Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

To Today, 12:14 AM : What states constitute the Southern Region ? after reading all of these posts .. a question to all of the ex-reps , are there any good people in management with this company ?

She was my manager for a short time. All she did was bitch at me over the phone. And to top it all off I begged her to work with me for 6 months....she never showed....
Well, she worked with me and be careful what you wish for. It was a miserable day and my accounts hated her. I took my account profile book and moved on after that grim day......

Cut the whining and do something about it. Become an independent distributor for Dynasplint's main competitor Joint Active Systems?? They pay straight commission with no micromanagement and the sky is the limit on your earning potential.

Cut the whining and do something about it. Become an independent distributor for Dynasplint's main competitor Joint Active Systems?? They pay straight commission with no micromanagement and the sky is the limit on your earning potential.
Actually I beat you to it!! I love it!! It's so much different no b/s and headaches. Easy also since I brought all of my contacts with me. I thought I would mind the commissions only but the sky is the limit and after this year I will double what I was making at Dynasplint.

Actually I beat you to it!! I love it!! It's so much different no b/s and headaches. Easy also since I brought all of my contacts with me. I thought I would mind the commissions only but the sky is the limit and after this year I will double what I was making at Dynasplint.
I left Dynashit (as most former/current employees refer to it) for a similar gig and wish I had done it sooner. Some people say these boards are biased but it a good place to find candid, no b/s information to help you make choices. One wish is that I skipped over Dynashit and went where I'm currently. Hope you guys can make the same decision. Trust me you'll age at a less rapid rate..

Thanks for the info.
Save yourself the headache. They only pay you 30-40k base salary with a $450 car allowance and no gas or mileage. They also only give you $125 per month for inservices which doesn't help at all. After the 2000-3000 miles you drive every month fitting patients, marketing and doing follow ups you don't make any money here. Don't be fooled by these posts the positive posts are from the corporate people scanning them and adding thier positive spin on it. Word of caution if it's positive it's a corporate person if it's negative its one of the current or previous employees. Would a company with a turnover of 80% and rep tenure of less than one year be lying...don't think so. You can get hired on and in about a year if you stay that long you would be a senior rep since everyone leaves at that point. It's filled with incompetent managers and a sinking ship. Stay away there are plenty of real companies to work for out there..

Save yourself the headache. They only pay you 30-40k base salary with a $450 car allowance and no gas or mileage. They also only give you $125 per month for inservices which doesn't help at all. After the 2000-3000 miles you drive every month fitting patients, marketing and doing follow ups you don't make any money here. Don't be fooled by these posts the positive posts are from the corporate people scanning them and adding thier positive spin on it. Word of caution if it's positive it's a corporate person if it's negative its one of the current or previous employees. Would a company with a turnover of 80% and rep tenure of less than one year be lying...don't think so. You can get hired on and in about a year if you stay that long you would be a senior rep since everyone leaves at that point. It's filled with incompetent managers and a sinking ship. Stay away there are plenty of real companies to work for out there..

Thanks for the info. On the job description it states that the salary is between $40-$50K. I know you said the base is only $ 30 - $40K. So is the info incorrect or have the changed their starting salaries?

Dynasplint is by far the worst career mistake I have ever made. I took a pay cut leaving my previous position thinking that I was getting my foot in the med. equip. sales door. Instead I received a pink slip after about eight months. There are two routes Dynasplint should explore if success is the ultimate goal:

1. Hire two reps per territory at the beginning, one to sell and one to fit and follow up.

or . . .

2. Cut sales reps all together and allow MD's to order direct.

I only wish I would have found this thread before signing my contract with Dynasplint. Which by the way, if you are consideing a position take notice of the negativity that the contract exudes. The word "termination" is stated no less than once per page and the contract is five pages long.

Thanks for the info. On the job description it states that the salary is between $40-$50K. I know you said the base is only $ 30 - $40K. So is the info incorrect or have the changed their starting salaries?
They are a bait and switch company. If they advertised $30-40k then they would have about 1/2 of the number of people apply. So they advertise $40-50k get you to the interview and say "based on your experience we would like to offer you $38k and its a starting point and you can get salary increases along the way during your first year". All lies. They say that but never do it and you end up getting screwed. They say it costs them money and your first year is like a gift from them. Yeah, right. You work for every penny of whatever salary they give you and then after that should have been paid double of whatever you made. Be very careful if you are even remotely thinking about signing on..If youcould wait for something better I would if I were you.

Thanks for the info. On the job description it states that the salary is between $40-$50K. I know you said the base is only $ 30 - $40K. So is the info incorrect or have the changed their starting salaries?

I don't even think Dynasplint knows where there salary range is. The posting I saw varied like so:
A company in despairity has ranges like this for the same position. They don't really know what to pay but know that they need people bad. They are all over the board and have no consistently. The more they pay you the larger your numbers will be. So don't think they are doing you a favor by paying you more. They set all of thier new people up to fail. Heck with there turnover at 80%, 8 out of 10 new hires will.

Thanks for the info. On the job description it states that the salary is between $40-$50K. I know you said the base is only $ 30 - $40K. So is the info incorrect or have the changed their starting salaries?
They are a bait and switch company. If they advertised $30-40k then they would have about 1/2 of the number of people apply. So they advertise $40-50k get you to the interview and say "based on your experience we would like to offer you $38k and its a starting point and you can get salary increases along the way during your first year". All lies. They say that but never do it and you end up getting screwed. They say it costs them money and your first year is like a gift from them. Yeah, right. You work for every penny of whatever salary they give you and then after that should have been paid double of whatever you made. Be very careful if you are even remotely thinking about signing on..If you could wait for something better I would if I were you.

Want some good advice about Dynasplint? I'm about to give you priceless info that will save you:

Recruiters Main Office Company / Website Contact E-mail

Birmingham Surgical Independent Rep Recruiters Linda Ward linda.ward@charter.net

Phoenix Caserta & Associates, LLC Andrew Caserta Andrew@fcaserta.com

Phoenix New Med Search Harry Newberry Harry@newmedsearch.com

Phoenix Personnel Solutions Rick Spargo rick@mymedicalrecruiter.com

Scottsdale Belardi & Associates Christa Belardi cbelardi2@cox.net

Scottsdale Bobbi Manlove & Associates Bobbi Manlove bobbimanlove@aol.com

Scottsdale HealthCare Recruiters International of AZ Laurie Blair laurie.blair@hcrnetwork.com

Scottsdale The Frabotta Group John Frabotta john@jafsearch.com

Scottsdale Wolf Medical Recruiting James Wolf jim@wolfmedicalrecruiting.com

Tempe Vector Solutions Josh Pearce JPearce@vsrecruiting.com

Tucson CWS Medical Consultants, Inc. Chris Schaab schaab@comcast.net

Altadena The Hunter Group Lawrence Gerlach lag626@charter.net

Beverly Hills LRL Associates, Inc. Leslie Katz Leslie@lrlassociates.com

Burbank ProQuest International Robert Glickman bob@proqi.com

Burlingame DEC Consultants Chris Miller info@dec-consultants.com

Burlingame Steffin Kutzman Associates Steffin Kutzman jsk@skutzman.com

Calabasas Jeff Harris & Associates Jeff Harris info@jeffharrisassociates.com

Dana Point Orchard Consulting Matthew Samerdyke greatestgigs@gmail.com

Fresno IndoCruit & Associates Jeffery Bailey jeffbailey@indocruit.com

Granite Bay Elite Associates Dave DeMink dave@areyouelite.com

Grass Valley Winter Resources Dean Winter dean@winterresources.com

Huntington Beach MedSearch USA Kristine Byer kris@medsearchusa.com

Laguna National Medical Recruiters Mike Stone mstone@nmrgroup.com

Laguna Beach Geoffrey Weiss & Associates Katrina Ruegg info@gweiss.net

Los Angeles Advanced Recruiters Michael Edwards advancedrecruiters@sbcglobal.net

Los Angeles Brent Humber & Associates Brent Humber bhumber@verizon.net

Los Angeles Corporate Search Dean Gould dean.gould@verizon.net

Los Angeles Hochman & Associates Judith Hochman jhochman@earthlink.net

Los Angeles M. J. Moore & Associates Mike Moore Mike@mjmai.com

Los Angeles Tom Howard Recruiting Tom Howard tom@howardrecruiting.com

Menlo Park Rudd Medical Search Shelley Wieland shelley@ruddmedsearch.com

Orange Recruitment Resources, Inc. Ruthie Ross ruthie@rr2inc.com

Orange County Executive Pursuit Brigid Hendrickson exec@cox.net

Pleasanton Recupero Consulting Group, LLC Tony Recupero trecupero@recuperoconsulting.com

Rancho Santa Margarita Lucas Group Jenny Morgenstern morgenstern@cox.net

Rancho Santa Margarita MRI Rancho Santa Margarita Mark Myers mmyers@greaterjob.com

Redondo Beach Tim Bauler Associates Tim Bauler tim@baulerassociates.com

Rolling Hills Estates Apex Executive Recruiting Mark Cannistraro mark@apex-careers.com

Sacramento B & G Executive Group Bertha Gomez bgomez@bgexecutivegroup.com

Sacramento DeLacy & Associates, Inc. Bruna DeLacy lacyde@surewest.net

Sacramento Nisus Search, LLC Jimmy V. nisus@medsalescareer.com

Sacramento Tumminelli & Associates Medical Executive Search Pete Tumminelli ptassoc@comcast.net

Sacramento Ulrich & Assoicates Doug Ulrich dulrich@ulrichassoc.com

San Diego Agriesti & Associates Kay Agriesti salesjob@san.rr.com

San Diego MJG & Associates Mary Jo Goldzimer mgoldzimer@gmail.com

San Francisco Bio-Pharm Recruiters, Inc. David Ayala biopharmrep@pacbell.net

San Francisco CorPeople, Inc. James Brewer Jim@CorPeople.com

San Francisco GrantProSearch Executive Recruiting Cynthia Grant cynthia@grantprosearch.com

San Francisco Healthcare Recruiters International Jonathan Guidi jon.guidi@hcrnetwork.com

San Francisco J Killacky & Associates Jean Killacky jkillackyassoc@comcast.net

San Francisco The Staples Group Dee Staples Dee@staplesgroup.com

Temecula Hi-Tek Dynamics Leslie Geier leslie@hitekdynamics.com

Vista Hermansen & Associates Frank Hermansen system1440@gmail.com

Aurora The Carmel Group Kevin Davis kevin@carmelgroup.biz

Denver Prime-Core, Inc. Ken Dropiewski ken@prime-core.com

Denver Princeton Associates Tom Boyer tboyerpa@msn.com

Denver TStar Recruiting TStar TStarrecruiting@gmail.com

Greenwood Village MedQuest Associates Judy Stiles JudyStiles@aol.com

Littleton Omniquest, Inc. John Bohan john@omniquestinc.com

Mead Hayden Medical, Inc. Ron Henrioulle ron@haydenmedical.net

East Hartford Sales Solutions, LLC. Sandy Terragna salesjobs@aol.com

Plainville Advanced Medical Resources Kevin San Juan jobs@advmr.net

Weston R.M. Gillespie & Associates, Inc. Karen Gillespie kgsearch@aol.com

District of Columbia
Washington Corporate Search & Training Recruiters Caryn Fagan cfagan@cstrecruiters.com

Boca Raton Corporate Growth International David Doman cgi4work@aol.com

Boca Raton RecruitBUZZ Sharyn Aviv sharyn@recruitbuzz.com

Bradenton The Denson Group Kip Denson kip@densongroup.com

Cape Coral R. Dellaselva Consulting Ray Dellaselva bobdell@rdsconsult.com

Delray Beach Surgical Sales & Marketing Scott Pelton scott@devicesales.com

Fort Lauderdale Bailey Search & Associates Scott Platoff scott@medicalrecruiters.com

Jacksonville BioPointe Consulting Group Ron Frechette resume@biopointe.com

Jacksonville Bishop Executive Services, LLC Liz Nadeau ldevice@bellsouth.net

Jacksonville Corporate Connections Intl. Debra Duggan duggancci@aol.com

Jacksonville Leaders Professional Recruiting, Inc. Buddy Webster buddy@leadersinc.com

Jacksonville Manny Barrientos Medical Recruiter Manny Barrientos manny311@bellsouth.net

Jacksonville The Bales Company Sally Bales tmcrae@balescompany.com

Jacksonville Thompson Executive Services Bill Thompson newcareers@bellsouth.net

Jacksonville Whittier Partners Laura Carmody lcarmody@whittierpartners.com

Key Biscayne Bailey Search & Associates Nancy Estalella nancy@medicalrecruiters.com

Oakland Park Search Light Solutions Andrew Zalman andy@searchls.com

Orlando Legacy MedSearch Paula Rutledge Careers@LegacyMedSearch.com

Orlando Richard Moorhead & Associates Richard Moorhead sandy@rmamedicalsales.com

Ormond Beach Alexander Michaels Associates Larry Wisniewski larry@alexandermichaels.com

Plant City ExecuSearch USA Donna Lester dlester3@tampabay.rr.com

Pompano Beach HealthCare Recruiters International - South Florida Mitchell Leeman Mitch.Leeman@HCRNetwork.com

Ponte Vedra Beach Corporate Sales Recruiters, LLC Richard Cox corpsalerecruiter@yahoo.com

Sarasota Nationwide Search Group Greg Gregory ggregory@wi.rr.com

Sarasota Sales Consultants of Sarasota Steve Railsback stever@scsarasota.com

Tampa Artillery Sales, Inc. Josh Heuchan talent@artillerysales.com

Tampa Career Search Group Neal Helsel doit5050@hotmail.com

Tampa Management Recruiters Tampa North Carol Taylor carol@mrtampanorth.com

Tampa Odak & Associates Joseph Odak joeodak@aol.com

Tampa Sun Personnel Bill Hickey bhickey@sunpersonnel.com

Tampa Surgical Sales & Services Jennifer Knab jendevice@msn.com

The Villages Bleu Sky Group Dan Cleary bigirishman03@comcast.net

West Palm Beach Medical Sales Executives Recruiter, Inc. Jon Smith MSERecruiter@aol.com

West Palm Beach Therapeutic Placement Partners Patrick Geraghty g8tr99@gmail.com

Alpharetta Spherion Corporation Eileen Kovalsky eileenkovalsky@spherion.com

Atlanta Claddagh Resources April Wood awood@claddaghresources.net

Atlanta Douillard & Associates Chris Douillard c.douillard@dai-us.com

Atlanta Executive Sales Search Linda Mende executivesalessearch@earthlink.net

Atlanta JT & Associates, Inc. Jimmy Taylor JT@JimmyTaylorJobs.com

Atlanta Lucas Group Nancy Simon nsimon@lucasgroup.com

Atlanta Med-Recruiter Ken Crandall resumes@med-recruiter.com

Atlanta MRI Atlanta-Peachtree North Tom Jayroe taj@mriatl.com

Atlanta Realta, Inc. Cara Bedford cara@realtainc.com

Atlanta Synergy Recruiting Annette Poole apoole@sracareers.com

Atlanta The Grapevine Group Traci Brown tbrown@grapevinegroup.com

Augusta MAU, Inc. Bethany Smith bethany.smith@mau.com

Dawsonville Brad Bridges & Associates Brad Bridges bradbridges7@alltel.net

Honolulu SC - Management Recruiters Honolulu Christina Cole chriscole@mrihonolulu.com

Buffalo Grove American Medical Source Julie Farkas Grinks@sbcglobal.net

Chicago Execu Search Chicago Simon McCune execusearch@sbcglobal.net

Chicago Executive Coaching Partners, LLC Barbara Runyen brunyen@execcoaches.com

Chicago Midwest Recruiting & Associates Susan Calvert MidwestRecruiting@comcast.net

Chicago Svec Executive Search Steve Svec steve@svecsearch.com

Chicago The White Horse Group Sheila Smorin Sheila@thewhitehorsegroup.com

Elk Grove Village TL Search Lyle Stenfors tlsearch@comcast.net

Hawthorn Woods Best of the Best Kimberly Starke kim@bestofthebest1.com

Normal Harbeck Associates Bill Baracani bill@harbeckassociates.com

Wheaton Watring & Associates, Inc. Bernie Watring email@watring.net

Indianapolis Dooley Search Group, LLC Mike Dooley mikedooley@indy.rr.com

Warsaw Lake City Group Tammi Burish search@lakecitygroup.com

Davenport Careers Incorporated Tammy Lewis tammy@careersincorporated.com

Des Moines Lee Smith & Associates Mitchell Smith hedhuntr@earthlink.net

Des Moines The Infini Group, LLC Eric Koehler eric@theinfinigroup.com

Leawood Network Executive Search, Inc. Celeste Sollars celestenet@att.net

Overland Park Smith Brown & Jones, LLC LaDonna Diller ldiller@smithbrownjones.com

Bowling Green Debra DebraMarie Pollock DebraUSA@aol.com

Florence Sanford Rose Associates Erin Boyce eecall@sanfordrose.com

Covington Page & Associates Tom Page tpage1985@aol.com

La Place Shiell & Associates Marc Quiroz marc@shiellcareers.com

Metarie MRI New Orleans Paul Luce pluce@mrineworleans.com

New Orleans Hero Sales Recruiting Robin Hero Robin@HeroRecruiting.com

New Orleans Synergy Sales Recruiting of LA, LLC Gwen Payne gwen@synergysalesrecruiting.com

Cape Elizabeth PRIMUS SEARCH Paul Moson primus10@maine.rr.com

Arnold Yeatman Executive Search Don Yeatman don.yeatman@yeatmansearch.com

Baltimore Crown Kemble Associates Kimberly Chase kchase@crownkemble.com

Baltimore MRI Sales Consultants of Baltimore City Steve Yount syount@salesconsultants.org

Hunt Valley Fallstaff Search Robert Chertkof FallstaffSearch@aol.com

Andover Medical Search Group Jean Khoury Jean@medicalsearchgroup.com

Plymouth J. Pimental & Company Jane Pimental ResumeJane@aol.com

Wellesley The Bowdoin Group Beverly Lania blania@tbgjobs.com

West Dennis Dennis Partners Jilma Sweeney jsweeney@dennispartners.com

Brighton HealthCare Recruiters of Greater MI Arlene Clarke arlene.clarke@hcrnetwork.com

Detroit Searchmark Medical, Inc. Dan Stiffler resumes@searchmark.com

Farmington Hills Sales Executives, Inc. Dale Statson Dale@SalesExecutives.com

Kalamazoo Workforce Strategies, Inc. Palee Haney phaney@wsiemail.com

Southfield Medical Recruiters Charles Greening mr1850@execrec.com

Sterling Heights The Albo Group, Inc. Dale Erickson erickson@acd.net

Bloomington Hilleren & Associates Ed Young ed@hilleren.com

Eden Prairie The People Factor Inc. Eric Borg eric@people-factor.com

Golden Valley OMP Recruiters Jeff Owens jowens@omprecruiters.com

Minneapolis Sales Alliance USA Brad Bernemann Recruiters@SalesAllianceUSA.com

Minneapolis Ward & Associates, Inc. Christopher Ward cward@cward.com

Minnetonka McKinley Group, Inc. Steve Yakesh steve@mckinleygroupinc.com

Bay Saint Louis Hero Sales Recruiting Robin Hero Robin@HeroRecruiting.com

Chesterfield Dan Bemus & Associates, Inc. Daniel Bemus dan@bemusinc.com

Kansas City HealthCare Recruiters Int'l Mid America Karen Wonderly kwonderly@hcrjobs.com

St. Louis Donnelly Group Sales Recruiters Dan Donnelly dan@donnellysearch.com

St. Louis Dorr & Associates Dan Dorr dodorr@aol.com

St. Louis Kurt van Dyk & Associates, Inc. Kurt van Dyk healthcaresales@sbcglobal.net

St. Louis McGhee Consulting Stuart McGhee slmcghee@gmail.com

St. Louis Med-Search Recruiting Network Dawn Michel dawnm@medrecruiters.com

St. Louis Medical Recruiters, Inc. Heidi Oberman & Denise Wottowa resumes@medrecinc.com

St. Louis Sales Resources Troy Radmer troy.radmer@sales-resources.com

St. Louis Select Medical Solutions Steve Huffman steve@selectmedicalsolutions.com

St. Louis Top Sales Reps, LLC Robin Holder robin@topsalesreps.com

New Hampshire
Salem Barrett & Company LeeAnne Martino resumes@barrettcompany.com

New Jersey
Bridgewater JW & Associates Jane Welton j-welton@msn.com

Flemington Professional Placement Partners, Inc. Daniel Egeland daniel@professionalplacementpartners.com

Glen Rock Rock Medical Recruiters, LLC Kevin Outerbridge rmrecruiters@yahoo.com

Green Brook MacKenzie Myles & Associates Jon Tush jtush@mackenziemyles.com

Harristown HealthCare Recruiters - NY / NJ Harold Conant harry.conant@hcrnetwork.com

Kenilworth SFG International Brad Shifrin brad@sfgsearch.com

Martinsville Blue Point Search Group, LLC Mark Muller markmuller@bluepointsearch.com

Morristown Pharmaceutical Sales Solutions Rob Thomas robthomaspss@aol.com

Nutley Headhunters Executive Search Maria Mosca medsalesplus@aol.com

Palmyra James Glynn Executive Search James Glynn jamesmglynn@comcast.net

Paramus Normyle/Erstling Health Search Group Charles Kreps Jobs@medpharmsales.com

Red Bank Highland Search Group Tony Servidio tony@4hsg.com

Ridgewood Altimax Executive Search Scott Rivers srivers@altimax-search.com

Ridgewood Ridgewood Intermediaries George Learn hdhunter03@aol.com

Warren Atlantic Management Resources Isabel Torres support@amrjobs.com

New York
Albany Grace Ryan & Wing Chris Wing cwing1@nycap.rr.com

Albany Sales Source Clay Ward home@salessource.net

Buffalo W.J.W Medical Group Walter Wolanske wallyj33@yahoo.com

Garden City Franklin Allen Consultants Allen Kupchik akupchik@franklinallen.com

New York City Recruiting Executives, Inc. Christine Rice chris@recruitingexecs.com

New York City Valerie August & Associates Valerie August augustbiotech@gmail.com

Oceanside Brian Hunt Executive Recruiters Brian Hunt brianhunt2001@aol.com

Syracuse Health Care Recruiting Associates Dean McNitt dmcnitt@twcny.rr.com

Syracuse Management Recruiters of Syracuse - East John Ralph jralph@mrsyracuse-east.com

Williamsville Briand Fiorella Search Nicole Fiorella nicole@bfisearch.com

North Carolina
Asheboro Marketing Recruiters, Inc. Rass Bagley bagley@asheboro.com

Cary Pat Licata & Associates Pat Licata Pat@PatLicata.com

Charlotte CP Donovan Recruiting Cam Donovan camdonovan@carolina.rr.com

Charlotte CPR4Sales Michele Miller Michele@CPR4sales.com

Charlotte Hunkler Search Associates Phil Hunkler phil@hunklersearch.com

Charlotte Prime Search Michael Peskosky primesearch@carolina.rr.com

Greensboro Cardinal Mark, Inc. Charlie Roer charlie@cardinalmark.com

Hillsborough Performance Search Partners Lauren Bernstein laurenb@psp1.com

Mooresville Shook & Associates, LLC Tim Shook patsy@shookandassociates.com

North Dakota
Fargo Red Arrow Recruiters Tammy Drovdal tdrovdal@aol.com

Albany Health Care Recruiters Cincinnati Steve Darby ohio@hcrnetwork.com

Cincinnati US Human Resource Consultants, LLC J. Lloyd Meyers resumes@ushrc.com

Cleveland Downing Search Group Bill Downing bill@downingsearch.com

Cleveland Friedman Search Group Diane Pedee jobs@friedmansearch.net

Cleveland Wagner Executive Resources Monica Wagner mowags@sbcglobal.net

Columbus Buckman Enochs Coss & Associates Brooke Lester blester@becsearch.com

Columbus Impact Resource Group Keith Ghaphery Keith@impactrg.com

Columbus Premier Search, Inc. Mike Albanese Mike@Premiersrch.com

Columbus Sanford Rose Associates William Earhart bill@sracolumbus.com

Dublin Vargo Medical Recruiting Anna Vargo anna@vargorecruiting.com

Richmond Heights HLC Consulting Kevin Corcoran medreps@hlcconsulting.net

Edmond The Vann-Morris Group Daniel Vann dvann@career-searches.com

Oklahoma City Sales Consultants of Oklahoma City Darla Salisbury darla@scokc.com

Oklahoma City Sales Medical Professionals Dan Smith dan.smith@juno.com

Oklahoma City Sales Recruiters J.R. Rimele jr@salesrec.com

Tulsa Adecco Direct Placement Larry Saunders larry.saunders@adeccona.com

Lake Oswego Jones Partners Pamela Jones info@jonespartners.biz

Portland GNSA David Kennedy dkennedy@gnsadmin.com

Portland The Saddlebrook Group, LLC Michael Stringer mike@saddlebrookgroup.com

Albany International Pro Sourcing, Inc. Meg Maguire meg@prosoucing.com

Conshohocken Dubin Search, LLC April Dubin april@dubinsearch.com

Fairless Hills Career Quest Professional Sourcing Helen Johnstone Helen2759@aol.com

Kennett Square JDL Consulting John Liberstein jdlib@comcast.net

Malvern The JLJ Sales Forum, Inc. Kristen Armstrong karmstrong@jljsales.com

Philadelphia Braunroth Associates, LLC Mitch Brown mkb@braunroth.com

Philadelphia Century Associates, Inc. Mary McGuckin mary@centuryassociates.com

Philadelphia H & R Management Consultants Rich Feldman recrewtr@comcast.net

Philadelphia Mark Fabiano & Associates Mark Fabiano mfabiano@verizon.net

Philadelphia Nationwide Search Group Jesse Bender jessebender@comcast.net

Pittsburgh Dan Kerr & Associates Dan Kerr dankerrsales@verizon.net

Pittsburgh Healthcare Recruiters William Greenberg bgreenberg@hcrjobs.com

Pittsburgh Medical Surgical Sales Staffing Dan Harp recruiting@medsurgsales.com

Pittsburgh Troy & Associates, Inc. Dave Troy dtroy@thejobman.net

Plymouth Meeting QuiqMeds Gail Weingarten gailquiqmeds@comcast.net

Seven Fields The Henley Group Linda Nardozzi linda.nardozzi@thehenleygrp.com

South Carolina
Bluffton Professional Selections Diane Ririe profselect26@aol.com

Hilton Head Hurley Search & Associates John Hurley jmhurls@aol.com

Brentwood Mary Leiffer Associates Mary Leiffer mleiffer@leifferassociates.com

Brentwood Sales Search International Greg Beatty greg@salessearch.info

Knoxville BlueSMC, LLC Jeff McCormick hr@bluesmc.com

Knoxville Medical Sales Solutions David Vaught David.Vaught@MedicalSalesSolutions.com

Nashville HealthCo Search Bob Hutchison medicalsales@bellsouth.net

Nashville Zuliani & Associates Mike Zuliani medjobz@aol.com

Arlington Snelling Search Medical Zachary Seely info@snellingsearchmedical.com

Arlington Source Consulting Group Ron Wallace ronwallace@source-consulting.com

Austin Chimera Partners, Inc. Christie Hopkins chopkins@chimerapartners.com

Austin Coast-to-Coast Recruiters Brian Storrer debra@medicalrecruiter.net

Austin Healthcare Recruiters International - Austin/San Antonio Stefan Pecci stefan.pecci@hcrnetwork.com

Austin Kirk Brandt & Associates Kirk Brandt careers@recruitermedical.com

Celina PHC Consulting Peggy McKee phccon@aol.com

Dallas HealthCare Recruiters Dallas Andrea Forray afmar@hcrjobs.com

Dallas Lucas Group Joan Cascio JCascio@LucasGroup.com

Dallas Management Recruiters - Dallas NW Judy Daugherty Judy@mrdallas.com

Dallas Moore & Moore Associates Bob Moore mma6@earthlink.net

Dallas The K Group Kay Hall kay@thekgroup.net

Dallas Warner Search Group, LLC James Warner jwarner@warnersearchgroup.com

Houston GlobalQuest Group Ron Hakim ron@globalquestgrp.com

Houston HealthCare Recruiters International Jamey Tipton houston@hcrnetwork.com

Houston Hero Sales Recruiting Jan Hero Jan@HeroRecruiting.com

Houston Landon Consultants Paul Samahill landonsearch@hotmail.com

Plano Thorne Search Group Dan Thorne dthorne@thornesg.com

San Antonio SearchPath International of San Antonio Oscar Obledo oscar@searchpath.com

Provo Slone & Associates Jessica Stier jess@sloneandassociates.com

Bedford Qualified Recruiters Kelly Harmony kelly@qualifiedrecruiters.com

Charlottesville The Monticello Group Stevia Anda Stevia@mr-monticello.com

Danville Realta, Inc. Leo Frankel leo@realtainc.com

Dunn Loring Haladan Resources LLC Heather Reis hreis@haladan.com

Fairfax BRG & Associates Bruce Greenberg BRG-Assoc@msn.com

Glen Allen Pro Med Dynamics, LLC Teresa Steinfatt teresa@promeddynamics.com

Richmond Garrison Company, Inc. Bill Kennedy garcoinc@aol.com

Springfield Career Consultants, Inc. Darla Anderson darlacareercon@aol.com

Bellevue Healthcare Specialists Tony Harris tony@hs-search.com

Issaquah McIntire & Carr Merlin McIntire merlin@mcintire-carr.com

Kirkland Carla Jurczyk Corporate Search Carla Jurczyk c-jurczyk@msn.com

Kirkland The Centauri Group Dave Garland dgarland@centaurisearch.com

Lakewood MRI - The Lakewood Group Laurie Cebula Lauriec@careers-nw.com

Sammamish Bell & Associates, Inc. Nancy Bell nancy@bellmedsearch.com

Seattle BioPharmaMedical Recruiters Joan Maynard bpm-recruiters@msn.com

Spokane Personnel Unlimited / Executive Search Gary Desgrosellier gary@puinc.net

Altoona Human Resource Solutions Michele Skinner hrs@charter.net

Eagle The Vanquish Group Dave Kuhn thevanquishgroup@hotmail.com

Madison Management Recruiters of New Glarus, LLC Gerry Hooper mri@recruitmed.net

Madison MRI Sales Consultants of Madison Emilee Scott e.scott@mriscmadison.com

Middleton Global Medical Alliance, LLC Deanna Kane dkane@globalmedalliance.com

Milwaukee Pearce & Associates Bill Pearce medrecruiter@gmail.com

Milwaukee Resource Consulting Group Cynthia Loeber jobs@resourceconsultinggroup.com

I don't even think Dynasplint knows where there salary range is. The posting I saw varied like so:
A company in despairity has ranges like this for the same position. They don't really know what to pay but know that they need people bad. They are all over the board and have no consistently. The more they pay you the larger your numbers will be. So don't think they are doing you a favor by paying you more. They set all of thier new people up to fail. Heck with there turnover at 80%, 8 out of 10 new hires will.
I just saw on Fox Business that the average individual income in the US is $48k. So how can you sell medical equipment and make less than the US average? Something is wrong here. I would run as fast as you can....away that is!!!

Dynasplint is going in the shitter, and my suggestion to you is to look at other opportunities. I feel that they are much better positions out there to get medical experience to move onto bigger and better things. Let me put a few things in perspective: Both the ortho and the podiatry divisions( both replaced 88% of their sales force respectively last year and they are on track to do the same this year. Nobody stays at this hell hole for mainly two reasons: it is impossible to make 100K and when you do you will never duplicate it in back to back years due to chickenshit pay structure, and the intense micromangement and big brother mentality that management has. Which leads me to my rant on management. In Dynasplint they would never hire qualified managers. Their definition of a qualified manager is a manager from Russel Strovers or a manager who ran a sprint store while they have been many qualified reps who have years of experience in medical getting passed up. I was ranked in the top 10% back to back years and was actuallty written up in the 4th qtr and put on a plan for not hitting my goals. Finally, they have no compassion for any of their employees. When you ask in your interview if anyone from New Orleans got any assistance for Katrina. While other great companies where giving out money, placing them and their families in temp housing, adjusting their qutoas etc. Not Dynasplint, not only did they not get one dime in help, but they left their qutoas as they were and did not make shit in 2005. Some where put on plans Sorry ass company with no heart, if you ask me. There was another rep that lost his wife and grandmother in a month, obviously the rep was distracted fell behind on a few things, and his sales sufferred, they fired him two months later. Again, just another example of no compassion for their employees. Again, I can not reinforce enough of my utter dislike of this company. There are much better opportunties out there than Dynasplint. Best of luck.

I just ran into a Dynasplint rep on friday in a doctor's office.. I wanted to share my experience incase anyone was considering this company.

This rep HATED his job. he had been there a little over a year, and was still making the same money as he started. they wanted to move him into his second year "package" but decided to wait it out a little longer, and not make the change just yet.

He has described the job as working 50-60 hour work weeks. constantly calling/following up with patients, and correcting billing errors. Not to mention doctors think you have the same budget for doing in-services. the reality is the company is too cheap for that, and only give the reps $125 a month to market (and this NEVER changes!!!) what a sad amount of money!

this young man has been applying all over the place to get out of this train wreck of a company, but it's a diffculy job market, and it's better to have a job then to have no money coming in.

I asked about manager ride along, and he signed and said he dreaded those days the most. spending 2-3 days with a manager you can't stand. evidently his manager has "napolian syndrome" i feel for him...

just thought I would share my $0.02 on the topic. sounds like there are many better choices out there!!!

If you work here and are going to give your 2 week notice, don't. I gave my notice to my manager and he told me that my last day would be the day I gave my notice. So if your trying to be professional, don't. They won't even extend you the courtesy of 2 weeks. So after I start my other job then I'll give them notice. The last rep in my territory told me that he went to training for another company and when he came back he quit. Smart cat!!

How many people enjoy starting their work day, wondering...hmmm am I going to get fired today or are they going to miss the big target they put on my forehead! NOT ME! I have respect for George, I have respect for this company in general...however I do not have respect for some of the people running this company! Sometimes I wonder what were they thinking hiring them or promoting them as managers...if they can't do your job than how on earth are they going to manage you while you do your job?!? This company is a crock of SHIT! They are not consistent with anything...they tell you what you need to do to get your job done and then you do what you're told...and then wa'bam..you're doing it wrong...make up your mind! I work for this company for almost 2 years and not even 6 months into it I had to be put on anti-anxiety medication because of all the stress. Im sure there are people at corporate looking at all of this right now...because they can't find anything else to spend their money on...hmmm lets hire someone to look online to see who's looking for a job and what's being posted on these blogs. HAHA well no matter what they see on these blogs...do they try to improve anything...NOPE! They need to start paying attention to how their employee's feel and how they are being treated rather than OMG lets con this doctor into signing this form. What comes around goes around...you treat your employees like shit and like they are some kind of Dog...it will come around one day...and when that day comes...i will honestly feel bad for George and his family because they do not deserve it...they are good people...but they probably dont even know half the shit that goes on with this company.
What happened with w/c? I am in the middle of a workers comp case here and its looking like I will be losing my job over it. I feel like DSI is treating me like a con because I happened get hurt on the job- ER trip and all! And I also got the PIP notice of term/ salary reduction following the accident! When I started, I, like others, took a leap and cut in pay, for a company I thought was ethical and profitable. Its been 6mos for me, and I am wondering "What have I done? I should have stuck with my clinical background!"