Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

It's like a franchise opportunity, but they pay you a salary instead of you having to take out a loan to buy into it yourself - if you are looking for a great long term opportunity Dynasplint is great! Don't think about $50K-$65K the first year ... think about growing the business and creating $100K earings the next 1-2 years, then growing it more from there ... all while helping people. Consider yourself lucky to get such a rare opportunity with out having to dig into your own pockets to get it started. Instead you'll actually get a paycheck that YOU can increase by doing well!
Don't be mislead by this post!! They pay you 30-40k base salary with a $450 car allowance and no gas or mileage. They also only give you $125 per month for inservices which doesn't help at all. After the 2000-3000 miles you drive every month fitting patients, marketing and doing follow ups you don't make any money here. Don't be fooled by these posts the positive posts are from the corporate people scanning them and adding thier positive spin on it. Word of caution if it's positive it's a corporate person if it's negative its one of the current or previous employees. Would a company with a turnover of 80% and rep tenure of less than one year be lying...don't think so. You can get hired on and in about a year if you stay that long you would be a senior rep since everyone leaves at that point. It's filled with incompetent managers and a sinking ship. Stay away there are plenty of real companies to work for out there..

Sales Consultants at Dynasplint do have about an hour of paperwork an evening depending upon activity. New tablet computers are rolling out in the first quarter of 09, and this will make a huge difference. They make about 8 to 12 calls per day to doctors and therapists, and fewer when they are fitting patients. The territories average about a one hour's drive from the radius of their area, but there are bigger territories out in the country and and tighter ones in the cities. In the end, the top producers work hard. This work is all about what you put into it. Good luck!
Here we are almost in Q2 of 2009 and still no tablets. Heck they just started giving out cell phones and it only took them 8 years to do that. This company is so far behind the times they need to sell to someone who can actually run the company correctly with integrity.

Whats the largest starting base you could expect from this company?
Don't be mislead by this post!! They pay you 30-40k base salary with a $450 car allowance and no gas or mileage. They also only give you $125 per month for inservices which doesn't help at all. After the 2000-3000 miles you drive every month fitting patients, marketing and doing follow ups you don't make any money here. Don't be fooled by these posts the positive posts are from the corporate people scanning them and adding thier positive spin on it. Word of caution if it's positive it's a corporate person if it's negative its one of the current or previous employees. Would a company with a turnover of 80% and rep tenure of less than one year be lying...don't think so. You can get hired on and in about a year if you stay that long you would be a senior rep since everyone leaves at that point. It's filled with incompetent managers and a sinking ship. Stay away there are plenty of real companies to work for out there..

Don't be mislead by this post!! They pay you 30-40k base salary with a $450 car allowance and no gas or mileage. They also only give you $125 per month for inservices which doesn't help at all. After the 2000-3000 miles you drive every month fitting patients, marketing and doing follow ups you don't make any money here. Don't be fooled by these posts the positive posts are from the corporate people scanning them and adding thier positive spin on it. Word of caution if it's positive it's a corporate person if it's negative its one of the current or previous employees. Would a company with a turnover of 80% and rep tenure of less than one year be lying...don't think so. You can get hired on and in about a year if you stay that long you would be a senior rep since everyone leaves at that point. It's filled with incompetent managers and a sinking ship. Stay away there are plenty of real companies to work for out there..

Interesting that you decided to post this twice yesterday.

Don't be fooled by these posts the positive posts are from the corporate people scanning them and adding thier positive spin on it. Word of caution if it's positive it's a corporate person if it's negative its one of the current or previous employees...

And that's a particularly interesting perspective considering that you have once again tried to play yourself off as multiple people by posting multiple negative comments . . . but you haven't quite figured that out yet have you?

Something from one of your previous attacks:
Look at the time stamp on posts 43 through 46. They all come within 10 minutes of each other. There is some serious negative manipulation going on here so beware of the information contained within this thread and on these boards.

And now look at the time stamp on posts 44 through 49 of this thread.

Same thing. Imagine that!

Nothing positive or negative, just an unbiased observation of the information presented on this board and nothing more.

People are free to read and form their own opinions, but they should at least be aware of bitter individuals like yourself that waste their time trying to smear companies as a result of some perceived injustice that they have experienced.

Do not work for this company. Seems like a good company when you visit the website, go through the interview process, and even go to training. The truth is that Dynasplint is a good product to sell. You probably won't complain about the decent salary and car allowance either. But the reality is the company doesn't know how to train sales people and you won't be around for long. If you don't hit your numbers no matter how unrealistic they are you will be gone. There is no sales training if you're not hitting your numbers. If you don't hit they fire you and hire someone else. Put it this way...I went to my first quarterly district/team meeting recently and I realized something when we all went around the table and did introductions. We said our name and how long we had been with the company. Listen to these results. Eleven reps total. 1 rep with the company 7 years, 1 rep for 5 Years, 1 rep for 2 years, 1 rep for 9 months, 4 reps for 6 months, 3 reps for less than 3 months. Eight out of eleven reps have been with the company for less than 9 months. What does that tell you about turnover??? Since that meeting I was let go along with two other reps who weren't hitting their numbers. In the past I have worked in sales and never had a problem hitting numbers, but the numbers Dynasplint expects are unrealistic because they do not properly analyze territory potential (all you current employees know what I am talking about). If you get a high producing territory you may make it as long as the reps at the meeting I went to (anywhere from 2-7 years). I would look for other jobs where you can grow as a professional and/or salesperson. Check Medzilla.com for real jobs. Just trying to help out...

Interesting that you decided to post this twice yesterday.

And that's a particularly interesting perspective considering that you have once again tried to play yourself off as multiple people by posting multiple negative comments . . . but you haven't quite figured that out yet have you?

Something from one of your previous attacks:

And now look at the time stamp on posts 44 through 49 of this thread.

Same thing. Imagine that!

Nothing positive or negative, just an unbiased observation of the information presented on this board and nothing more.

People are free to read and form their own opinions, but they should at least be aware of bitter individuals like yourself that waste their time trying to smear companies as a result of some perceived injustice that they have experienced.

Who is the manager in NC?

I currently work for Dynasplint and so far I really do enjoy it. One thing people need to remember is that he/she is going to have to work. So many people think they get a sales job and just show up somewhere and sell. You have to educate people on your product, any product you sell, Dynasplint included. Now, the only problem I see thus far is that they only hire from within the company. That usually sounds great if you are looking to join a company... except, often times a great sales rep, is not a great manager. Usually these two jobs require different characteristics, now sometimes it works, but often it doesn't. However, if you understand the product and the principles it was built upon you will realize that it is the best there is.

All things considered thus far things are going well but if you are considering working for Dynasplint you are going to have to work, the orders will not just be handed to you. For many people that is going to be a problem, for others with a good work ethic you shouldn't have a problem. Best of luck to whomever you are.

I currently work for Dynasplint and so far I really do enjoy it. One thing people need to remember is that he/she is going to have to work. So many people think they get a sales job and just show up somewhere and sell. You have to educate people on your product, any product you sell, Dynasplint included. Now, the only problem I see thus far is that they only hire from within the company. That usually sounds great if you are looking to join a company... except, often times a great sales rep, is not a great manager. Usually these two jobs require different characteristics, now sometimes it works, but often it doesn't. However, if you understand the product and the principles it was built upon you will realize that it is the best there is.

All things considered thus far things are going well but if you are considering working for Dynasplint you are going to have to work, the orders will not just be handed to you. For many people that is going to be a problem, for others with a good work ethic you shouldn't have a problem. Best of luck to whomever you are.

I have applied for an opening and we will see if I am contacted. I should be contacted, but who knows. Thanks for the information. Do they use the in-house recruiters or do they use an outside recruiter? I have applied online and send my information to the DM.

Who overseas New England Territory? Could this company be used as a stepping stone for someone trying to get into Sales?
That is all that this company is a stepping stone if that. It's a horrible company to work for with twisted culture that benefits no one. Read the posts and see that there are lots of unhappy people associated with this company. Also know that corporate trickles in thier positive spin since the reality is that the company is shit. Heck with a turnover of 78% why not give it a shot you have nothing to lose...

Caey Bryan is the Regional Sales Manager for Orthopedic Sales in NC. Ed Hernandez is the RSM for the Neurological Division.

Get re-encourage by post 27 by a Sales Consultant who loves her work with Dynasplint!

"As a current sales consultant of Dynasplint, I am very happy with my chosen career path. I have been working with Dynasplint for three years and have the utmost respect for the company as a whole. In fact, I have recruited my closest friends to come and join Dynasplint, as sales consultants, and they too share my position. "Stepping stone?" Over the past three years I have been able to rapidly achieve the President's Club level. I am more than satisfied with my compensation/benefits package...And my husband is too!"
Nice post corporate!!People don't be fooled by this.

This is a message board and place where truth and accurate facts are supposed to be found. Unfortunately, much of what is written is completely skewed and extremely far from the reality that Dynasplint Systems is and stands for as a company. Many people are wasting their time blasting a company for actions and claims that are false and downright slanderous. Before spewing stories it’s usually a good idea to gather all the facts and make sure they are true, as many of the postings are extremely mislead.
For those wanting to REALLY know about Dynasplint, I would start talking to people that work for the company and let them share their experience. You will more than likely get an honest answer of what they like and don’t like rather than asking a disgruntled and miserable person on their one sided view.

This is a message board and place where truth and accurate facts are supposed to be found. Unfortunately, much of what is written is completely skewed and extremely far from the reality that Dynasplint Systems is and stands for as a company. Many people are wasting their time blasting a company for actions and claims that are false and downright slanderous. Before spewing stories it’s usually a good idea to gather all the facts and make sure they are true, as many of the postings are extremely mislead.
For those wanting to REALLY know about Dynasplint, I would start talking to people that work for the company and let them share their experience. You will more than likely get an honest answer of what they like and don’t like rather than asking a disgruntled and miserable person on their one sided view.
I work for Dynasplint currently and if anyone wants to know something ask away.

Re: Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynashit

This is a message board and place where truth and accurate facts are supposed to be found. Unfortunately, much of what is written is completely skewed and extremely far from the reality that Dynasplint Systems is and stands for as a company. Many people are wasting their time blasting a company for actions and claims that are false and downright slanderous. Before spewing stories it’s usually a good idea to gather all the facts and make sure they are true, as many of the postings are extremely mislead.
For those wanting to REALLY know about Dynasplint, I would start talking to people that work for the company and let them share their experience. You will more than likely get an honest answer of what they like and don’t like rather than asking a disgruntled and miserable person on their one sided view.
I guess it would be really difficult to talk to a current employee with a 78% turnover rate. So approximatley 8 out of 10 people lose thier jobs with Dynasplint. So I would have to find 2 employees to talk with that probably have a tenure of less than 1 year. See the previous post #53 "Put it this way...I went to my first quarterly district/team meeting recently and I realized something when we all went around the table and did introductions. We said our name and how long we had been with the company. Listen to these results. Eleven reps total. 1 rep with the company 7 years, 1 rep for 5 Years, 1 rep for 2 years, 1 rep for 9 months, 4 reps for 6 months, 3 reps for less than 3 months. Eight out of eleven reps have been with the company for less than 9 months. What does that tell you about turnover???" Need we say more?

I don't work at Dynasplint and never have. I don't know the company that way. I know Dynasplint as one of the most upstanding companies in the area I live in. I see Dynasplint sponsoring local events like the 4th of July Parade, helping the local Severna Park Assistance Network with canned food drives, and donating lots of money to charity and worthy causes like the University of Maryland's School of Medicine.

I know several people that work at Dynasplint, and I grew up knowing the owner and his family as kind, generous, and caring people. At that time I didn't know that there was even a correlation between them and Dynasplint.

So that's where I'm coming from. Anyone that talks about Dynasplint ownership being greedy or selfish, just doesn't know what they are talking about. Those people should look inside themselves for those characteristics, before they plaster Dynasplint with that kind of unwarranted hyperbole.
Gotta make themselves look good to someone. We all know that the company doesn't take care of it's employees.

I currently work for Dynasplint and so far I really do enjoy it. One thing people need to remember is that he/she is going to have to work. So many people think they get a sales job and just show up somewhere and sell. You have to educate people on your product, any product you sell, Dynasplint included. Now, the only problem I see thus far is that they only hire from within the company. That usually sounds great if you are looking to join a company... except, often times a great sales rep, is not a great manager. Usually these two jobs require different characteristics, now sometimes it works, but often it doesn't. However, if you understand the product and the principles it was built upon you will realize that it is the best there is.

All things considered thus far things are going well but if you are considering working for Dynasplint you are going to have to work, the orders will not just be handed to you. For many people that is going to be a problem, for others with a good work ethic you shouldn't have a problem. Best of luck to whomever you are.
What if I could offer you a position selling about the same product line but gave you a base of 85k per year, plus guaranteed bonus of 30k, plus commissions at year 2, a $700 a month car allowance or company car, gas included, unlimited expense account, 401k match $1 for $1 up to 8%, stock options and pension, cell phone and laptop? Would you be interested? I'm sure you would. This package is INDUSTRY STANDARD!!! Don't talk about how good Dynasplint is becuase you have no idea how good you can have it!!