Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

Wow. You all have it all wrong. DSI is probably the best company in the history of companies. I have worked for DSI for almost five months now and plan on besting the six month mark to become a seasoned veteran. The management is fantastic, they are always there for you and always know where you are as the fancy new phones have a GPS system. So if I forget how to get to my next appointment, I simply call my boss and she tells me exactly where I am and how to get to where I am going. The training is unparalleled and held in the beautiful city of Cincinnatti, OH. I have gone twice and it is like a vacation! Oddly enough however, most of the people I went to the first round of training were not in attendance . . . weird.? I think that my background has helped me immensly with my Dynasplint success. I started selling Rainbow vaccumms door-to-door, then I hit the big time when I scored my first of three car sales positions. I am an experienced sales person so I may be in a different league that the rest of the posters on this thread. I would not trade anything for my success with Dynasplint. I figure that if I keep up the hard work I will soon be able to buy a new pair of tires for my car and my kids can have Kraft Mac and Cheese instead of store brand.

So dealing with the same issues that all of these posters are I decided to start looking for a new job. So here's the Dynasplint run down as far as compensation 30-40k salary, bonus, $450 car allowance, no gas or mileage, and $125 expense account for lunches and office supplies. I might make total compensation of 55k this year.(I'll have to buy a new car if I was stupid enough to stay since I have put a ton of miles on this one) And right now the territory is badly abused, used and pissed since I'm the 4th new rep in 1 1/2 years. I just started submitting my resume to other companies and recruiter and this is what I've found: "Our client would like to be at a base salary of 75K with a realistic annual commission of 75K that is paid quarterly from dollar one and uncapped plus stock options, $700 car allowance and mileage and unlimited expense account" another good one "Our client would like to be at a base salary of 100K (flexibility DOE) and the commission/bonus is paid quarterly with a 20% of base salary realistic annual commission/bonus target that is uncapped and a 4K/quarter non financial metric related quarterly bonus incentive (calling on the customer..doing your job, etc.) plus a $650/month car allowance + all expenses" I have about 1 year of sales experience and I'm being offered this? Not that I think I don't deserve it but why am I making so much less at Dynasplint? I know why...because they have no idea how to run a company...I wish I started looking sooner. I'm outta here ASAP

I'm a therapist and I have stopped using Dynasplint for this reason. It seems like everytime I've ordered one the rep lies to the patient about the copay or patient portion and then my clinic has to deal with it. I have even had Dynasplint reps go behind my back and fit patients with splints I or the doctor didn't even order. That's not an ethical practice by any standard. I have recently stopped ordering this product since my patients get better without it. In my clinical opinion I don't think the patients benefit from it and can get better on thier own. If your a patient save your money for therapy and don't waste it on a Dynasplint.

I don't blame you for not ordering anymore because this company sucks. I have seen mostly good people work as sales consultant for this company, and people that have made a bad decision on taking the job. Please be courteous and understanding to the rep. 98% of them hate their jobs, and end up in a worse financial situation than when they started due to extremely low pay, horendous gas reimbursement etc. The rep does not lie to the patient about benefits. Benefits are simply "quoted" on the phone. Insurance companies and actual coverage can in fact change at the time of the fitting. So when you see a new Dynasplint rep come into your clinic every 3-4 months, help them find a new job. Keep your eye out for them, because most of them are good people that care.

Dynasplint is sort of like a joke that only the person telling the joke laughs at and covers by saying, "I guess you had to be there." As a "Sales Consultant" for Dynasplint, my most pressing decision after six months was whether to insert the barrell of my .38 in my mouth or put it to my temple. Stear clear of this resume scarring black hole.

Dynasplint is the biggest bait and switch company out there. They promised and showed me actual figures that I could be making in my 2nd year which none are true. I did exactly what I was told, built my territory, sold more units and still I fell short. When I asked why I didn't qualify for a salary increase they had a list of reasons. They said I didn't sell enough of the high dollar units and needed less Medicare business. Well if the company had 40% Medicare business and I have 17% I should be all set. They were just looking for a reason to not give me a salary increase like they originally promised. If you are interviewing with Dynasplint look elsewhere unless you like not being rewarded for your hard work.

This company is very behind the times they are just now getting thier reps cell phones. The used to allow reps to submit thier cell phone bills but wanted to cut costs and have more control. They now monitor your calls, look at you calls and what time you make them and how long they are, have GPS on the phone to track you and have thier corporate leash around you. I think that was thier biggest motivation for getting us phones. They still make us do all of our paperwork by hand and have been promising laptops for the past 2 years since I've been here. I've talked with other reps and they have been promising laptops since 2000. Talk about behind the times!! Be very careful with this position they treat you nice in the beginning and then turn on you like rabid dogs. If I could give a potential canidate any advice it would be to look elsewhere.

That's funny. I would agree about training. My probation cycle was a three month cycle of not meeting my goals. My goal was 45. The first month I did 13. The second I only did 12. I was trying to grow a notoriously dead territory during this time. You know by building realtionships, inservices, follow ups, and demonstrating a good reputation for the product. Or what what you would call in the real world, "sales." The following month I did 26. Next thing you know I was let go. Without any formal probation by my manager. I actually was 6 over my quarterly goal with a great furture of growth. The best part is, without my knowledge that my "team leader" was interviewing behind my back he already hired someboby else! When I asked him about this he stated that he did not believe that my progression was at Dynasplint standards. I replied that I was ahead of my goals. He then stated that I could remain at Dynasplint as a fitter! It is funny because I now work for another medical device company and I am making more than him now for a reputable company where I have hands on sales with doctors. I never let the docs know that I worked for DS but I still poke around for their information in regards to DS and they have zero trust in the company nor the product.

Here's something I grabbed a copy of from my old manager that explains a managers protocol with thier reps:
The variance of salary depends on the specific market conditions of the territory as follows:
- Economic condition of the territory - cost of living
- The availability of appropriate candidates
- Their background and experience
1) There should be a tendency to make the quotas higher in areas in which the salary is higher.
2) In virgin territories, no minimum will be in place for the first three months (includes training month) i.e. minimums start fourth month. In established territories, minimums will be in place the first month after training i.e. second month.
3) 4th month = minimums in place – if not reached, placed on POA. If minimums are not reached at Quarter end, place on a PIP. If minimums are not met 2 consecutive Quarters (this could be 5-7 months), give salary reduction or terminate. If reducing salary, evaluate for 30 days and if minimums are not met terminate. Minimums must be met at end of third consecutive quarter or terminate employment.
4) You may terminate employment at anytime if minimums not being met.
5) If starting in mid-quarter, bonus will be pro-rated.

My manager also showed me something like that but didn't give me a copy. The more you make the more they expect from you which isn't a reward for a job well done at all. If you do well you should get a raise, period.

HA!HA!HA! You all are so funny! Why or no I'm sorry...How could you sit here and say that Dynasplint has never done anything wrong? No favoritism..haha! George is a fantastic person on a personal level...and he is nice in the work place he is not mean to anyone...but why is it that the sales consultants are pulling money out of their OWN pocket for in services etc...why is it that they barely get a car allowance...the goals are outrageously unattainable...think before you speak! Why is it that you only get a manager position in corporate if you KNOW someone or are best friends with someone? That is all favoritism...think about it people. Why is it that they fraudulently bill insurance companies...hmm I wonder...Money Hungry?? I think yeah! This would be a fantastic company...if they only had the right people running it.

Sounds like you can't sell and don't want to work. I am also a presidents club rep for Dynasplint. Over the last 3 months, I have spent $0 on inservices. If you want to be the donut delivery boy or contantly be taking lunch orders don't work for Dynasplint. We don't do that! If you didn't get enough car allowance, you weren't selling. Sorry you couldn't hit your goals. I think that your performance had something with you not getting considered for management as well. All of your complaints point right back to you. Why were you fraudulently billing. Dynasplint doesn't bill unless you turn it in! Go cry to someone else. You must have gotten fired! Oh by the way you really have to be bad to get fired.

My manager also showed me something like that but didn't give me a copy. The more you make the more they expect from you which isn't a reward for a job well done at all. If you do well you should get a raise, period.

Are you kidding me? You definetly should not be in sales. You understand nothing about it!

That's funny. I would agree about training. My probation cycle was a three month cycle of not meeting my goals. My goal was 45. The first month I did 13. The second I only did 12. I was trying to grow a notoriously dead territory during this time. You know by building realtionships, inservices, follow ups, and demonstrating a good reputation for the product. Or what what you would call in the real world, "sales." The following month I did 26. Next thing you know I was let go. Without any formal probation by my manager. I actually was 6 over my quarterly goal with a great furture of growth. The best part is, without my knowledge that my "team leader" was interviewing behind my back he already hired someboby else! When I asked him about this he stated that he did not believe that my progression was at Dynasplint standards. I replied that I was ahead of my goals. He then stated that I could remain at Dynasplint as a fitter! It is funny because I now work for another medical device company and I am making more than him now for a reputable company where I have hands on sales with doctors. I never let the docs know that I worked for DS but I still poke around for their information in regards to DS and they have zero trust in the company nor the product.

I'm calling B/S on this one. You said that your probation cycle was three months of not hitting your goals but you were never put on probation. Huh? Look at it this way. You were given 90 days to find another job. A least they didn't just cut you like a lot of other companies would have. Congratulations on the new job but I think you are just bitter. It is definitely a different type of sales. It's not for everyone.

Do not work for this company. Seems like a good company when you visit the website, go through the interview process, and even go to training. The truth is that Dynasplint is a good product to sell. You probably won't complain about the decent salary and car allowance either. But the reality is the company doesn't know how to train sales people and you won't be around for long. If you don't hit your numbers no matter how unrealistic they are you will be gone. There is no sales training if you're not hitting your numbers. If you don't hit they fire you and hire someone else. Put it this way...I went to my first quarterly district/team meeting recently and I realized something when we all went around the table and did introductions. We said our name and how long we had been with the company. Listen to these results. Eleven reps total. 1 rep with the company 7 years, 1 rep for 5 Years, 1 rep for 2 years, 1 rep for 9 months, 4 reps for 6 months, 3 reps for less than 3 months. Eight out of eleven reps have been with the company for less than 9 months. What does that tell you about turnover??? Since that meeting I was let go along with two other reps who weren't hitting their numbers. In the past I have worked in sales and never had a problem hitting numbers, but the numbers Dynasplint expects are unrealistic because they do not properly analyze territory potential (all you current employees know what I am talking about). If you get a high producing territory you may make it as long as the reps at the meeting I went to (anywhere from 2-7 years). I would look for other jobs where you can grow as a professional and/or salesperson. Check Medzilla.com for real jobs. Just trying to help out...

This is funny. you are complaining about getting let go because they didn't hit your numbers. That's pretty much how it works. This is not rocket science. The training is fine. Either you are cut out for it or not! You were not!

You have obviously been on the receiving end of what George Hepburn and family steals from his sales people so I am not suprised with respect to your opinion. My only question is do you work for DS as a sales person? No

I'm in sales, Bottom line is, If you don't / can't sell, find a different job! You cannot coast in this company. You have to work! I made presidents club in one year! You cannot complain if you don't bring in any business. What are they stealing from you if you don't bring any revenue in?

Not to be rude, but if you're working for Dyansplint you're probably just not that talented...that or just settled for a low end job. The job is a joke, had a recruiter call me once about it and I ran as fast as I could.

I love the positive spin on everything, sounds like a Northern Div mgrs kool aid. There is a lot to love about Dynasplint like the product, hands on patient care, and feeling good about helping people. But again this is sales and if you are in sales you are here for the money. This is a stepping stone to a bigger and better pay day. They have predetermined packages basesd on how many patients get fit each month. So avg base is 45-70 plus an avg of 8-20 k in tier bonuses. 100k and up is unrealistic. Plus you work like a dog, which is fine, your day flys bye, but you re not compensated coorectly compared to the workload. Plus you will spend over your gas allowance. I guarantee that. Franchise comment is a joke. They can cut your territory at any time, decreasing your earning potential, and hold you to same quotas.

Okay, There are many reps with Dynasplint making over 100 K. The more you sell the more you make. If you manage your business properly and have sales ability, you will do well. If not you will be posting negative comments on this board.