Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

Actually, there are far more NEGATIVE comments and experiences about Dynasplint than positive. Search Dynasplint and read through them. 95% of the posts portray Dynasplint as a company that does not take care of its employees well - period. DSI does not have a very good compensation/benefits package and is merely a "stepping stone" to a better medical device sales employment opportunity.

Answer 1- You do custom-fit patients, but not at their residence- usually at PT or Dr.'s office.
Answer 2- Yes, $50K and up depending on the part of the country is 1st year compensation.
Answer 3- About the Ankle & Foot Division. Insurance contracting is different all over the country in dynamic splinting, but you may want to know that the top sales consultant in the company actually is an A&F guy. You can contact Todd Domangue at Tdomangue@dynasplint.com. He is the Managing Director of the Division and will be glad to talk to you.
Answer 4- Top competition is probably static progressive splinting by Empi. Not nearly as good as dynamic splinting-check out the research on this.

Re: Answer # 4. Do check the research but get Joint Active Systems SPS bibliography. Like DSI, EMPI sells dynamic devices and has no research to support efficacy. Most of DSI's recent research is authored by an in-house PhD, not an M.D. and the older stuff consists mostly of case studies i.e no significant patient census, no control, randomization, etc. Both loading techniques (Static Progressive and dynamic) provide results but SPS is documented to work in much less time and has significantly better clinical research backing it up.

We have found that the number one competitor to Dynasplint is the lack of knowledge about the splint and the indications of use. There are so many people that say they know Dynasplint but only a small percentage of all therapists and physicians understand all of the indications. That’s why the sales force at Dynasplint is growing- to get the word out to doctors and therapists. The technology of low load prolonged stretch is shown to be the best way to restore range of motion, utilizing the Creep Phenomenon and the Tert principle. The splint is more comfortable and tolerated better by patients because of the LLPS and the patients’ ability to increase or decrease the amount of stretch they feel during their treatment. It is also important to point out that Dynasplint can accommodate the wearing schedule for the patient to make it fit their lifestyle.
We are happy to point out that there are several studies that are not related to Dynasplint that help support this information. Here are two significant studies to check out;
Rehabilitation: Focused exercise aids shoulder hypomobility (Davies and Ellenberger)
The use of splints in the treatment of joint stiffness: biologic rationale and an algorithm for making clinical decisions (PW McClure, LG Blackburn, and C Dusold)
Happy reading!

Actually, there are far more NEGATIVE comments and experiences about Dynasplint than positive. Search Dynasplint and read through them. 95% of the posts portray Dynasplint as a company that does not take care of its employees well - period. DSI does not have a very good compensation/benefits package and is merely a "stepping stone" to a better medical device sales employment opportunity.

"Stepping stone?" I'll have to DISAGREE! As a current sales consultant of Dynasplint, I am very happy with my chosen career path. I have been working with Dynasplint for three years and have the utmost respect for the company as a whole. In fact, I have recruited my closest friends to come and join Dynasplint, as sales consultants, and they too share my position. "Stepping stone?" Over the past three years I have been able to rapidly achieve the President's Club level. I am more than satisfied with my compensation/benefits package...And my husband is too!

I love the positive spin on everything, sounds like a Northern Div mgrs kool aid. There is a lot to love about Dynasplint like the product, hands on patient care, and feeling good about helping people. But again this is sales and if you are in sales you are here for the money. This is a stepping stone to a bigger and better pay day. They have predetermined packages basesd on how many patients get fit each month. So avg base is 45-70 plus an avg of 8-20 k in tier bonuses. 100k and up is unrealistic. Plus you work like a dog, which is fine, your day flys bye, but you re not compensated coorectly compared to the workload. Plus you will spend over your gas allowance. I guarantee that. Franchise comment is a joke. They can cut your territory at any time, decreasing your earning potential, and hold you to same quotas.

I just read all the comments and I don't recall anyone in this thread saying "Dynasplint has never done anything wrong." No company is perfect, but I have seen the good that this company does first hand. A significant majority of their staff enjoys the work they do, they take ownership of their contributions every day.

As for the management positions . . . I'm sure that there are examples of people attaining those positions through hard work. Hard work and networking are two key components of self-advancement. Very often, the people that move up are those that are both qualified AND connected. This sentiment, "It's not what you know, it's who you know," has been around for a long time, and exists (to some extent) in every workplace.

I know some of the postings say that you are not compensated for the amount of work required...can anyone give me a true picture of the workload? How much off hours paperwork? How many hours per day in the field? Size of territories? Appts/day? Thank you.

Sales Consultants at Dynasplint do have about an hour of paperwork an evening depending upon activity. New tablet computers are rolling out in the first quarter of 09, and this will make a huge difference. They make about 8 to 12 calls per day to doctors and therapists, and fewer when they are fitting patients. The territories average about a one hour's drive from the radius of their area, but there are bigger territories out in the country and and tighter ones in the cities. In the end, the top producers work hard. This work is all about what you put into it. Good luck!

Sales Consultants at Dynasplint do have about an hour of paperwork an evening depending upon activity. New tablet computers are rolling out in the first quarter of 09, and this will make a huge difference. They make about 8 to 12 calls per day to doctors and therapists, and fewer when they are fitting patients. The territories average about a one hour's drive from the radius of their area, but there are bigger territories out in the country and and tighter ones in the cities. In the end, the top producers work hard. This work is all about what you put into it. Good luck!

Thanks HR. You forgot to mention that you want people to work their asses off to make 50k total! Look around, it is real easy to find a better gig then this!

Help with Dynasplint Trisma Device and corporate contact

My physician ordered me a Trisma splint and told me the sales rep would handle everything and come to my home to fit me. The physician left the country for a month. After almost a month, I was "fitted" with a Dynasplint trisma splint by a local rep today. Unfortunately s/he placed the splint in my mouth and did not have me redo it. She spent less than 10 minutes with me and met me at a non-medical place. I was told that there were full instructions including how to remove the pads for cleaning. She put it in the box and left. When I called to have her return (less than 5 minutes after she had left) to show me how to clean the device, she did not return my call at first, then refused to come back. I now have several questions.

1. Which way do the pads go----less transparent plastic towards the teeth or away from them?
2. How does one remove the pads for cleaning?
3. Are the pads at the back of the mouth or the front (she did not tell me that)
4. Who is in charge of sales staff and customer satisfaction at corporate? I previously left a voice mail for the managing director (I was told he was in charge) and that was not returned.

Thank you. A very disatisfied customer

As an ex-employee, I cant remember the answers to your questions. I used the trismus unit 2 on ENT cancer patients with great success.

I would stop calling the rep. On monday, call the corporate office and speak to the director for that division to get your answers.

You waited a month for the unit, 2 more days wont kill ya!

Thank you anonymous. I am going to call the corporate headquarters, as I suspect that the standard of service I have experienced so far is far from what the company expects from its employees. I copied "Info@dynasplint" on my response as I have so far been unable to find out who overseas the California region. If not I may have to try to reach the head person who I believe is George Haupman.

Dear Trismus User,
I am so sorry that you have had a hard time with your doctor and your Dynasplint. That is certainly not the way it ought to be. Fred Beu is our Carpal Tunnel-Trismus Managing Director and his cell phone is 443-223-9596. He will return your call, and walk you through your questions and get you assistance. You are quite right about the expectations that our CEO and president, George Hepburn has for our Sales Consultants. Our patients come first, and we will always strive to provide excellence service. I hope that your jaw is healing and that you are seeing and feeling increased range of motion soon!

Inferior outdated devices, but sounds like a good company nonetheless.

Just from experiance, I worked for Dynasplint for almost 2 years, yes they maybe a repital company, and the owner is a very upstanding individual as well as his family, but the people he has in potitions of athority treat the employees like crap, they are stable company with good benefits, that is what drew me to them in the first place they pay somewhat adiquately but they will present to you in an interview a bunch of crap all lies, do not think you can move up in this company because that is nearly impossible, if you are not in the click!!! yes there are only a few that are in this click and they are treated in a competely different manner, never give them any idea's to change a process that may improve your job or make a process of your job more efficiant, because it will be taken and you will be told it will be given considertion, but then you will see it was implimented and put into effect and another person will get the credit for it not you.
I may seem a little harsh or angry but trust me I am not the only one that feels this way. So go in with an open mind and make your own oppinion but trust me you will see what I am talking about I will give you 6 month. Oh and one more thing they treat the Minority employees even worse.

HA!HA!HA! You all are so funny! Why or no I'm sorry...How could you sit here and say that Dynasplint has never done anything wrong? No favoritism..haha! George is a fantastic person on a personal level...and he is nice in the work place he is not mean to anyone...but why is it that the sales consultants are pulling money out of their OWN pocket for in services etc...why is it that they barely get a car allowance...the goals are outrageously unattainable...think before you speak! Why is it that you only get a manager position in corporate if you KNOW someone or are best friends with someone? That is all favoritism...think about it people. Why is it that they fraudulently bill insurance companies...hmm I wonder...Money Hungry?? I think yeah! This would be a fantastic company...if they only had the right people running it.

AMENNNNNNNNNN!!!!! I am so glad that someone else sees what I see and the click if you are not in the click you get nowhere OMG I thought it was only me and yes they need to redo the management find good people that are fare and honest that do not steal other employees Idea's and implement them as there own. Just had to get this off my chest.

Everyone who works for DSI is held to the same standard of performance. The President of Dynasplint has placed key people in whom he trusts and believes will do the right thing in leadership positions. Therefore, if a sales consultant (including a daughter) is not performing in the way that they should, and has given PLENTY of coaching and the opportunity to succeed and still does not improve, then they must be terminated. That is just best business practice.
I respect a company that has morals and standards to not “hand-over” success to someone just because they are a family member. Fairness dictates that that’s the way it must be. Most people look for a company where everyone is treated fairly and favoritism is not based on your last name.
Cleary you have heard gossip, but rumor mills are dangerous as you only hear one side. I couldn’t agree more with Concerned Citizen, that it is a shame that you have such a mission to be nasty and try and destroy someone’s reputation. If you REALLY knew who and what you were talking about you would be appalled by how far from the truth your claims appear.

Yes the owner is a good man but he is not in all places at all times he has put the wrong people in the wrong positions and has lost a lot of real hard working good honest people that could have benefitted the company, but becuase of the favoratism that is shown for only a few this will continue to happen over and over again and the turn over will continue, you think the money that is put in to the training of these employees that has been lost would have put up a red flag to the owner and say something has to change weather that be a change in management or some training courses need to be implimented. OH another thing if you do work for this company do not ever trust anyone because there are people that are paid and given extremely differant treatment ( by meeting there goals every month and make there bonuses off of others who have busted there buts) why becuase they are paid to snitchon everyone and everything. and after they have received all the info that has been requested from them they are somehow put back into the same catagory as every other employee that is not in the click, just document everything and leep a paper trail of all you accomplishment because trust me they seem to dissapear if they do not want to give you what you deserve after you bust your but for this company and if this happens pelase go directly to the owner with all the documentation he is a good honest man and will listen to you whole heartedly.

I don't work at Dynasplint and never have. I don't know the company that way. I know Dynasplint as one of the most upstanding companies in the area I live in. I see Dynasplint sponsoring local events like the 4th of July Parade, helping the local Severna Park Assistance Network with canned food drives, and donating lots of money to charity and worthy causes like the University of Maryland's School of Medicine.

I know several people that work at Dynasplint, and I grew up knowing the owner and his family as kind, generous, and caring people. At that time I didn't know that there was even a correlation between them and Dynasplint.

So that's where I'm coming from. Anyone that talks about Dynasplint ownership being greedy or selfish, just doesn't know what they are talking about. Those people should look inside themselves for those characteristics, before they plaster Dynasplint with that kind of unwarranted hyperbole.

You may be correct in thier philanthropic community events but you never worked for the company. It sucks they treat the employees like shit. If they took just .001% of thier community events and directed it toward thier employees they wouldn't have 80% turnover.