Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

I have $10 on a sure bet that you'll get fired from your current $160,000-a-year job too, Troll.

Any other takers? 99:1 odds, $10 minimum wager.


First of all Honey, the post you are responding to wasn't written by the person making $160K a year.

It was written by a laid off employee that is still owed over $3000 in wages plus Presidents Club bonuses for 3 months, plus 4 months worth of expenses from Lucifer as well as multiple deposits that have yet to be made to a 401K that were held out of my pay.

I am coming up on my year anniversary where I have received praise after praise for my quality of work helping my patients. Once I hit that year mark, I will receive a pay bump in my base salary and my commission rate will go up, along with the health benefits, tuition reimbursement, pension and retirement plan, PROFIT SHARING AND STOCK PURCHASE!!!! My pay is deposited into my bank account every payday, my pay doesn't bounce and my expense check is in my hand every month on the 15th like clockwork.

Would you like me to send you the $10 to cover your wager? I would hate to take food off of your family's table.

Take your head out of his anus long enough, you might actually see the light of day. I think I shall name you Muta dea. I need to call you something other than c*untwoman

Is $10 all you can afford on your little dynasinkingship pay check? I'm sure that is too much... Are you sure you will even get a check this time? Lololololol! Who's laughing now? I really do pity you and " will pray for you little heart". Lalalalala. It continues to get louder.

$10 is the minimum bet.

Shall I put you down for $1,000 since you are doing so well financially?

You people make me sick, beating down someone who is trying hard to payoff debt and make good on the promises that were made. Be patient. All will be good.

God Bless your little hearts. He loves you, and died for your sins.

$10 is the minimum bet.

Shall I put you down for $1,000 since you are doing so well financially?

You people make me sick, beating down someone who is trying hard to payoff debt and make good on the promises that were made. Be patient. All will be good.

God Bless your little hearts. He loves you, and died for your sins.

FK GH and FK you too!!! we have waited over a year for this assclown to make good on his theft!!! Enough is enough..I hope he burns in hell!!

Take a deep breath and calm down Honey.
No need to get all worked up.
Be patient.

I feel for you, but wishing someone ill will won't help you to get your money.
Put your trust in the Lord.

Classy as always
You must be the Queen of the Trailer Park with that potty mouth of yours

Why yes I am the Queen and definitely classier than you..you are free to think that it's "of the trailer park" if you want that is your 1st Amendment Right. Your opinions are like assholes and everyone has one and most of the time they stink.

But at least my conscience is clear and I do not have demons hiding in my head or in my closet. Too bad I cannot say the same thing for you or Lucifer's family.

You are an evil bi^ch and GH will become a prison bi^ch. I will make sure of that with all of the Feds I have met with this past year that GH has failed to pay back every red cent he owes to 500+ people.

No shooooo you're a nothing go back under GH's desk where you belong.

How many times have you appeared on Jerry Soringer, Sweetie?

You definitely aren't playing with a full deck.

Sorry, not sure who Jerry Soringer is. Maybe you can introduce me :D

Until then, please seek some help for the binge and purge issues you have going on with Lucifer's vomit stick. You are starting to look like a starving crack-addict.

Just not attractive now shoooooo you're a nobody.

Jerry Springer.

He visited your trailer park, remember?

It's amazing how stupid and foul mouthed you are, Sweetie.

I've been on Jerry Springer about as many times as you've been on Maury trying to find out who your baby daddy is.

I would actually like to go on Springer though...care to join me? It would give me a reason to slap the stupid out of you...oh how much fun we could have :D

Maybe we could even get Lucifer to join us!!! Now that would be amazing!!! I would love to call both of you out on National TV

Have you no shame?!
You are the scum of the earth
God will condemn your soul to burn in Hell
It's not too late to repent and ask Him for His forgiveness
Move on with your life

Have I no shame? Honey, I am not the one who has swindled the federal government out of millions, stolen from employees, not paid employee taxes, bounced paychecks and lied to everyone time and time again.

You saying that I am going to be condemned because you can't handle the truth is of no importance to me.

It's not too late for Lucifer Hepburn to repent and do the right thing by paying what he owes everyone.

Too bad you weren't with your parents.