Time to shut down this thread
"It's my understanding that Medicare is no longer doing business with Dynasplint. Is this true?"
How can this be verified?
Time to shut down this thread
They cut off payments right around the same time the layoffs happened over a year ago pending their investigation of fraud. I remember that. I don't think there is anyway to actually verify directly with them that Medicare has completely cut them off, I doubt CMS would tell you unless you were a patient.
I have a knee splint that I no longer use. Why do I keep getting billed? Help?
You are a self-absorbed troll who must be living a miserable life to take pleasure in the misery and pain of others. I continue to pray for your little heart, Sweetie.
I have a knee splint that I no longer use. Why do I keep getting billed? Help?
From an employee GH let go 8 years ago since my manager did not have the balls to back up what he told me to do.
1. Thank god, been making 160k a year since then
2. Is there another LLPS product out there?
3. George, F you, I won!
Nehemiah 8:10
Do not grieve for the joy of The Lord is your strength
You are struggling because you have misplaced your faith and think that joy comes with money and defaming good Christian people.
I'll continue to pray for your enlightenment and soul, Honey.
It is abundantly obvious that you are a miserable person and value yourself by how much money you make. That's sad.
Give in to your Savior and redeem yourself and you shall find true joy.
God bless.
Nehemiah 8:10
Do not grieve for the joy of The Lord is your strength
You are struggling because you have misplaced your faith and think that joy comes with money and defaming good Christian people.
I'll continue to pray for your enlightenment and soul, Honey.
It is abundantly obvious that you are a miserable person and value yourself by how much money you make. That's sad.
Give in to your Savior and redeem yourself and you shall find true joy.
God bless.
I pray that the good Lord will forgive you, and your foul, potty mouth rants.
You aren't playing with a full deck.
Take your meds, Sweetie.
Have your doc increase your med Rx.
The dosage appears too low, Sweetie.
You are a very, very sick person.
No wonder they fired you. Your true character is displayed by your incessant rantings.
We get it. Move on and let the good, hardworking people alone Rhonda. They're doing their best.