Dynasplint, Dynasplint, Dynasplint

Oops, no paychecks again!

Way to keep it classy Dynasplint!!! If they can't make the current payroll on time and have the paychecks NOT bounce for the people still working, do you really think anyone that is still owed will ever be paid?

Good luck with that!!!

Does anyone else besides myself think that GH should be forced to sell 1 of his million dollar homes in order to pay the former employees what they are still owed?

Time for GH to take some real responsibility for his greed!!!

George, you're delusional. So now paychecks didn't come. Then you send out a dumb email saying that our Expense checks will be late again. Oh- but some of us MIGHT get 50% of our owed money for that month. Wow, so generous of you. And our bonus money owed from last year is never coming, is it? We are now behind 6 weeks of that pay when you said we would get a check every week.
You want 30 confirmations and $30,000/month in revenue from us?
Well you can SUCK IT. WE WON"T!!! Good luck with that!!
We will withhold fitting and revenue until you pay us!!

George, you're delusional. So now paychecks didn't come. Then you send out a dumb email saying that our Expense checks will be late again. Oh- but some of us MIGHT get 50% of our owed money for that month. Wow, so generous of you. And our bonus money owed from last year is never coming, is it? We are now behind 6 weeks of that pay when you said we would get a check every week.
You want 30 confirmations and $30,000/month in revenue from us?
Well you can SUCK IT. WE WON"T!!! Good luck with that!!
We will withhold fitting and revenue until you pay us!!

Spoken like a true 99% occupier
Let's redistribute the wealth

This man is working overtime to save the business, serve his patients, and provide jobs

You have no shame!

Really? This is how hard he is working? Have I no shame?

Looks to me like the current employee who is behind 6 weeks of pay as well as expenses and bonuses has the right idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please GH worshiper post some more of his assets so that the employees who are owed know what he owns so they can file liens and force the sale!!!!!

Those who haven't been paid....please look for employment that will pay you what you're worth.

George, you're delusional. So now paychecks didn't come. Then you send out a dumb email saying that our Expense checks will be late again. Oh- but some of us MIGHT get 50% of our owed money for that month. Wow, so generous of you. And our bonus money owed from last year is never coming, is it? We are now behind 6 weeks of that pay when you said we would get a check every week.
You want 30 confirmations and $30,000/month in revenue from us?
Well you can SUCK IT. WE WON"T!!! Good luck with that!!
We will withhold fitting and revenue until you pay us!!

Calm down cowboy
He's trying his best

George, you're delusional. So now paychecks didn't come. Then you send out a dumb email saying that our Expense checks will be late again. Oh- but some of us MIGHT get 50% of our owed money for that month. Wow, so generous of you. And our bonus money owed from last year is never coming, is it? We are now behind 6 weeks of that pay when you said we would get a check every week.
You want 30 confirmations and $30,000/month in revenue from us?
Well you can SUCK IT. WE WON"T!!! Good luck with that!!
We will withhold fitting and revenue until you pay us!!

WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU STILL THERE AND WORKING WITHOUT PAY?!? I no longer have sympathy for any of the ding dongs that continue to work for GH. It has been over a year and nothing has changed. Are you blind, stupid, just not care that you are working for free and being LIED to everyday? The man is a joke, always has been. Go look for new jobs, people. They are out there.

WHY IN THE HELL ARE YOU STILL THERE AND WORKING WITHOUT PAY?!? I no longer have sympathy for any of the ding dongs that continue to work for GH. It has been over a year and nothing has changed. Are you blind, stupid, just not care that you are working for free and being LIED to everyday? The man is a joke, always has been. Go look for new jobs, people. They are out there.

Yeah, I couldn't agree with you more.

Perhaps because it pays more than unemployment and food stamps?

Why do you care? Move on, let the people do their job.

Food stamps pay more than $0.00. After reading your posts, I am also suspicious that I'm not dealing with someone with a full deck.

Which really makes the story of the DSI sinking ship even harder than it already is ....

Perhaps because it pays more than unemployment and food stamps?

Why do you care? Move on, let the people do their job.

Let's see unemployment is based on the income that is reported for the previous year..so the last time I had unemployment insurance benefits I was paid $450 per week...most of the time, if you are collecting unemployment benefits you are not eligible for food stamps, however under the Obamacare rules, you are eligible for health insurance at no cost.

So the way I figure $1800 a month to search for a new job, healthcare that you can keep for a year before you have to re-certify at no cost sounds so much better than working in a hell hole and not being paid.

Now...I was part of those laid off a year ago and was back to work in October so as I see it, I am coming up for my year review at which time I will get my incremental raise as well as a cost of living raise.

What do you get? Another broken promise? Another promise to pay you as soon as money comes in? Goals of 30 confirmations and $30K in revenue..using your own car and running it into the ground without reimbursement?

Yea....glad you are that stupid...I'm not!!

Be honest. You weren't lad off. I'll bet you were terminated for cause.
You come across as a liberal-minded slacker. Gimme, gimme, gimme.

Leave these good people alone.
They don't need your negativity.

Be honest. You weren't lad off. I'll bet you were terminated for cause.
You come across as a liberal-minded slacker. Gimme, gimme, gimme.

Leave these good people alone.
They don't need your negativity.

Yes, Let's be honest...Opinions are like assholes and like the shit that comes out of one your opinion stinks.

Think what you want, but wouldn't it be fair to those trying to keep this shithole afloat to be paid for their work? How many people do you really know (besides yourself) that are willing to put in 40+ hours per week at their job and not be paid?

Personally, I don't know of a single person willing to work for nothing.

Let's see unemployment is based on the income that is reported for the previous year..so the last time I had unemployment insurance benefits I was paid $450 per week...most of the time, if you are collecting unemployment benefits you are not eligible for food stamps, however under the Obamacare rules, you are eligible for health insurance at no cost.

So the way I figure $1800 a month to search for a new job, healthcare that you can keep for a year before you have to re-certify at no cost sounds so much better than working in a hell hole and not being paid.

Now...I was part of those laid off a year ago and was back to work in October so as I see it, I am coming up for my year review at which time I will get my incremental raise as well as a cost of living raise.

What do you get? Another broken promise? Another promise to pay you as soon as money comes in? Goals of 30 confirmations and $30K in revenue..using your own car and running it into the ground without reimbursement?

Yea....glad you are that stupid...I'm not!!

What's that I hear? Is that the fat lady...

What's that I hear? Is that the fat lady...

Yes that would be the old cliche that it's not over til the fat lady sings....well

The fat lady should start singing her heart out....GH/DSI will not survive like this... he is once again violating so many state and national labor laws that it isn't even worth laughing at any of this.

What's that I hear? Is that the fat lady...

Yeah, coming from the same people who said the company would not service it's debt, file for bankruptcy, and either be sold or out of business.

News Flash: they're still in business, the banks are paid off, almost every lawsuit has been closed, the Feds haven't charged anyone, patients are being serviced, and they're re staffing.

The three losers on this board who were fired have an axe to grind and want to see the company fail and 200 people lose their jobs. Classy.