Dynasplint truly is the worst medical device company in the nation. They pay thier reps between 30-40k and work you to the bone trying to attain thier unrealistic goals. Work extra hard and you might bonus if you sell 120 splints per quarter that would be a $1000 bonus. If you need 40 for your bonus and the company average is 25 per month how do they expect you to bonus? Management is out to get you. Miss your minimums by even just 1 and you're on probation and looking for a job the next month. Minimums are just as unrealistic as the bonus goals usually 80 per quarter. So start, month one do 10, then 15, then 25, good growth right? Not so fast you're fired for not reaching your minimums. Finally get a doctor to order....guess what? Splint isn't covered by insurance. Get it covered by insurance...splint backordered for 6-8 weeks or more. Need to sell more splints, increase sales.... no marketing material. Corporate is so disconnected from the sales force this company is destin for doom. I wouldn't take a chance with Dynasplint, there are plenty of other choices out there, like Mc Donalds or Taco Bell.