Nicest post of all from another thread. The truth shall set you free people. Quit whining, suck it up like this person did, and move on with your lives. LEAN forward as they say.
Post of the day from a nice and happy person.
This person has got their head right with DSI, them self, and God:
"I am also surprised at all the GH bashing on this site. Seems to me he is doing the best he can to pay his debt to the banks AND employees both past and prior. Give him the respect he deserves for at least trying. Has any of us not ever paid a bill late? I sure have a time or two. And those creditors wanted payment just like GH employee's want their payment. I worked for DS more then 5 years and loved it. Good pay, good benefits, and many other extras. I watched some work very hard (myself for one) while others did not. Hopefully we all get called back to work. Or at least the ones that want to work. I also hope that those that need it the most get called back first. We all know who those people are.
I can personally say he treats his employee's fairly and with respect. Why kick him when he is down ? That won't change the situation at all !! I can't imagine how humiliating this must be for him and his family. They are decent people who just happen to be struggling like the rest of us.
I wish him the best and hope he gets DS back on track soon. Too bad I dont have the winning ticket that was bought at the Dash In on Quarterfield Rd in Severna. I would GIVE him the money he owes.
Stay positive and things will turn around
Signed.... a happy person"