Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

That is all that this company is a stepping stone if that. It's a horrible company to work for with twisted culture that benefits no one. Read the posts and see that there are lots of unhappy people associated with this company. Also know that corporate trickles in thier positive spin since the reality is that the company is shit. Heck with a turnover of 78% why not give it a shot you have nothing to lose...

you got fired huh?

Not to be rude, but if you're working for Dyansplint you're probably just not that talented...that or just settled for a low end job. The job is a joke, had a recruiter call me once about it and I ran as fast as I could.

If you have talent, you can make a killing with Dynasplint. Don't take the word of past reps that couldn't cut it. Oh, by the way, if you can't cut it with Dynasplint, you really suck! This is easy.

WOW, way to monopolize a posting board. I bet its safe to say that the last 8 posts were from Dynasplints only rep that does well. Or maybe it was from corporate or a manager they are usually the only people with something good to say about the company. If you are a true sales person and do well then you DON'T work at Dynasplint....

since when has stretching a stiff joint become outdated? You better let the thousands of P.T.'s and O.T.'s doing passive stretch as a course of treatment know. You're a fool. Just shut up!
I think you are the fool here passive stretching should be done by a PT/OT not some outdated dinasour device that sucks.

I don't think Dynasplint has a single talented person in the whole company. And if they did they left already for a position that pays double!! With 80% or more turnover they'll hire anyone.

I'm in sales, Bottom line is, If you don't / can't sell, find a different job! You cannot coast in this company. You have to work! I made presidents club in one year! You cannot complain if you don't bring in any business. What are they stealing from you if you don't bring any revenue in?
You really have no clue what you are talking about. You can't make presidents club in a year. Impossible and Dynasplint wouldn't allow it. First year, basic packages, second year billing commissions, third year presidents level maybe but not likely. You would want to stay in a your second year as long as possible, But then again people don't usually make it that far. You clearly are lying about being in presidents club. Get real.

Are you kidding me? You definetly should not be in sales. You understand nothing about it!
Really? Are you kidding me? Have you ever worked for a real company? If you're at Dynasplint the answer is no. At a real company you get salary increases for being top in sales and meeting your goals. At Dynasplint the more you make the more they ask for. So it's not a reward for meeting your goal. It's simply them milking you for everything you've got until you get so sick and tired of the bullshit and another company scoops you up and treats you like never before. So until you get a real carrer then you clearly know nothing about how sales works.

Congratulate me on the best day of my life. I have resigned from Dynasplint and about to embarq on a real carrer with a real company. I had enough of the lies, deceit, bait and switch and B/S from corporate and managers. Dynasplint really makes you feel worthless and that you can't do any better and are lucky to be working there. This is so far from the truth it's not funny. By leaving I have increased my salary by 1 1/2 times and my bonus will be more than I made at Dynasplint last year. Take my advice if you are thinking of hiring on with this company keep looking you'll be happy you did.

Okay, There are many reps with Dynasplint making over 100 K. The more you sell the more you make. If you manage your business properly and have sales ability, you will do well. If not you will be posting negative comments on this board.
So out of the 200 reps they have 2-3 are making 100k working 60+ hours per week. This is too much for too little. Don't waste your time working for peanuts...but if you do decide to work here you'll get peanuts for a Christmas bonus...yes literally peanuts.

Okay, There are many reps with Dynasplint making over 100 K. The more you sell the more you make. If you manage your business properly and have sales ability, you will do well. If not you will be posting negative comments on this board.

Hope this helps... I was employed for the company for 2 years and hated my job and working with my regional mgr. But the division upper sales mgmt is clueless they have no idea how to sell, respect, and motivate their sales force. The company has a marginal product and spotty customer service. They do not compensate you enough for the amount of work that goes into marketing then babysitting each order from start to finish. And at times it could be a very long process. YOU WILL NEVER MAKE 100 THOUSAND. I laugh when I hear that they would promise you that potential. If you could do you think every rep would leave after 1-2 years? They almost act as if they are not expecting you to stay. You can gain some experience in medical sales but thats about it. I busted my butt for $65,000 belive me their are greener pastures elsewhere. This is an entry level postion into sales and will never be more unless the company makes major changes in how they view their sales force. They usually cut your territory which makes you piss off your accounts because you are constantly begging for business instead of building relationships, they have unrealistic quotes setting you up to fail instead of just paying you a % of sales allowing you to establish your territory, the pay is crap, and its takes forever to get splints approved or you end up losing the order because of noncoverage. I wouldn't recommend this position to my worst enemy.

Okay, There are many reps with Dynasplint making over 100 K. The more you sell the more you make. If you manage your business properly and have sales ability, you will do well. If not you will be posting negative comments on this board.

Actually, there are only about 8-10 reps at dynasplint that make 100k or more per year. There are about 225 reps in the company.

If you have talent, you can make a killing with Dynasplint. Don't take the word of past reps that couldn't cut it. Oh, by the way, if you can't cut it with Dynasplint, you really suck! This is easy.

A killing you can't make at Dynasplint. Approximately 3% of the sales force makes 100k per year or more. These reps won't leave these territories. You may kill yourself trying to make money here. If you don't make it here, that does not mean you suck. 80-90% turnover per year, would mean 80-90% of the people out there suck.

Dynasplint truly is the worst medical device company in the nation. They pay thier reps between 30-40k and work you to the bone trying to attain thier unrealistic goals. Work extra hard and you might bonus if you sell 120 splints per quarter that would be a $1000 bonus. If you need 40 for your bonus and the company average is 25 per month how do they expect you to bonus? Management is out to get you. Miss your minimums by even just 1 and you're on probation and looking for a job the next month. Minimums are just as unrealistic as the bonus goals usually 80 per quarter. So start, month one do 10, then 15, then 25, good growth right? Not so fast you're fired for not reaching your minimums. Finally get a doctor to order....guess what? Splint isn't covered by insurance. Get it covered by insurance...splint backordered for 6-8 weeks or more. Need to sell more splints, increase sales.... no marketing material. Corporate is so disconnected from the sales force this company is destin for doom. I wouldn't take a chance with Dynasplint, there are plenty of other choices out there, like Mc Donalds or Taco Bell.

Okay, There are many reps with Dynasplint making over 100 K. The more you sell the more you make. If you manage your business properly and have sales ability, you will do well. If not you will be posting negative comments on this board.
Even if you made 100k with Dynasplint the costs of making that bring you right back down. Car maintenence, gas, cell phone overages, not to mention the hours you have to put it to come close to that is ridiculous. You shouldn't have to put in 60+ hours a week to make 100k then minus your expenses you'll net income would be well under 75k. I think a previous poster broke it down: "I just left this shit ass company and thank god. I did well but the fact that I was under compensated, underappreciated and micromanaged did it for me. So as a sales rep I'm all about the numbers. So here it is: I worked 65 hours per week for 52 weeks which equals 3380 hours per year. I made 50k that year with bonuses. So I was technically making $14.79 per hour.(People without degrees and certifications make this hourly.) Now I got a $450 car allowance and after getting an additonal amount of $200 per month for fitting patients my average car allowance was $650. Or $7800 per year. Pretty good, huh? Well I drove 3000 miles per month on average. With no gas allowance or mileage reinbursement.(according to the IRS allowance I should have received $1500 monthly or $18,000 yearly) My car payment was $550 per month ($6600 per year) for a Honda Civic plus gas. Gas was $150 per week on average or $7800 per year. So add my yearly car payment plus gas and it equals $14,400 per year. So on my travel expenses/car allowance I was minus $6,600 per year. Not to mention oil changes, insurance, tires and other maintenence. Now tally it all up, after expenses I made $43,400 per year selling medical equipment. This is totally out of line with industry standards. I just took a job doing marketing for one of my old clinics and make 65K base, $600 a month car allowance, paid mileage and bonuses. Dynasplint isn't the place to work if you want to make money. Now if you want to work for a company and have your job cost you money be my guest but you were warned." Need I say more?

These are the kind of memos Dynasplint loves to give their new people:

"You only confirmed 15 contracts in which is 5 below your minimum of 20.

The fact that you are not producing at a significant level is frustrating. I appreciate the effort you are putting in to improving yourself as a sales consultant so you can better grow your territory. The time is now. I hope you can continue the momentum and grow your business even more.

Your sales activity sheet shows 11 carryover orders, 14 new orders and 15 fit to date. The productivity of your territory is extremely low. There is no reason for such low productivity. Remember, significant improvement from one month to the next is imperative! "

I've only been here for 2 months!! The territory was doing 4-6 per month before I got here. I think management has a grudge against me....

I use to work with DynaSplint. I did well, top 15% and still never topped 85K. There is to much hands on and follow up. The more you sell the more follow up you have with patients and it limits you ability to sell more. DynaSplint is a good for some experience if your desperate but not a retirement planner.

Dynasplint is the biggest bait and switch company out there. They promised and showed me actual figures that I could be making in my 2nd year which none are true. I did exactly what I was told, built my territory, sold more units and still I fell short. When I asked why I didn't qualify for a salary increase they had a list of reasons. They said I didn't sell enough of the high dollar units and needed less Medicare business. Well if the company had 40% Medicare business and I have 17% I should be all set. They were just looking for a reason to not give me a salary increase like they originally promised. If you are interviewing with Dynasplint look elsewhere unless you like not being rewarded for your hard work.

Dynasplint is a horrible company to work for. The salary is super low for the medical industry and the work load is way above and beyond what you are getting paid. The car allowance is awful especially since you don't even get mileage reimbursement. They expect you to reach your quota each month but don't give you the materials to do so. Inventory is backordered umugust other things, yet somehow the sales reps are still held accountable for their numbers. Why don't they make any changes or take action at the corporate level. Obviously someone is slacking off up there or just doesn't know how to run a business. So many customers don't want to use Dynasplint anymore because it takes too long to get splint authorized, the splints are covered, and lets face it, $700 a month for a shoulder unit, yeah right, who the heck want to pay that. That is what some people pay for rent each month. Give me a break. Oh and someone mentioned training. What training. If you transition to pharma then you will see some good training! Dynasplint is not a company I would ever recommend for anyone. It seems to be going further and further down hill. Someone needs to get it together and realize what the reps do for the company and start showing them some respect like the people up at corporate get.