this so at this point I'll stop. If you don't mind working a whole lot for little to no reward maybe you'll love it there.

Even if you made 100k with Dynasplint the costs of making that bring you right back down. Car maintenence, gas, cell phone overages, not to mention the hours you have to put it to come close to that is ridiculous. You shouldn't have to put in 60+ hours a week to make 100k then minus your expenses you'll net income would be well under 75k. I think a previous poster broke it down: "I just left this shit ass company and thank god. I did well but the fact that I was under compensated, underappreciated and micromanaged did it for me. So as a sales rep I'm all about the numbers. So here it is: I worked 65 hours per week for 52 weeks which equals 3380 hours per year. I made 50k that year with bonuses. So I was technically making $14.79 per hour.(People without degrees and certifications make this hourly.) Now I got a $450 car allowance and after getting an additonal amount of $200 per month for fitting patients my average car allowance was $650. Or $7800 per year. Pretty good, huh? Well I drove 3000 miles per month on average. With no gas allowance or mileage reinbursement.(according to the IRS allowance I should have received $1500 monthly or $18,000 yearly) My car payment was $550 per month ($6600 per year) for a Honda Civic plus gas. Gas was $150 per week on average or $7800 per year. So add my yearly car payment plus gas and it equals $14,400 per year. So on my travel expenses/car allowance I was minus $6,600 per year. Not to mention oil changes, insurance, tires and other maintenence. Now tally it all up, after expenses I made $43,400 per year selling medical equipment. This is totally out of line with industry standards. I just took a job doing marketing for one of my old clinics and make 65K base, $600 a month car allowance, paid mileage and bonuses. Dynasplint isn't the place to work if you want to make money. Now if you want to work for a company and have your job cost you money be my guest but you were warned." Need I say more?

I used to work for Dyansplint and they instill fear into thier sales consultants. They put such a demand on you as a sales consultant that they tend to put you in dangerous situations. I would have to go to patients homes and other places to fit the splints so I would be able to hit my numbers at the end of the month or quarter. I understand sales and the importance of numbers but safety shouldn't be an issue. I'm a female and going into some patients homes I feared for my safety. I was in certain neighborhoods that you wouldn't ever want to be in, ever. When I spoke to my manager about it they said "too bad do your job or we'll repalce you". I was told to bring along some help i.e. my husband but he didn't want to endanger himself or me. I was mortified and left shortly after this. I couldn't believe that they expected me to endanger my safety to fit a splint. I know from experience that Dynasplint could care less about me.