Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

What company pays this well? Point the way and I am out of here!

What if I could offer you a position selling about the same product line but gave you a base of 85k per year, plus guaranteed bonus of 30k, plus commissions at year 2, a $700 a month car allowance or company car, gas included, unlimited expense account, 401k match $1 for $1 up to 8%, stock options and pension, cell phone and laptop? Would you be interested? I'm sure you would. This package is INDUSTRY STANDARD!!! Don't talk about how good Dynasplint is becuase you have no idea how good you can have it!!

I am sure the company reads this thread and they very well should because they need to make major changes in how they manage their sales force which will hopefully help the next generation of reps. Hope this helps... I was employed for the company for 2 years in PA and actually enjoyed my job and working with my regional mgr, but I think realignment has occured so could be some different faces. But the division upper sales mgmt is clueless they have no idea how to sell, respect, and motivate their sales force. Bush League! The company has an excellent product and solid plan with customer service. But they do not nearly compensate you enough for the amount of work that goes into marketing then babysitting each order from start to finish. And at times it could be a very long process. YOU WILL NEVER MAKE 100 thousand. I laugh when I hear that they would promise you that potential. If you could do you think every rep would leave after 1-2 years. They almost act as if they are not expecting you to stay. You can gain some experience in medical sales but thats about it. I will be the first to say I actually enjoyed the job and working with patients but when you bust your butt for $65,000 their are greener pastures elsewhere. This is an entry level postion into sales and will never be more unless the company makes major changes in how they view their sales force. They usually cut your territory which makes you piss off your accounts because you are constantly begging for business instead of building relationships, they have unrealistic quotes setting you up to fail instead of just paying you a % of sales allowing you to establish your territory, the pay is crap, and its takes forever to get splints approved or you end up losing the order b/c of noncoverage.

The only thing I would say about Dynasplint is their customer support or lack there of. It is possible it may be just one person but I have been fighting a billing issue since 2007. I have called our "rep", sent emails, write letters. Even wrote notes on the bills which I assume would go back to the billing deparment but yet not one call, not one letter or response to my request over and over again to get a billing issue resolved.

Found out today that a manager had the info that I was disputing but yet NEVER made any attempt to contact me in any way to help resolve it.

Learned today the local rep was not honest with me.

They may have some good folks working there but it is clear on several levels there are serious customer service / management issues but that is 100% IMO.

The only thing I would say about Dynasplint is their customer support or lack there of. It is possible it may be just one person but I have been fighting a billing issue since 2007. I have called our "rep", sent emails, write letters. Even wrote notes on the bills which I assume would go back to the billing deparment but yet not one call, not one letter or response to my request over and over again to get a billing issue resolved.

Found out today that a manager had the info that I was disputing but yet NEVER made any attempt to contact me in any way to help resolve it.

Learned today the local rep was not honest with me.

They may have some good folks working there but it is clear on several levels there are serious customer service / management issues but that is 100% IMO.
Be careful with billing issues as a patient. I used to work for Dynasplint and they trained us to make it difficult for patients to understand the billing so that you would just get so frustrated that you would pay. Also they are quick to send people to collections even if its thier lack of follow up. Send certified letters and record names of everyone you speak with. Also let your doctor and therapist know all of the trouble you are going through so they can make a decision on future use. Good luck.

Be careful with billing issues as a patient. I used to work for Dynasplint and they trained us to make it difficult for patients to understand the billing so that you would just get so frustrated that you would pay. Also they are quick to send people to collections even if its thier lack of follow up. Send certified letters and record names of everyone you speak with. Also let your doctor and therapist know all of the trouble you are going through so they can make a decision on future use. Good luck.
I'm a therapist and I have stopped using Dynasplint for this reason. It seems like everytime I've ordered one the rep lies to the patient about the copay or patient portion and then my clinic has to deal with it. I have even had Dynasplint reps go behind my back and fit patients with splints I or the doctor didn't even order. That's not an ethical practice by any standard. I have recently stopped ordering this product since my patients get better without it. In my clinical opinion I don't think the patients benefit from it and can get better on thier own. If your a patient save your money for therapy and don't waste it on a Dynasplint.

I am a therapist who actually loves the product, but I will say all my DME orders from splints to estim always have billing issues. We even as a pt clinic have to deal with those same horrible insurance carriers. As an advocate for my patients I have my office verify dme coverage also, its a 2 second call that goes a long way. But as a patient myself you have to be your own advocate I have had bills for my own dr visits and delivery of a child so the insurances will make you jump thru hoops to get claims paid. Hopefully someone sets these insurance companies straight. I think it is a excellent product with some shady reps in areas of the company in 2 years I had 3 different reps. Finally I have a rep that has been here for 2 years that isnt going anywhere. I actually have a great relationship with the regional mgr who was my first rep, 4 reps back, so she is my go to when all else fails. As a therapist I chose my canidates wisely and hate a rep badgering me. SO THAT CAN STOP!

In the end I could survive without the splint but it is a nice adjunct to therapy and a way to combat capitated and high co pays that the insurances are throwing at my patients.

I am a therapist who actually loves the product, but I will say all my DME orders from splints to estim always have billing issues. We even as a pt clinic have to deal with those same horrible insurance carriers. As an advocate for my patients I have my office verify dme coverage also, its a 2 second call that goes a long way. But as a patient myself you have to be your own advocate I have had bills for my own dr visits and delivery of a child so the insurances will make you jump thru hoops to get claims paid. Hopefully someone sets these insurance companies straight. I think it is a excellent product with some shady reps in areas of the company in 2 years I had 3 different reps. Finally I have a rep that has been here for 2 years that isnt going anywhere. I actually have a great relationship with the regional mgr who was my first rep, 4 reps back, so she is my go to when all else fails. As a therapist I chose my canidates wisely and hate a rep badgering me. SO THAT CAN STOP!

In the end I could survive without the splint but it is a nice adjunct to therapy and a way to combat capitated and high co pays that the insurances are throwing at my patients.
As a manual therapist I feel that working with my patient works best. You need 2 splints to work both directions which is a burden to the patient and excessive billing on behalf of the insurance. My patient was a self pay for 2 splints at $790 monthly rental each month. This is way too much for something that looks like it costs $100 to manufacture. I could take that same $790 and benefit my patient much more. My last order the rep tried to get $1305 a month as a rental from one of my patients with a wrist issue. They needed 3 splints. I was able to get another week out of the insurance company and save them that cost. What if any of the previous patients needed the splint for longer than 1 month? 2 months we would be talking about $1580 or $2610! The cost isn't worth the benefit. Especially for a product that is inferior. We can work a little harder with the patients, give HEP's, and motivate them a little more rather than line the pockets of greedy companies.

I'm a therapist and I have stopped using Dynasplint for this reason. It seems like everytime I've ordered one the rep lies to the patient about the copay or patient portion and then my clinic has to deal with it. I have even had Dynasplint reps go behind my back and fit patients with splints I or the doctor didn't even order. That's not an ethical practice by any standard. I have recently stopped ordering this product since my patients get better without it. In my clinical opinion I don't think the patients benefit from it and can get better on thier own. If your a patient save your money for therapy and don't waste it on a Dynasplint.
As a manual therapist I feel that working with my patient works best. You need 2 splints to work both directions which is a burden to the patient and excessive billing on behalf of the insurance. My patient was a self pay for 2 splints at $790 monthly rental each month. This is way too much for something that looks like it costs $100 to manufacture. I could take that same $790 and benefit my patient much more. My last order the rep tried to get $1305 a month as a rental from one of my patients with a wrist issue. They needed 3 splints. I was able to get another week out of the insurance company and save them that cost. What if any of the previous patients needed the splint for longer than 1 month? 2 months we would be talking about $1580 or $2610! The cost isn't worth the benefit. Especially for a product that is inferior. We can work a little harder with the patients, give HEP's, and motivate them a little more rather than line the pockets of greedy companies.

As a manual therapist I feel that working with my patient works best. You need 2 splints to work both directions which is a burden to the patient and excessive billing on behalf of the insurance. My patient was a self pay for 2 splints at $790 monthly rental each month. This is way too much for something that looks like it costs $100 to manufacture. I could take that same $790 and benefit my patient much more. My last order the rep tried to get $1305 a month as a rental from one of my patients with a wrist issue. They needed 3 splints. I was able to get another week out of the insurance company and save them that cost. What if any of the previous patients needed the splint for longer than 1 month? 2 months we would be talking about $1580 or $2610! The cost isn't worth the benefit. Especially for a product that is inferior. We can work a little harder with the patients, give HEP's, and motivate them a little more rather than line the pockets of greedy companies.
I'm an OTR/L at a large clinic and we stopped using Dynasplint for this reason. They definatley "sell" the product to the patient and in our clinic we feel it's unethical. A patient shouldn't be "sold" a product if it was really going to help them.

Re: Dynasplint

As a previous rep....Stay far away from this sinking company. They treat thier reps like badly that's why they have 70% turnover. Doctors and therapists are done with this company in many territories. They are sick of the turnover and lack of insurance coverage. The splints shouldn't cost as much as they do. Better yet why don't we get the patients to pay more than they should for a splint that isn't worth it. Patients do well without the splint. They charge patients thousands of dollars for a product it costs hundreds to produce. Then when the patients are done with it they have to return it. Yes even if they have paid for it.

There ARE other splinting manufacturers out there guys??? Dynasplint just happens to be the largest player in the market because they've been around the longest. 78% turnover ratio is pretty bad. There's a reason for this. And it is a hard sell to your patients trying to talk him/her into wearing the splint 8 hours while he/she is sleeping and the monthly bills are stacking - yeah right...?

I am a therapist who actually loves the product, but I will say all my DME orders from splints to estim always have billing issues. We even as a pt clinic have to deal with those same horrible insurance carriers. As an advocate for my patients I have my office verify dme coverage also, its a 2 second call that goes a long way. But as a patient myself you have to be your own advocate I have had bills for my own dr visits and delivery of a child so the insurances will make you jump thru hoops to get claims paid. Hopefully someone sets these insurance companies straight. I think it is a excellent product with some shady reps in areas of the company in 2 years I had 3 different reps. Finally I have a rep that has been here for 2 years that isnt going anywhere. I actually have a great relationship with the regional mgr who was my first rep, 4 reps back, so she is my go to when all else fails. As a therapist I chose my canidates wisely and hate a rep badgering me. SO THAT CAN STOP!

In the end I could survive without the splint but it is a nice adjunct to therapy and a way to combat capitated and high co pays that the insurances are throwing at my patients.
Don't be lazy and order an inferior product like Dynasplint. Make a splint in the clinic for your patient. Save you patient the headache of a huge DME copay, dealing with Dynasplint corporate and making your referral doctor mad by ordering. He expects you to work closely with the patient and get solid progress. If you have a solid POC for the patient you will never need a Dynasplint dinosaur!! The product sucks. As far as 50% improvement that's a joke. All of their studies are old from the 80's and done inhouse with a small group of patients. The product doesn't have solid research behind it only articles written by people with pockets lined by the company. It's therapy that helps the patient not some dumb splint. Come on guys get with the program!!

Our company is the worst of it's kind. Another rep I know is on probation due to his numbers. He has taken a territory and increased the numbers every month he's been in the territory. So why is he on probation? Who knows? His manager says it's due to his numbers but when he says "I've increased my numbers every month I've been here" nothing more is said after that. Confusing huh? He's in line with the company averages and actually is producing more than the territory has ever produced. Stay away from our company it seems like whether you do well or not they're going to find something to get rid of you if they don't like you...

Re: Help with Dynasplint Trisma Device and corporate contact

My physician ordered me a Trisma splint and told me the sales rep would handle everything and come to my home to fit me. The physician left the country for a month. After almost a month, I was "fitted" with a Dynasplint trisma splint by a local rep today. Unfortunately s/he placed the splint in my mouth and did not have me redo it. She spent less than 10 minutes with me and met me at a non-medical place. I was told that there were full instructions including how to remove the pads for cleaning. She put it in the box and left. When I called to have her return (less than 5 minutes after she had left) to show me how to clean the device, she did not return my call at first, then refused to come back. I now have several questions.

1. Which way do the pads go----less transparent plastic towards the teeth or away from them?
2. How does one remove the pads for cleaning?
3. Are the pads at the back of the mouth or the front (she did not tell me that)
4. Who is in charge of sales staff and customer satisfaction at corporate? I previously left a voice mail for the managing director (I was told he was in charge) and that was not returned.

Thank you. A very disatisfied customer
Don't overpay for a substandard product, you don't need a Dyansplint. Plus once you're done with it you own it and don't have to return it like a Dynasplint. Just think someone else has has your trismus unit in their mouth. Do you trust it's been cleaned effectively??? You'll be better off check this out: The OraStretch Press and TheraBite jaw motion rehab systems are handheld units designed to stretch a user's jaw to treat trismus, dysfunction and hypomobility. The devices use passive motion to stretch the user's jaw, joint and facial tissues for increased mobility, flexibility, and function.
The OraStretch Press and TheraBite devices provides a curved, anatomically correct stretch for patients to treat or rehabilitate their jaw and temporomandibular joint. By utilizing a jaw motion rehab system, a user can increase their range-of-motion, improve their jaw and joint function, and reduct swelling and pain.

WOW!! I'm sure glad I did my homework and found this site before I accepted a position with Dynasplint. I could have made a HUGE career mistake. I'll be looking elsewhere now...Thanks everyone!!

Re: Help with Dynasplint Trisma Device and corporate contact

Don't overpay for a substandard product, you don't need a Dyansplint. Plus once you're done with it you own it and don't have to return it like a Dynasplint. Just think someone else has has your trismus unit in their mouth. Do you trust it's been cleaned effectively??? You'll be better off check this out: The OraStretch Press and TheraBite jaw motion rehab systems are handheld units designed to stretch a user's jaw to treat trismus, dysfunction and hypomobility. The devices use passive motion to stretch the user's jaw, joint and facial tissues for increased mobility, flexibility, and function.
The OraStretch Press and TheraBite devices provides a curved, anatomically correct stretch for patients to treat or rehabilitate their jaw and temporomandibular joint. By utilizing a jaw motion rehab system, a user can increase their range-of-motion, improve their jaw and joint function, and reduct swelling and pain.
I agree as a patient why would you rent a product from Dynasplint at $495 per month? You could just buy the TheraBite for less and insure that it's sanitary since it's new out of the box.

WOW!! I'm sure glad I did my homework and found this site before I accepted a position with Dynasplint. I could have made a HUGE career mistake. I'll be looking elsewhere now...Thanks everyone!!
I wish I found this posting board before I decided to take a position with this company!! But it allowed me the freedom to collect a paycheck while I looked for another job. The best thing I ever did with Dynasplint was give me resignation!!! They screwed me from the beginning right after I signed my employment agreement. Words of wisdom...STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!!!

I just left this shit ass company and thank god. I did well but the fact that I was under compensated, underappreciated and micromanaged did it for me. So as a sales rep I'm all about the numbers. So here it is: I worked 65 hours per week for 52 weeks which equals 3380 hours per year. I made 50k that year with bonuses. So I was technically making $14.79 per hour.(People without degrees and certifications make this hourly.) Now I got a $450 car allowance and after getting an additonal amount of $200 per month for fitting patients my average car allowance was $650. Or $7800 per year. Pretty good, huh? Well I drove 3000 miles per month on average. With no gas allowance or mileage reinbursement.(according to the IRS allowance I should have received $1500 monthly or $18,000 yearly) My car payment was $550 per month ($6600 per year) for a Honda Civic plus gas. Gas was $150 per week on average or $7800 per year. So add my yearly car payment plus gas and it equals $14,400 per year. So on my travel expenses/car allowance I was minus $6,600 per year. Not to mention oil changes, insurance, tires and other maintenence. Now tally it all up, after expenses I made $43,400 per year selling medical equipment. This is totally out of line with industry standards. I just took a job doing marketing for one of my old clinics and make 65K base, $600 a month car allowance, paid mileage and bonuses. Dynasplint isn't the place to work if you want to make money. Now if you want to work for a company and have your job cost you money be my guest but you were warned.