Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

Your mother must be very proud of you, Sweetie.
Especially that foul potty mouth that you inherited from your father.
What's it like to have married your brother, Honey?
Trailer trash child of Satan.
You are beyond redemption.

Enough with the misinformation. Yes, Dynasplint is no longer contracted with Medicare; will it shut down the company, realistically no.

Firstly, Medicare is like 5%-10% of total Dynasplint business MAX, unless you are Neuro division (which many times facilities are paying for out of pocket anyways). Secondly, Medicare has not been paying on the splints for some time now so there is no difference in current incoming revenue from Medicare. Only difference is now they can actually collect copays for usage, so revenue will actually be higher than before even if a smaller portion of Medicare patients will be able to self-pay.

Will all patients be able to afford, no. Is that unfortunate, absolutely. Will Dynasplint shut down because of it, no. The only major change will be with the Neuro division but there weren't that many Neuro reps left after the layoff so numbers were a fraction of total splints fit anyways.

From an employee GH let go 8 years ago since my manager did not have the balls to back up what he told me to do.

1. Thank god, been making 160k a year since then

2. Is there another LLPS product out there?

3. George, F you, I won!

Hey there Winner:

Mark 8:36
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Sticks and stones, is that all you've got, Bubba?


LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL such a fkn hypocrite!!!!!!! going to sit there an spew your BS bible quotes calling people trolls, losers, slackers, under-achievers, trailer trash and children of Satan yet when someone includes you in on the trolling of this website you catch an attitude.

LOL LOL LOL LOL little bit*h, you really do make me laugh!! Back-Stabber :D do all of us a favor, drop off of the face of the earth..nobody would miss you.

Not Rhonda but someone who hates you and isn't afraid to tell you to your face

Your ignorant replies with "take your meds" is just pitiful. Stop smoking the flesh pipe and wake up. GH has screwed over many people and continues to do so while making sure he comes out smelling like roses. You can not deny the facts, but like Nancy, you can try.

Get your doc to prescribe lithium carbonate for you, Missy.

And quit smoking so much weed.

Well now, I'm not embarrassed to say I had to Wiki that to see what it was. Apparently you know this medication well enough to tell someone else they need it. I would assume that this is one of your daily meds.

Apparently this is some type of wonder drug that treats everything from gout, urinary calculi, rheumatism, mania, depression, and headaches to bi-polar disorder and Alzheimers.

You really are a pathetic little gremlin.

Now that you have self-diagnosed, maybe you can also self medicate.
Cut back on the wacky weed too, Sweetie.

See how much better you feel venting your anger towards me rather than the good folks trying hard to make a decent living? We are among real progress today.

Now, go take those meds, Missy.

Lastly, God Bless your little heart. I'll keep praying for your lost soul.

Now that you have self-diagnosed, maybe you can also self medicate.
Cut back on the wacky weed too, Sweetie.

See how much better you feel venting your anger towards me rather than the good folks trying hard to make a decent living? We are among real progress today.

Now, go take those meds, Missy.

Lastly, God Bless your little heart. I'll keep praying for your lost soul.

NAAAA no anger towards your or anyone else because quite honestly..nobody at DSI is worth my effort.

Just a sense of self gratification once DSI is out of business for the way 500+ employees were treated by Lucifer. I can say that I would also enjoy seeing GH hauled into court and forced to sell all of his material possessions to satisfy repaying Medicare all of the money he stole from them.

Pray all you want, but you might just want to pray for your own soul since you sold it to Lucifer.

Save your breath and electrons, Honey.
It ain't going to happen.

One never knows now...do they?


This article would lead me to believe that Lucifer will have to pay back a whole lot of $$$$ that he swindled out of the government to pay for his material possessions.

You my dear just have your head shoved so far up his anus you can't see the light of day.

I really do feel sorry for you.

One never knows now...do they?


This article would lead me to believe that Lucifer will have to pay back a whole lot of $$$$ that he swindled out of the government to pay for his material possessions.

You my dear just have your head shoved so far up his anus you can't see the light of day.

I really do feel sorry for you.

I have $10 on a sure bet that you'll get fired from your current $160,000-a-year job too, Troll.

Any other takers? 99:1 odds, $10 minimum wager.


Is $10 all you can afford on your little dynasinkingship pay check? I'm sure that is too much... Are you sure you will even get a check this time? Lololololol! Who's laughing now? I really do pity you and " will pray for you little heart". Lalalalala. It continues to get louder.