"Do Not Rehire" list?

If there were such a list, you should turn it over to state atty general. There are several companies and recruiters under fire RIGT now for illegal "blacklisting" of certain employees. I was called by an attorney and my state DOJ reviewer and there are three states considering lawsuits against both contract and regular sales organizations. When a rep with 8 years of full time employment with a perfect track record and multiple awards is declined interview after interview, the red flags go up. I know there is one company in NJ, a manager from NC as well as a regional director for a MA company where the companies (former colleagues/employees) were sharing "blacklists" and they were tracked by both cell, text and email records. My understanding is the under investigator posed as a hiring manager or HR verifier and though the same managers had submitted excellent annual reviews for multiple reps, they were communicating negative information. Another rep in NJ and one in NYC was fired following hurricane Sandy because they were unable to get to work though the offices were flooded. There is supposedly some sort of federal protection for employees in a federally declared emergency/disaster area. It's not just here, it's everywhere. Bad managers are getting busted for smut behavior and it's high time they did. The pharma industry is so incestuous it is sad.

I would start contacting people on the list.im not sure wth Publicis can do if you've received the list, your name is on it, you are in your legal right to have a copy and also share it with others that are in the list. If you look at state statutes, one of them constitutes that if companies are circulating your name in any print form regarding your status of employment, you are suppose to get a copy. I'm not understanding how these "attorneys" can do anything. Get your attorney involved if they are threatening you. That is bullshit!

HQ insider here. Two lawsuits so far that may well be be related to the list (one was a EEOC meeting that PSS paid out on) or at least their attorneys will find out after reading this site and then asking for the info during the legal discovery . This may well be the most exciting thing to happen here in a long while. Funny to watch the recruiters and sales mangers calling in to try to distance themselves from this. 1 person involved in this fiasco has already left "to pursue other opportunities" (LOL). Should be fun to watch this progress.

I wonder if the hiring managers from other companies are going to be called out. Every call and or decision is supposedly made based on what the hiring manager from the client company recommends. I wonder if these guys would be involved... Probably not, but I have to agree. Things are about to he very interesting.

I wonder if the hiring managers from other companies are going to be called out. Every call and or decision is supposedly made based on what the hiring manager from the client company recommends. I wonder if these guys would be involved... Probably not, but I have to agree. Things are about to he very interesting.

Its about damn time someone did something about these jackass managers who have been allowed to ruin others careers simply because they think they can by putting them on a list. I totally believe in Karma, and I cannot wait until these idiot managers get exactly what is comming to them...squirm baby squirm!!!!

The managers here are f**king dorks! Developing a list makes them feel more empowered.

Aww, sounds like some lil fat ass bimbo rep got her feelings hurt by a DM during a field ride and now she is exacting revenge by lashing out anonymously. Absolutely hilarious. The pharma industry is so full of losers like you. Good have another good cry and take a nap lardass.

Aww, sounds like some lil fat ass bimbo rep got her feelings hurt by a DM during a field ride and now she is exacting revenge by lashing out anonymously. Absolutely hilarious. The pharma industry is so full of losers like you. Good have another good cry and take a nap lardass.

My Lord. You have to be one of the most immature, whiney and cowardly little boys I've ever heard comment on this sight. You sound like a middle-school bully. Pussy

Aww, sounds like some lil fat ass bimbo rep got her feelings hurt by a DM during a field ride and now she is exacting revenge by lashing out anonymously. Absolutely hilarious. The pharma industry is so full of losers like you. Good have another good cry and take a nap lardass.

That's hilarious. I'm pretty sure that you could use the equator as a belt, but Im afraid you'd be bulging out on all sides, as I doubt that it would be large enough to fit you.

Yes sweetheart; keep telling yourself how fat and lazy everyone else is... Just keep holding on, because this industry is all you'll ever

If you were such a stud, I think you'd be doing something else gramps!

That's hilarious. I'm pretty sure that you could use the equator as a belt, but Im afraid you'd be bulging out on all sides, as I doubt that it would be large enough to fit you.

Yes sweetheart; keep telling yourself how fat and lazy everyone else is... Just keep holding on, because this industry is all you'll ever

If you were such a stud, I think you'd be doing something else gramps!

You're a frick'n wierdo

"Huh?" ...What an idiot response. Yepp, I'm crazy enough to stand up to a pussy liar!! Get use to being challenged because several of you guys are about to go down! Bend over and grab your ankles! Luv it:)

Aww, sounds like some lil fat ass bimbo rep got her feelings hurt by a DM during a field ride and now she is exacting revenge by lashing out anonymously. Absolutely hilarious. The pharma industry is so full of losers like you. Good have another good cry and take a nap lardass.

So, you didn't get the blow job you feel you're entitled to...That's because you're not entitled to anything other than just a paycheck. We are here to sell a product, not nurture deep insecurities that you are battling with regarding your incessant need to make someone's job all about you. It's not! Look deep into the mirror so you can see the ugly dude staring back. This industry is full of just as many losers on your level as well. What you were 40+ years ago has long faded away and you must accept it.